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Melbourne Heart FC buy out - Man City, Melbourne City FC, etc.


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Maybe I come from a different angle to most, but a club name, crest, colours and the intrinsic identity it brings means a helluva lot more to me then the extra dosh being thrown in.


Usually I would agree with you FB, but surely you can see the difference here. Clubs like North Melbourne are part of people's family and Melbourne's History. They are loyal to the badge because its a part of who they are. 


Heart (the club), on the other hand I dont feel any sense of loyalty to. Loyalty (for me) comes from trust and/or pride which has been EARNED over a period of time. They have done nothing to earn my trust and they have given me nothing to be proud of. In fact quite the opposite. Heart has been one big betrayal and embarrassment so I am honestly not too fussed if its gone and something meaningful is built or they keep it as is and fix it up. Either way I am just happy that the past 4 years is behind me.


Obviously I respect your opinion and I am not trying to change your mind. I just want you to understand where me and others who are happy about this are coming from.  

I don't see how Heart CAN'T be seen as apart of who we are.


For people like me and you who were there from the start, it has been our life for the best part of 4 and a bit years.


Through countless hours spent on these forums. Meeting in person. Painting tifo, designing banners, traveling all around the country even spilling blood for the cause. As you would know, it can't really be explained how much effort we have put into following this club. As far as I see it, we all bought into that identity when we chose this club. 


Don't get me wrong, I understand the excitement (I am excited too). I just don't like the idea of the identity of a foreign club being imposed on our club.


I haven't always been a fan of Heart, but it is OUR identity now, and if a new name is suggested it needs to be chosen by the supporter-base and it needs to be a democratic decision. Not just imposed on us from the outside by new owners who've never had any involvement with us before. If City gets up I'm all for it, I don't want us to have our name forcibly changed so we fit in with some overseas club. And the fact people are happy to give that up on here and even give up our club colours I'm finding is incredibly fickle.


And fwiw, just to be clear, I'm not about to stop following the club. But I will find it harder to be passionate about our side if a name change is forcibly pushed upon us.

I have had my say so I won't say any more after this.

Yes, heart has been part of my life for 4 years. Every day I have worried about and thought of nothing but heart. For it to have been a one way street feels very hollow and I am simply emotionally exhausted by this club. To hear that someone is going to take over who actually cares if its successful or not is such a relief I am at a point where I am willing to get behind just about anything providing they are going to follow through with their talk.

You know me. I am a pretty emotional guy so I suppose this is just me venting my frustration towards the previous owners.




When you have sacrificed so much in supporting this club, you want it to still mean something, replacing our team with another would mean those sacrifices are meaningless. 

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Maybe I come from a different angle to most, but a club name, crest, colours and the intrinsic identity it brings means a helluva lot more to me then the extra dosh being thrown in.


Usually I would agree with you FB, but surely you can see the difference here. Clubs like North Melbourne are part of people's family and Melbourne's History. They are loyal to the badge because its a part of who they are. 


Heart (the club), on the other hand I dont feel any sense of loyalty to. Loyalty (for me) comes from trust and/or pride which has been EARNED over a period of time. They have done nothing to earn my trust and they have given me nothing to be proud of. In fact quite the opposite. Heart has been one big betrayal and embarrassment so I am honestly not too fussed if its gone and something meaningful is built or they keep it as is and fix it up. Either way I am just happy that the past 4 years is behind me.


Obviously I respect your opinion and I am not trying to change your mind. I just want you to understand where me and others who are happy about this are coming from.  

I don't see how Heart CAN'T be seen as apart of who we are.


For people like me and you who were there from the start, it has been our life for the best part of 4 and a bit years.


Through countless hours spent on these forums. Meeting in person. Painting tifo, designing banners, traveling all around the country even spilling blood for the cause. As you would know, it can't really be explained how much effort we have put into following this club. As far as I see it, we all bought into that identity when we chose this club. 


Don't get me wrong, I understand the excitement (I am excited too). I just don't like the idea of the identity of a foreign club being imposed on our club.


I haven't always been a fan of Heart, but it is OUR identity now, and if a new name is suggested it needs to be chosen by the supporter-base and it needs to be a democratic decision. Not just imposed on us from the outside by new owners who've never had any involvement with us before. If City gets up I'm all for it, I don't want us to have our name forcibly changed so we fit in with some overseas club. And the fact people are happy to give that up on here and even give up our club colours I'm finding is incredibly fickle.


