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Melbourne Football

Round 10 - Sydney FC vs MHFC - Sunday 15 Dec 5pm


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Horrible on every level. Hopefully we just lose this match terribly so we can just put this damn Aloisi era behind us. Yes I want us to not come back and lose this.


Maybe the plan was to defend for the first half and bring Kewell on for the second half. Or maybe the plan was just to defend for the whole match.


Either way, it's the most depressing anti-football I've ever seen from Heart. And we're not even getting any results at all.

Edited by Murfy1
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I didn't think I could get any more depressed about this club, but abject despair is all I feel now.

No spirit, no system, no passing hitting targets, no skill, no creativity, no points.

This is beyond a disgrace now - it's a joke. Can someone with balls make a call to put us out of our misery. Any fucking call (although we all know what the obvious call is!!!), just to show us that someone within the club gives a shit about our status within the football community and gives a fuck about trying to rebuild this train wreck. What's doing my head in is nothing new has been tried for 6 weeks and no one is accountable. I've said it before: mediocrity without consequence in football is like a cancer in a club. Time for chemotherapy and surgery!!

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We're a bit like Fremantle (before this year anyway), who cares what happens for the rest of the season as long as we win the derby! Will be lucky to do that though.

This is just depressing, can't believe I was so optimistic pre-game.

Edited by Nate
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To call heart a pub team is unfair. We play more like the Washington generals. Our whole purpose is to make our opponents look like superstars and we are there for comic effect.

Watching them move the ball so slowly forward when we get it just amazes me. We look like we are playing a friendly on the end of season trip.

True, I deeply and unreservedly apologise to all pub teams that I may have offended with that offensive comparison.

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