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Orlando Engelaar


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I just had a quick look on the internet and enough information was there.


I'm surprised Australian journalists haven't really mentioned the early part of Engelaar's career, especially after him scoring goal after goal in game after game. This information not getting out there is just another reminder that Australian football journalism has a lot of room for improvement, IMO.


Understatement there mate!

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I just had a quick look on the internet and enough information was there.

I'm surprised Australian journalists haven't really mentioned the early part of Engelaar's career, especially after him scoring goal after goal in game after game. This information not getting out there is just another reminder that Australian football journalism has a lot of room for improvement, IMO.


Australian journos do research haha. Good one mate.

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I just had a quick look on the internet and enough information was there.

I'm surprised Australian journalists haven't really mentioned the early part of Engelaar's career, especially after him scoring goal after goal in game after game. This information not getting out there is just another reminder that Australian football journalism has a lot of room for improvement, IMO.


Australian journos do research haha. Good one mate.



Melburnian is capable of making a post without sounding like a smug chimpanzee. Good one mate

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Here's 2 (translated)interviews with Engelaar:



Orlando Engelaar, team player and soloist


December 2006


Orlando Engelaar (27) not only creates chemistry within the lines, even in the locker room, he is the binder at FC Twente. But if the work is done, he pulls himself prefers to return.Then the team player a pure soloist. Engelaar about Enschede, split his character and his greatest sorrow.

After a few months looking around in the strange city he calls Enschede 'okay'. "But if I was not a footballer, I had never lived here. It's so far away all. " Far from the world he worships, he actually meant to say.

Orlando Engelaar really comes to life in Rotterdam, the city where he was born, where he grew up and which he has promised. Eternal loyalty "I love the big city, the crowds, the atmosphere. I'm a city person. In Rotterdam I have everything: my girlfriend, my friends, my family. When I go once on stage, I do that there too. In Enschede, I have my work. I'm here on a mission and not to enjoy life. And that mission is a hundred thousand times more important than a fun nightclub in the city. "

Very occasionally does he agree with Otje (Bakkal) and Karim (El Ahmadi) to the cinema. But most of the time he spends alone in his apartment. "It's not that I'm shy, but I did not need to be here. Very social" Engelaar has enough on his TV, his DVDs and his X-box."Gaming on the computer is fat man. Little shooting at people, and soccer. Ha ha, it's about nothing, but it's fun. With which club I always play? Arsenal. Playing the game that I love. "

You can hardly around him. On the field and not on street. Engelaar is what you call an impressive appearance. Tall and strong, especially for a football player, let alone a midfielder. See him go and you think, hey, there is a basketball player. The big guy has a remarkable control over his feet. Especially about his "left." Caressing the ball, but can sometimes be devastating gut. Engelaar, the all-rounder is one of beauty and efficiency.

He exudes calm, sometime burns the passion, but he usually keeps well hidden from the outside world. He is very different than, say, his father, who always and everywhere the highest word when he appears somewhere. And bandied late notice how proud he was of his son."He sometimes creates so about me, I'm ashamed broken, really embarrassing," laughs Engelaar while he beats his big hands over his face. "I have absolutely no need and always prefer to stay in the shelter."

He shut himself out of the club and accelerates armor seems odd, because the footballer Engelaar is correct at Twente praised for its social character. On the field and in the locker room, he has a great sense of responsibility, especially to the young players. "I'm doing a lot to help. Woutje (Brama), and Karim Otje If they get a scolding from the trainer, I often step on them and I tell them to stay calm and that they should let it slide. Certain things from him I know people. If I have the idea that they do nothing with my tips, then it's over.Then they have to sort it out themselves. " But that feeling he has detected no point in the selection. "We have such a good group?Sometimes I think: 'were guys like Wout and Karim, but something bolder, something meaner. " Occasionally you have to dare to do. Hurt your opponent Those guys can play football all great for their age and come into the field very mature about it, but they are allowed to emit quite a bit more. Maybe that has something to do with the Twente modesty yes. Rotterdam is a bit different. There to survive on the streets you have to have your bite and a fat mouth. You know, I think it's terrible that players do not get because they are too sweet. Because they often have cheese on their bread to eat. I want to try to avoid. And yes, I know that, for myself, I was always too sweet, too nice and too soft. "

