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Melbourne Heart FC buy out - Man City, Melbourne City FC, etc.


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Be interesting to see if/when this goes through, what the plan is from now until the end of the year. The current holding pattern isn't a good one, methinks.

A statement needs to be made.

I'm hoping they sweep the broom straight away. New CEO. New Football Operations Manager. New Commercial Manager. Announced when takeover happens.

Give us a statement that a thorough process will be done to search for the right manager.

Drop DMAC and bring in a striker on loan or guest stint.

Have our new Chairman Come out and say the ambition is to be the best.

Right now we can't go anymore backwards unless it's death. Our club has become a laughing stock and not taken serious all because of the people at the club.

The new people have a hell of a job to do.

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Kinda, but it largely depends what the takeover looks like, there's a lot of it'll-be-done-after-Newcastle stuff, but I'd be surprised if they took over the club straight away, it seems more likely that it would lead to an end of season exchange. Even if they did acquire the license straight away, I don't think they'd make wholesale changes until the end of the year, unless they had people lined up for every position, which seems very unlikely. Happy to be proven wrong though.

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Kinda, but it largely depends what the takeover looks like, there's a lot of it'll-be-done-after-Newcastle stuff, but I'd be surprised if they took over the club straight away, it seems more likely that it would lead to an end of season exchange. Even if they did acquire the license straight away, I don't think they'd make wholesale changes until the end of the year, unless they had people lined up for every position, which seems very unlikely. Happy to be proven wrong though.


This. Haven't lived through (and survived) a hostile takeover the new owners are likely to start at the top. Obviously a new board with a new chairman. Then perhaps Mr Munn and Mr Didulica will find new exciting opportunities elsewhere. It will all depend on how much money the new owners are able to inject into the club over the short, medium and long term. Purging the corporate/mangement group can be expensive.

If they already have people in mind or available to run the club then it is possible to make the changes now. In my case our GM did survive the purge but sadly died a few months later. The new owners chose to promote from within so that was a vote of confidence in the group.

It is entirely possible that SM will be given every opportunity to produce a business case for the club. Alternatively if the new owners decide that a new GM is required then they may need to conduct an international search since I don't expect that experienced football GMs are readily available in this country or they may opt to bring someone from the rugby world (or another sport). In which case people in this forum will be complaining that we don't have a GM that understands football.


As for the team, well I don't believe that there is a great deal that the new board can do. Payout a few contracts (D-Mac, Germano, etc) and get replacements but that would require the changeover to happen ASAP. If I was on the "new board" I would argue that finding the right coach now should be a higher priority and co-appointing him so that he can assess the playing group and search/assess new Visa players.

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I dare say the events of last night will accelerate the sale... I don't really expect the new owners to do anything drastic this season as its quite clearly a write off. I think (and hope) they take their time to review everything and then set the ground work for major changes.

We also must remember that even though we have had the equal worst season in a-league history, the club still survives and I think that says alot about the club. Hopefully we actualy use the record to then have the greatest season in A league history in a couple of years. Ironically I am glad its been this bad for us as I think it will trigger a whole new beginning and major major changes. I couldnt imagine how shite it would have been if we had a couple of scrappy wins and JA still in charge and the rot of the playing group and club just continuing for another season after this

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From a dollars and cents perspective, the current board sounds to have done a good job in managing the spread sheet.

I would like to know what criteria Heart is using to measure success. The football has been terrible and workplace straw poll says that the damage to image is catastrophic.

It is possible that those in senior positions may well be retained, but I want to know which direction this club is heading on and off the field - and I don't mean just the budget.

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Be interesting to see if/when this goes through, what the plan is from now until the end of the year. The current holding pattern isn't a good one, methinks.

A statement needs to be made.

I'm hoping they sweep the broom straight away. New CEO. New Football Operations Manager. New Commercial Manager. Announced when takeover happens.

Give us a statement that a thorough process will be done to search for the right manager.

Drop DMAC and bring in a striker on loan or guest stint.

Have our new Chairman Come out and say the ambition is to be the best.

Right now we can't go anymore backwards unless it's death. Our club has become a laughing stock and not taken serious all because of the people at the club.

The new people have a hell of a job to do.


Agreed. For me the important thing is that if we are to see a change in ownership then that should be announced now. Not next week or after such-and-such a match.


And it there is not going to be such a change then that ought to be announced also.


It's simply not fair to any of the stake-holders, including season-ticket holders, to have this uncertainty hanging over the club.

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Can I just say, and I know it's obvious given the attention it's been given, but I have it on pretty good authority that the deal is pretty much as good as done. And pretty sure one of the new owners prerequisites was the old board sack and pay out aloisi as part of the deal.

Any other tid bits nikko?

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From a dollars and cents perspective, the current board sounds to have done a good job in managing the spread sheet.

I would like to know what criteria Heart is using to measure success. The football has been terrible and workplace straw poll says that the damage to image is catastrophic.

It is possible that those in senior positions may well be retained, but I want to know which direction this club is heading on and off the field - and I don't mean just the budget.

The current board are good business men and have run a good business. They know fuck all about football though so this seems to have been a peripheral part of the business plan. I still think that the new board should look for an experienced coach with a clear record of success, this is an opportunity to raise the coaching bar well above the HAL opposition. It's a good time too as experienced successful coaches have left and the general coaching standard is much the same as it's been (it would have dropped but then I realised that JA leaving has compensated for that)

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From a dollars and cents perspective, the current board sounds to have done a good job in managing the spread sheet.