And fwiw, just to be clear, I'm not about to stop following the club. But I will find it harder to be passionate about our side if a name change is forcibly pushed upon us.

I have had my say so I won't say any more after this.

Yes, heart has been part of my life for 4 years. Every day I have worried about and thought of nothing but heart. For it to have been a one way street feels very hollow and I am simply emotionally exhausted by this club. To hear that someone is going to take over who actually cares if its successful or not is such a relief I am at a point where I am willing to get behind just about anything providing they are going to follow through with their talk.

You know me. I am a pretty emotional guy so I suppose this is just me venting my frustration towards the previous owners.



When you have sacrificed so much in supporting this club, you want it to still mean something, replacing our team with another would mean those sacrifices are meaningless.

Thats a good way of looking at it.

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Maybe I come from a different angle to most, but a club name, crest, colours and the intrinsic identity it brings means a helluva lot more to me then the extra dosh being thrown in.


Usually I would agree with you FB, but surely you can see the difference here. Clubs like North Melbourne are part of people's family and Melbourne's History. They are loyal to the badge because its a part of who they are. 


Heart (the club), on the other hand I dont feel any sense of loyalty to. Loyalty (for me) comes from trust and/or pride which has been EARNED over a period of time. They have done nothing to earn my trust and they have given me nothing to be proud of. In fact quite the opposite. Heart has been one big betrayal and embarrassment so I am honestly not too fussed if its gone and something meaningful is built or they keep it as is and fix it up. Either way I am just happy that the past 4 years is behind me.


Obviously I respect your opinion and I am not trying to change your mind. I just want you to understand where me and others who are happy about this are coming from.  

I don't see how Heart CAN'T be seen as apart of who we are.


For people like me and you who were there from the start, it has been our life for the best part of 4 and a bit years.


Through countless hours spent on these forums. Meeting in person. Painting tifo, designing banners, traveling all around the country even spilling blood for the cause. As you would know, it can't really be explained how much effort we have put into following this club. As far as I see it, we all bought into that identity when we chose this club. 


Don't get me wrong, I understand the excitement (I am excited too). I just don't like the idea of the identity of a foreign club being imposed on our club.


I haven't always been a fan of Heart, but it is OUR identity now, and if a new name is suggested it needs to be chosen by the supporter-base and it needs to be a democratic decision. Not just imposed on us from the outside by new owners who've never had any involvement with us before. If City gets up I'm all for it, I don't want us to have our name forcibly changed so we fit in with some overseas club. And the fact people are happy to give that up on here and even give up our club colours I'm finding is incredibly fickle.


And fwiw, just to be clear, I'm not about to stop following the club. But I will find it harder to be passionate about our side if a name change is forcibly pushed upon us.

I have had my say so I won't say any more after this.

Yes, heart has been part of my life for 4 years. Every day I have worried about and thought of nothing but heart. For it to have been a one way street feels very hollow and I am simply emotionally exhausted by this club. To hear that someone is going to take over who actually cares if its successful or not is such a relief I am at a point where I am willing to get behind just about anything providing they are going to follow through with their talk.

You know me. I am a pretty emotional guy so I suppose this is just me venting my frustration towards the previous owners.




When you have sacrificed so much in supporting this club, you want it to still mean something, replacing our team with another would mean those sacrifices are meaningless. 


I see it more as being like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Heart will live on even if everything if it seems to have taken a completely different form. 

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So I got the heart tattoo about a year ago. It's the logo. I'd upload it but I'm not tech savvy enough. Add me on facebook if you're that keen.

Anyway, I can honestly say that I am happy for the re-brand. In all honesty, it's a tiny price to pay for the absolute brilliant future we've got to look forward to. If 4 years ago we were called Melbourne City FC and had a different badge, I still would have supported the club. Who wouldn't have? This is no different to having any other new owners - except that this time we have hit absolute pay-dirt.


I'm ecstatic with this news. Over the moon. It doesn't mean that we have to forget these last 4 years. I for one embrace it, and I will continue to embrace us going forward. I'm not ashamed to have a Heart emblem tattoo - I'm proud. I'm even more proud to know the future of our club is in such great hands.

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Pigs yes A league games do get shown on BT sports its a relatively new sports channel in the UK . I don't know if its a coincidence they are showing the Hearts game or some astute thinking on there part to change to it !

well we havent won away for 2 years! make sure you get up and watch us finally win away

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Are we now classed as a buying success club??

I'll tell you what happened to Man City when the Sheikh cam in:

1. The media started printing negative articles about our owner/club (every article seemed to mention Arabs and oil money, and poor cartoons).

