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Melbourne Football

Matchday 23: vs Wellington @ AAMI - Sunday 16th March - 4pm EDT


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Am I the only one who's getting sick of reading stuff about people not liking swearing etc.in Yarraisde? One of things I love about the Yarraside is that I can say what i feel without having people call security on me like at the AFL. Obviously there are lines which you don't cross but if I think Glen Moss is a fuckwit then I'm going to call him a fuckwit, and if there's someone in earshot who doesn't like it then there's plenty of room in AAMI for them to stand/sit in. My biggest problem with AFL (don't get me wrong, I'm a rabid AFL fan) is that I can't even say something like 'that's bullshit' at a game without an entire row of people giving me dirty looks, that game is ridiculously sanitized now and I don't want to see Football go that way too. I follow the afl to footy as you do and i dont disagree with you and as you said there are lines which you shouldnt cross but please enlighten me to why you think glen moss is a fuckwit? Im pretty sure he's on the field doing his job like everyone else. So please go ahead and tell me to why you think hes a fuckwit and why theres a need to swear in this case?

Yarraside swearing is nothing new. If people didn't want their kids near it they would stop choosing to sit in the southern end.

I would also like to point out that you are absolutely clueless as to how much effort is required and goes in to running YS and this by people who are very time poor. I can guarantee I have spent more time in preparation for one single game (xmas derby) than you have spent at AAMI park watching heart this season.

Your accusations are ridiculous and you should consider relocating to the north end. Bullshit - I'm a full paying family member and I'll take MY kids any where I like. I like to think I'm a responsible parent (and passionate Heart fan), thus won't sit in or directly near active bay (with them).

More importantly, who are you to order me North??

Learn to fucking read. Firstly I wasn't speaking to you. Secondly I said if people with kids didnt want to be near us they dont have to be. Thirdly I never demanded anyone relocate.

As I said in my previous post. YS is nothing new and the choice of whether people want their kids exposed to it is up to them. I also said that if so many people found it to be an issue they wouldnt continue to sit in the southern end. I did not say anywhere that families should sit in the North end.


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Am I the only one who's getting sick of reading stuff about people not liking swearing etc.in Yarraisde? One of things I love about the Yarraside is that I can say what i feel without having people call security on me like at the AFL. Obviously there are lines which you don't cross but if I think Glen Moss is a fuckwit then I'm going to call him a fuckwit, and if there's someone in earshot who doesn't like it then there's plenty of room in AAMI for them to stand/sit in. My biggest problem with AFL (don't get me wrong, I'm a rabid AFL fan) is that I can't even say something like 'that's bullshit' at a game without an entire row of people giving me dirty looks, that game is ridiculously sanitized now and I don't want to see Football go that way too. I follow the afl to footy as you do and i dont disagree with you and as you said there are lines which you shouldnt cross but please enlighten me to why you think glen moss is a fuckwit? Im pretty sure he's on the field doing his job like everyone else. So please go ahead and tell me to why you think hes a fuckwit and why theres a need to swear in this case?

Yarraside swearing is nothing new. If people didn't want their kids near it they would stop choosing to sit in the southern end.

I would also like to point out that you are absolutely clueless as to how much effort is required and goes in to running YS and this by people who are very time poor. I can guarantee I have spent more time in preparation for one single game (xmas derby) than you have spent at AAMI park watching heart this season.

Your accusations are ridiculous and you should consider relocating to the north end. Bullshit - I'm a full paying family member and I'll take MY kids any where I like. I like to think I'm a responsible parent (and passionate Heart fan), thus won't sit in or directly near active bay (with them).

More importantly, who are you to order me North??

Learn to fucking read. Firstly I wasn't speaking to you. Secondly I said if people with kids didnt want to be near us they dont have to be. Thirdly I never demanded anyone relocate.

As I said in my previous post. YS is nothing new and the choice of whether people want their kids exposed to it is up to them. I also said that if so many people found it to be an issue they wouldnt continue to sit in the southern end. I did not say anywhere that families should sit in the North end.




I will say one thing about active support in the A-League, based on WSW and Victory active support issues:  There are limits to what that the FFA and the clubs will accept.


IMO, the FFA is targeting FAMILIES ie mothers and kids as these are seen as the ones that will provide the biggest growth long term. 


ATM, our support is small enough and AAMI big enough that people can choose to sit pretty much where they like, so its a non-issue.  


In time however the culture in some parts will have to change: foul and abusive language won't be tolerated forever, you can bet on that.


Besides IMo I believe the most effective support is when it actually s*SUPPORTS* our players rather than denigrate the opposition players or fans.  


Or its clever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbfy05y5Ukw.


People can do whatever they want ofcourse

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