That younger players need a guiding hand to find in professional football the way he knows from his own experience. "With NAC Alfred Schreuder and coach Henk ten Cate kept me awake. I sometimes feel that Ten Cate wanted to make me broke but he did that for a reason. He wanted to make me better and I knew I had a tendency to relax. Nine out of ten footballers have occasional kick in the ass needed and that includes me. Who keeps me sharp at Twente? That is what the trainer. And I correct myself. I am very critical and set the bar high every day. I do not just win with the team, I would always be the best in the game with my opponent. I want that he is afraid of me. It should go the way I want, otherwise I touch frustrated. I am not easily angered, but when I get angry, I am also very angry.That is a weakness of mine. "

With NAC, he has had a wonderful time, but he is never there. Ten Cate in those days he had built a special bond, but he never speaks. It"I'm bad at maintaining contact with me it is a bit out of sight out of mind," he says. "I want it, but it often can not. That is also the reason that I no longer have contact with the parents of my friend Ferry van Vliet, who five years ago with his girlfriend in a car accident has come. Killed I think so many of those people, but I find it very difficult to pick up the courage and take the step. In the beginning I called sometimes. Then I asked if it was okay, but I knew the answer, of course, I already felt the pain on the phone ... terrible that I did not want to hear, not feel. That's why I did it more often, and after a while it just did not succeed. I've been trying for a long time to write a letter to those people but I get no letter on paper. "

The death of his friend Ferry has had a huge impact on his life. Then on May 25, 2001 his current club Twente celebrating the Cup win, his world was completely shattered. "Ferry and I both came from Rotterdam and at the same time we broke through at NAC. We also drove together every day to practice. We hit it off great between us. As a player we looked at each other again. We played in the same position, had the same attitude and the same things were even rotten reviled by the trainer. What are dead to me has made so difficult is mainly the fact that I've had feelings of guilt. Long last That hit anything, but still. Because he had no driver's license, I drove with him every day from Rotterdam to Breda. I sometimes took some risks on the road, because I love driving fast and beautiful cars. Always went well. On the night before his accident Ferry called me and said he was going to Rotterdam, because he would sleep. With his girlfriend the following day back She would pick him up from the training. I know it does not make sense, but I felt that I had to protect him. I should have said "nothing of it, you're coming with me '.

Ferry van Vliet and his girlfriend crashed the next day after the workout on the way home. Engelaar heard the news hours later. "I called dozens of times, but had my phone with me. My father told at midnight, but I do not believe it. Only when I read it on teletext, I knew it was true. " The shock cripple him, lasted more than a year. He was numb mentally completely ruined. "When I listened to some songs, I burst into tears. I could not handle it, until a time came when I said to myself: 'and now it's over. " It just could not like that I was handling. Ferry would be like I was going to play. The stars of heaven And that thought, I have turned into something positive. Or I think he is watching from somewhere above me? I have no idea. I respect people who believe in it, but there's nobody in the world knows that.No one can convince me that it is so. I see it all if I die myself. "

Engelaar carries his friend every day with them. "In my heart." And then there are the boots of Ferry. "After his death, his locker was emptied into the locker room and when I asked his parents if I could have them. I've done in my football bag, so I have them with me every day. "


"The height is not important''


February 2006




Genk AA Gent announces itself apart as a fight in the second tier as well as the duel between the Dutch street soccer Orlando Engelaar (26) and Mbark Boussoufa (21).Orlandinho Pingelaarstraat versus Baradona: it is 1.96 meters tall, 90 kilos Surinamese violence from Rotterdam to Amsterdam that swagger, thirty inches smaller, 30 kilograms lighter with Moroccan blood. But the two also seem to have in common: speed fines, women and their dislike of Belgian refs. 
The two Dutch greet each other with a warm hug. Not that they are soul mates, but the number of neighbors to the north in our league is so scarce that they know each other. , I want a Sunday panna give him one, but he also me,'' laughs Engelaar. ,, No, rather someone else. It's a joke,it's not about us but about the three points.'' 