2. We were told by the clubs who spent multi millions over the years that you couldn't buy success.

3. We were told that regardless of how much was spent, we would always be small.

4. We were told that the owners were just indulging themselves and would get bored and saddle us with debt.

Now, 5 years down the line:

1. The media now wax lyrical about our style of play, and the silly Arab nonsense and oil money doesn't get airplay/newsprint (mostly).

2. After winning the FA cup and the league, we are now accused of buying success. This, having been told that you can't buy it.

3. We're now in the top 6 of the richest clubs in the world. Small my arse.

4. The owners are investing a ridiculous amount of money in new builds across the road from our stadium to make sure that we bring through our own players in the future. They also have plans to improve the stadium to 60,000. Bored my arse.

Basically, the owners are top notch and they LISTEN. The filthy Manyoooooooo, Arsenal, Liverpool and the others have tried everything they can to undermine the project,from Financial Fair Play, to using their media friends to print anything that is detrimental to the club, but it was all wasted.

All I can say is enjoy the ride, I've certainly had a brilliant 5 years. We beat Manyoooo in a FA Cup semi final, won the FA Cup, won the league, beaten Manyoooo so many times (1-6 at their place) it's now expected........you'll love it.

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Are we now classed as a buying success club??

I'll tell you what happened to Man City when the Sheikh cam in:

1. The media started printing negative articles about our owner/club (every article seemed to mention Arabs and oil money, and poor cartoons).

2. We were told by the clubs who spent multi millions over the years that you couldn't buy success.

3. We were told that regardless of how much was spent, we would always be small.

4. We were told that the owners were just indulging themselves and would get bored and saddle us with debt.

Now, 5 years down the line:

1. The media now wax lyrical about our style of play, and the silly Arab nonsense and oil money doesn't get airplay/newsprint (mostly).

2. After winning the FA cup and the league, we are now accused of buying success. This, having been told that you can't buy it.

3. We're now in the top 6 of the richest clubs in the world. Small my arse.

4. The owners are investing a ridiculous amount of money in new builds across the road from our stadium to make sure that we bring through our own players in the future. They also have plans to improve the stadium to 60,000. Bored my arse.

Basically, the owners are top notch and they LISTEN. The filthy Manyoooooooo, Arsenal, Liverpool and the others have tried everything they can to undermine the project,from Financial Fair Play, to using their media friends to print anything that is detrimental to the club, but it was all wasted.

All I can say is enjoy the ride, I've certainly had a brilliant 5 years. We beat Manyoooo in a FA Cup semi final, won the FA Cup, won the league, beaten Manyoooo so many times (1-6 at their place) it's now expected........you'll love it.


Amen my Blue Brother, Amen ;-)


"You can't buy class" -  £42.5 Million on Ozil.

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As a City fan I wanted to come on here and welcome you all to the Manchester City family.. I know you will all be excited/hesitant in equal measures but let me re-assure you your club could not be in better hands!! everything Malg has just posted is on the money, the owners will always have the club and the fans at the forefront of everything they do and you are in for some exciting times there is no doubt about that!!

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Hello there greetings from Manchester, welcome to the City family!

I'm liking the sound of Melbourne Heart being underdogs in their own City and having a reputation for languishing near the bottom of the league...hmm, where have I heard that one before!?

A bit of advice for Heart fans, supporters of other teams in your league will undoubtedly start to spout rubbish about your new owners such as "They're not in it for the long haul", "They'll just be a feeder team for Man City" etc this is just jealously on their behalf, don't believe one word of it.

Your new owner Sheikh Mansour is the cream of the crop. He and the rest of his advisors Mr Khaldoon, Ferran Soriano and Txiki Begerstrain have helped transform Man City into one of Europe's powerhouses. Six or so years ago we were faced with administration which ultimately could have resulted in relegation but through some divine miracle we were saved and taken over by a mysterious consortium called ADUG...and the rest as they say is history.

To our friends in Oz - fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy, but thoroughly enjoyable ride!

Loving these man city supporters.

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Dear Members and Supporters,

It was announced yesterday that Manchester City Football Club, in partnership with the ownership group of the Melbourne Storm, had successfully acquired Melbourne Heart FC.

Today, on our first full day, the work has begun to help your Club to fulfill its immense potential both on and off the field, within Australia and beyond.

A lot has been written overnight about Manchester City’s entry into Australian football, the city of Melbourne, and the Hyundai A-League. It is our view that we are at the very beginning of a significant opportunity. There is a lot to be done and we are very excited to start that work today.