I would like to know what criteria Heart is using to measure success. The football has been terrible and workplace straw poll says that the damage to image is catastrophic.

It is possible that those in senior positions may well be retained, but I want to know which direction this club is heading on and off the field - and I don't mean just the budget.

The current board are good business men and have run a good business. They know fuck all about football though so this seems to have been a peripheral part of the business plan. I still think that the new board should look for an experienced coach with a clear record of success, this is an opportunity to raise the coaching bar well above the HAL opposition. It's a good time too as experienced successful coaches have left and the general coaching standard is much the same as it's been (it would have dropped but then I realised that JA leaving has compensated for that)

Bella. What about a Football Manager? Who knows the Australian and Asian market enough to put together a list in conjunction with the new coach to be the best?

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Can I just say, and I know it's obvious given the attention it's been given, but I have it on pretty good authority that the deal is pretty much as good as done. And pretty sure one of the new owners prerequisites was the old board sack and pay out aloisi as part of the deal.

Sounds fair. New owners don't want blood on their hands so they get the old firm to do the hacking and then start fresh. And especially they don't want to be the ones to give Bambi the axe :)

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Can I just say, and I know it's obvious given the attention it's been given, but I have it on pretty good authority that the deal is pretty much as good as done. And pretty sure one of the new owners prerequisites was the old board sack and pay out aloisi as part of the deal.

Sounds fair. New owners don't want blood on their hands so they get the old firm to do the hacking and then start fresh. And especially they don't want to be the ones to give Bambi the axe :)

Hoping it's all true

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Have anyone in mind?

It depends on the model the new owners want, sme coaches don't like separate Football Managers or want a say in who is appointed

If we get someone like you want though that manager will not have a clue about the market he is entering in. Very dangerous.


A few names from left field to possibly please you both possibly, all experienced in the region and very much so in Europe.

Radomir Antic would be an absolute boss in my opinion, he dominated at Shandong Luneng last term and was very good in spain with Atleti and even Barca. Then there are a couple of Dutchies with plenty of Asian experience Jo Bonfrere and Arie Haan (who was a beast of a player in his day)...

Edited by LR9
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Have anyone in mind?

It depends on the model the new owners want, sme coaches don't like separate Football Managers or want a say in who is appointed

If we get someone like you want though that manager will not have a clue about the market he is entering in. Very dangerous.

A few names from left field to possibly please you both possibly, all experienced in the region and very much so in Europe.Radomir Antic would be an absolute boss in my opinion, he dominated at Shandong Luneng last term and was very good in spain with Atleti and even Barca. Then there are a couple of Dutchies with plenty of Asian experience Jo Bonfrere and Arie Haan (who was a beast of a player in his day)...

Thanks mate exactly what I was looking for.

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Not sure if it has been said before, but as much as I want the new owners to make sweeping changes asap with all aspects of the club, I dont want on any level, the board to make football decisions. We did that once and that was JA. Sure, appoint more in the football department and start searching for a new coach but dont sack and hire players. Because of this, I doubt we will release or sign anyone in the transfer period, because there wont be enough time imo, unless JVS makes the call and probably has an understanding with the new owners that contracts will be paid out if need be.

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Give me someone like Josep Gombau. Doesn't take shit and has a clear vision for the way he wants to play (the right way). There surely has to be someone like him out there? 


You look back at Aloisi who seemed to have lost the dressing room and was so inconsistent and shit with his tactics. 

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Definitely need a culture change around the club and that starts with the Manager that is appointed. You get the feeling that JA was a pushover, too scared to hurt the players feelings by criticizing them or dropping them. I want someone who will throw drink bottles across the dressing room when we perform like the Royal Institute of the Blind chasing around a ball without a bell.

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Definitely need a culture change around the club and that starts with the Manager that is appointed. You get the feeling that JA was a pushover, too scared to hurt the players feelings by criticizing them or dropping them. I want someone who will throw drink bottles across the dressing room when we perform like the Royal Institute of the Blind chasing around a ball without a bell.


Not gonna happen in this day and age.  Today's players have grown up all getting trophies for participation, growing they are all told by their parents just how special they are, and that its never their fault.


And I'm  being serious about this.  A coach like that would have a player revolt on his hands in no time.

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Why is it with this club that we're always "waiting" for something to happen? Waiting for the team to gel. Waiting for Grella to get fit. Waiting for Harry to get over his whiplash. Waiting for Engelaar to recover. Waiting for Aloisi to turn it around. Waiting for professional footballers to learn how to take a corner and a free-kick. Now we're waiting for new owners and a new manager...


As Melburnian and others say - just get out there and fucking well make it happen. Sure, make mistakes along the way, but make it happen.

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Gombau is a different proposition.  


Everyone other than one moron journalist could see that Adelaide were playing well and to a system:possession-based, playing out from the back, lots of movement off the ball, short slick passing, purposeful and accurate long passes.


Besides, this was his first season.


Personally, if after 8 rounds the team is winless AND being outplayed, then the coaches' time is up.

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It'll be interesting to see what steps the new owners take to engage with the fans and how quickly that occurs. I like to see an open meeting with the new owners soon after the ownership change

Bela, I understand where you're coming from but I'd say that all these nice-to-haves are far less important than fixing the football. IMO we have wasted far too much resource on this peripheral stuff when on the field we have gone downwards from average to diabolically inferior. If we have time (=money) to spend on this stuff then I'd rather see it put into the football department. Everything else follows from performance on the field, not the other way around - as we have shown in three-and-a-half seasons.

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