The first thing we intend to do is listen, learn and better understand every aspect of the Club. In the last 24 hours, we have met with members of the Club‘s management. We have also met with John van ‘t Schip, his coaches and the players. The Director of Football at Manchester City FC, Txiki Begiristain, and the Director of the City Football Academy, Brian Marwood, have already watched their first training session.

Naturally, this process will also include hearing from fans, members and partners that have supported this Club during its short history. We want to listen and learn first, and take well-supported decisions immediately thereafter.

The one thing we already know is that we will work hard to deliver very good football. Melbourne coaches and players will have access to City’s world-class global football resources, including scouting, coaching, human performance and performance analysis. It is also expected that players and coaches from Melbourne will spend time at the City Football Academy (CFA) - a world-class facility for football training and development that will open adjacent to the Etihad Stadium in Manchester in July 2014.

I understand that many of you will have questions about the future of the Club. We are committed to sharing information with you as soon as we can. However, as I stated yesterday, out of respect for the players and coaching staff in the middle of the Hyundai A-League season, we will not be making any more major announcements until the end of the current season.

In the meantime, we should all ensure that the team on the pitch enjoys all of our support for a strong and successful remainder of the season.

Yours sincerely,

Ferran Soriano
CEO, Manchester City Football Club


Posted on MCFC forum.

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City fan here, just to say welcome to what is the best family in the world. You are about to experience the best ride a football fan could ever have and every dream you have had about your club is about to be realised.


Enjoy it guys and rest assured that as fans, you guys will be the absolute heart of the club still going forward, you will be listened to and the club you all love will be everything it always has been, just better and far more succesful.


You now have one more fan sat here in the UK and i look forward to contributing to this great forum for many years to come.


Enjoy some team called Victory becoming a laughing stock to you, just as we are enjoying the Rags squirming right now ;-)

Edited by blueinsa
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I don't know whether anyone has specifically commented on this aspect, but I'm amazed that this whole deal has evolved over 12 months with absolutely no leaks whatsoever. Everybody outside the Storm owners were completely blind-sided by MCFC involvement. It's quite unusual in my memory for a public deal like this, something that has had quite a bit of media coverage over the last 6 months, and nobody suspected a thing. Respect for that.

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I don't know whether anyone has specifically commented on this aspect, but I'm amazed that this whole deal has evolved over 12 months with absolutely no leaks whatsoever. Everybody outside the Storm owners were completely blind-sided by MCFC involvement. It's quite unusual in my memory for a public deal like this, something that has had quite a bit of media coverage over the last 6 months, and nobody suspected a thing. Respect for that.

Exactly, but it goes to show how professional our new owners really are. I'd wager a guess that they aren't going to parade around saying things like "We are talking to Grant Holt" in the off season.

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Dear Members and Supporters,

It was announced yesterday that Manchester City Football Club, in partnership with the ownership group of the Melbourne Storm, had successfully acquired Melbourne Heart FC.

Today, on our first full day, the work has begun to help your Club to fulfill its immense potential both on and off the field, within Australia and beyond.

A lot has been written overnight about Manchester City’s entry into Australian football, the city of Melbourne, and the Hyundai A-League. It is our view that we are at the very beginning of a significant opportunity. There is a lot to be done and we are very excited to start that work today.

The first thing we intend to do is listen, learn and better understand every aspect of the Club. In the last 24 hours, we have met with members of the Club‘s management. We have also met with John van ‘t Schip, his coaches and the players. The Director of Football at Manchester City FC, Txiki Begiristain, and the Director of the City Football Academy, Brian Marwood, have already watched their first training session.

Naturally, this process will also include hearing from fans, members and partners that have supported this Club during its short history. We want to listen and learn first, and take well-supported decisions immediately thereafter.

The one thing we already know is that we will work hard to deliver very good football. Melbourne coaches and players will have access to City’s world-class global football resources, including scouting, coaching, human performance and performance analysis. It is also expected that players and coaches from Melbourne will spend time at the City Football Academy (CFA) - a world-class facility for football training and development that will open adjacent to the Etihad Stadium in Manchester in July 2014.

I understand that many of you will have questions about the future of the Club. We are committed to sharing information with you as soon as we can. However, as I stated yesterday, out of respect for the players and coaching staff in the middle of the Hyundai A-League season, we will not be making any more major announcements until the end of the current season.

In the meantime, we should all ensure that the team on the pitch enjoys all of our support for a strong and successful remainder of the season.

Yours sincerely,

Ferran Soriano

CEO, Manchester City Football Club


Posted on MCFC forum.

Nice !! I really think we will look back in a few months time and think all these discussions about colours and shirt designs etc and think, that time could of been spent looking at porn !! 

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City fan here, just to say welcome to what is the best family in the world. You are about to experience the best ride a football fan could ever have and every dream you have had about your club is about to be realised.

Enjoy it guys and rest assured that as fans, you guys will be the absolute heart of the club still going forward, you will be listened to and the club you all love will be everything it always has been, just better and far more succesful.

You now have one more fan sat here in the UK and i look forward to contributing to this great forum for many years to come.

Enjoy some team called Victory becoming a laughing stock to you, just as we are enjoying the Rags squirming right now ;-)

Legend blueinsa

We want to overtake the Victory. We hate them with a passion

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I don't know whether anyone has specifically commented on this aspect, but I'm amazed that this whole deal has evolved over 12 months with absolutely no leaks whatsoever. Everybody outside the Storm owners were completely blind-sided by MCFC involvement. It's quite unusual in my memory for a public deal like this, something that has had quite a bit of media coverage over the last 6 months, and nobody suspected a thing. Respect for that.

Exactly, but it goes to show how professional our new owners really are. I'd wager a guess that they aren't going to parade around saying things like "We are talking to Grant Holt" in the off season.


I can't see Soriano teasing visitor supporters on Twitter either (thank goodness).

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Dear Members and Supporters,

It was announced yesterday that Manchester City Football Club, in partnership with the ownership group of the Melbourne Storm, had successfully acquired Melbourne Heart FC.

Today, on our first full day, the work has begun to help your Club to fulfill its immense potential both on and off the field, within Australia and beyond.

A lot has been written overnight about Manchester City’s entry into Australian football, the city of Melbourne, and the Hyundai A-League. It is our view that we are at the very beginning of a significant opportunity. There is a lot to be done and we are very excited to start that work today.

The first thing we intend to do is listen, learn and better understand every aspect of the Club. In the last 24 hours, we have met with members of the Club‘s management. We have also met with John van ‘t Schip, his coaches and the players. The Director of Football at Manchester City FC, Txiki Begiristain, and the Director of the City Football Academy, Brian Marwood, have already watched their first training session.

Naturally, this process will also include hearing from fans, members and partners that have supported this Club during its short history. We want to listen and learn first, and take well-supported decisions immediately thereafter.

The one thing we already know is that we will work hard to deliver very good football. Melbourne coaches and players will have access to City’s world-class global football resources, including scouting, coaching, human performance and performance analysis. It is also expected that players and coaches from Melbourne will spend time at the City Football Academy (CFA) - a world-class facility for football training and development that will open adjacent to the Etihad Stadium in Manchester in July 2014.

I understand that many of you will have questions about the future of the Club. We are committed to sharing information with you as soon as we can. However, as I stated yesterday, out of respect for the players and coaching staff in the middle of the Hyundai A-League season, we will not be making any more major announcements until the end of the current season.

In the meantime, we should all ensure that the team on the pitch enjoys all of our support for a strong and successful remainder of the season.

Yours sincerely,

Ferran Soriano

CEO, Manchester City Football Club


Posted on MCFC forum.

It's on our club web-site now.


We can't ask for a better start than that.

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Dear Members and Supporters,

It was announced yesterday that Manchester City Football Club, in partnership with the ownership group of the Melbourne Storm, had successfully acquired Melbourne Heart FC.

Today, on our first full day, the work has begun to help your Club to fulfill its immense potential both on and off the field, within Australia and beyond.

A lot has been written overnight about Manchester City’s entry into Australian football, the city of Melbourne, and the Hyundai A-League. It is our view that we are at the very beginning of a significant opportunity. There is a lot to be done and we are very excited to start that work today.

The first thing we intend to do is listen, learn and better understand every aspect of the Club. In the last 24 hours, we have met with members of the Club‘s management. We have also met with John van ‘t Schip, his coaches and the players. The Director of Football at Manchester City FC, Txiki Begiristain, and the Director of the City Football Academy, Brian Marwood, have already watched their first training session.

Naturally, this process will also include hearing from fans, members and partners that have supported this Club during its short history. We want to listen and learn first, and take well-supported decisions immediately thereafter.

The one thing we already know is that we will work hard to deliver very good football. Melbourne coaches and players will have access to City’s world-class global football resources, including scouting, coaching, human performance and performance analysis. It is also expected that players and coaches from Melbourne will spend time at the City Football Academy (CFA) - a world-class facility for football training and development that will open adjacent to the Etihad Stadium in Manchester in July 2014.

I understand that many of you will have questions about the future of the Club. We are committed to sharing information with you as soon as we can. However, as I stated yesterday, out of respect for the players and coaching staff in the middle of the Hyundai A-League season, we will not be making any more major announcements until the end of the current season.

In the meantime, we should all ensure that the team on the pitch enjoys all of our support for a strong and successful remainder of the season.

Yours sincerely,

Ferran Soriano

CEO, Manchester City Football Club


Posted on MCFC forum.

Nice !! I really think we will look back in a few months time and think all these discussions about colours and shirt designs etc and think, that time could of been spent looking at porn !! 


If you leave SBS2 on now you can do both at once ;)

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The letter Rellum posted above, by the Man City CEO Soriano, is also on the Official Heart website: http://www.footballaustralia.com.au/melbourneheart/news-display/A-Letter-from-the-CEO-of-Manchester-City-FC/84083


It is very pleasing to hear him say 'The first thing we intend to do is listen, learn and better understand every aspect of the Club', and 'Naturally, this process will also include hearing from fans, members and partners that have supported this Club during its short history. We want to listen and learn first, and take well-supported decisions immediately thereafter.'


The new owners are pretty much saying all the right things, and I'm hopeful that their actions will follow their words. However, after the disappointing first 4 seasons of Melbourne Heart, supporters are right to be a bit sceptical. I have much more trust in the new ownership, though, and hopefully they keep to their word and include the supporters in the decision-making process.

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Dear Members and Supporters,

It was announced yesterday that Manchester City Football Club, in partnership with the ownership group of the Melbourne Storm, had successfully acquired Melbourne Heart FC.

Today, on our first full day, the work has begun to help your Club to fulfill its immense potential both on and off the field, within Australia and beyond.

A lot has been written overnight about Manchester City’s entry into Australian football, the city of Melbourne, and the Hyundai A-League. It is our view that we are at the very beginning of a significant opportunity. There is a lot to be done and we are very excited to start that work today.

The first thing we intend to do is listen, learn and better understand every aspect of the Club. In the last 24 hours, we have met with members of the Club‘s management. We have also met with John van ‘t Schip, his coaches and the players. The Director of Football at Manchester City FC, Txiki Begiristain, and the Director of the City Football Academy, Brian Marwood, have already watched their first training session.

Naturally, this process will also include hearing from fans, members and partners that have supported this Club during its short history. We want to listen and learn first, and take well-supported decisions immediately thereafter.

The one thing we already know is that we will work hard to deliver very good football. Melbourne coaches and players will have access to City’s world-class global football resources, including scouting, coaching, human performance and performance analysis. It is also expected that players and coaches from Melbourne will spend time at the City Football Academy (CFA) - a world-class facility for football training and development that will open adjacent to the Etihad Stadium in Manchester in July 2014.

I understand that many of you will have questions about the future of the Club. We are committed to sharing information with you as soon as we can. However, as I stated yesterday, out of respect for the players and coaching staff in the middle of the Hyundai A-League season, we will not be making any more major announcements until the end of the current season.

In the meantime, we should all ensure that the team on the pitch enjoys all of our support for a strong and successful remainder of the season.

Yours sincerely,

Ferran Soriano

CEO, Manchester City Football Club


Posted on MCFC forum.

It's on our club web-site now.


We can't ask for a better start than that.


There you go. I never visit the club website. Now there might be reason to do so from now on.

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The letter Rellum posted above, by the Man City CEO Soriano, is also on the Official Heart website: http://www.footballaustralia.com.au/melbourneheart/news-display/A-Letter-from-the-CEO-of-Manchester-City-FC/84083


It is very pleasing to hear him say 'The first thing we intend to do is listen, learn and better understand every aspect of the Club', and 'Naturally, this process will also include hearing from fans, members and partners that have supported this Club during its short history. We want to listen and learn first, and take well-supported decisions immediately thereafter.'


The new owners are pretty much saying all the right things, and I'm hopeful that their actions will follow their words. However, after the disappointing first 4 seasons of Melbourne Heart, supporters are right to be a bit sceptical. I have much more trust in the new ownership, though, and hopefully they keep to their word and include the supporters in the decision-making process.

You can take it to the bank mate.


When these guys make a promise, its kept!

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