A panna is to play the ball through the legs of your opponent for the sake of clarity, something better, but you can not happen in Rotterdam or Amsterdam neighborhoods. , Then you may as well go home, because there are days to laugh,'' said Boussoufa, who proudly tells how he took Standard Niculae recently grazing. ,, Every footballer thinks very'' says Engelaar. ,, Some guys walking down the street with their exaggerated buttocks clenched, because they are afraid. But even that does not help.'' 

However, instead of the call is not bleak asphalt, but pentanqueclub in Wijnegem, centrally located between Ghent and Genk. Against the background of dozens of elderly people who surrender to the boules (,, We have never seen''), drink a glass Boussoufa Engelaar and 'orange' (lemonade, no juice) and tell them incessantly. 

Large vs. small 

Engelaar: 'In the square football length does not matter. It is pure technique,sliding is not allowed. Anyway It's not that I played easier because I'm taller. The legs But guys who think they will be caught because he is small, Mbark effe get a tough night. I do not think anyone still dares to think. It is true that the same trick upon me looks very different from him.'' 

Boussoufa., On the street size does not count Mentality and character, that's the point.'' 

Engelaar: 'If you are brutal and find that you do not fool around with you, you leave that does not happen. You can even three times as big as me, if you never say something back, you're a fool. Then the smallest guests a big mouth against you.'' 

Rotterdam vs. Amsterdam 

Boussoufa: 'In Amsterdam we always laugh with the accent of Rotterdam. Or with words like boemlou, Surinam for the max.'' 

Engelaar:,, You say about Rotterdam also that we always dude, dude say. But you then: fat man, fat (laugh) That's funny way of pronouncing.. Rotterdam Amsterdam also find that the thick necks. Rotterdam is more a city where the sleeves are rolled up. You can see that at Ajax and Feyenoord. Feyenoord, there is slaved - look at Dirk Kuyt - opposite the frivolous Ajax''. 

Boussoufa:,, On the other hand, if I walk in Rotterdam, it looks like Amsterdam.We have a lot in common.'' 

Engelaar:,, at youth tournaments past it was always between Ajax and Feyenoord.We looked at each other off the field because we come from a similar environment. The street is the same. PSV, who were of farmers in that village, Eindhoven. If we were in the same hotel, we went in the evening, after bedtime, some fooling around in the hallway. Pillow fight and stuff. The PSV did not, they lay in their bed.'' 

Genk vs. Gander 

Engelaar:,, Kebab affairs have quite a lot in Genk. But the Surinamese toko contemporaries (shops and eateries, ed) I miss. Like Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Quick? That's just dirty. You should not go. And for a MacDonalds you have half an hour away. In Rotterdam Centre you may have at least twenty. I grew up in a city, but Genk is a village. Before I knew where Genk was, I really wanted to live in Antwerp but that turned too far.'' For the club 

Boussoufa:,, Then you have come to Ghent.'' 

Engelaar: 'Compared to Amsterdam, is it too anything? Ghent is really a town?'' 

Boussoufa, Amsterdam biggie, Ghent is small-Amsterdam. With those canals and so ...'' 

Engelaar: 'You got canals? Seriously? Do you also flashy stores?'' 

Boussoufa: 'Yes, if you want to get from Armani and Hugo Boss, a pack you can.Ghent is also a student city. That makes it more cozy. Always crowds.'' 

Engelaar:,, In Genk you really have nothing, no shit. No socializing, no students, no nothing. But Hasselt and Maastricht are not far. And it is ultimately join in Genk, I'm not crazy or anything. It might even be a good thing as it may take you.'' You rest 

Suriname vs. Morocco 

Engelaar: 'I've been in Suriname. When I got off the plane, I felt right at home.Very strange, because I was born in the Netherlands. But the people are so warm.Some family members have seen me once or twice, but treat me like their favorite nephew. I'd like to have to sit.'' From October to March, later a house 

Boussoufa: 'For me and Morocco is the exact same song.'' 

Vs. girlfriend. single 

Boussoufa: 'I'm single. Love, which is something coming. Now, I fall not only on Moroccan girls. I fall for anything.'' 

Engelaar: (laughs), he's a playboy. I have a friend sit in Rotterdam. A half-Surinamese. In fact, I think that there are more beautiful women in the Netherlands than in Belgium.'' 

Boussoufa: We've all''. 

Engelaar: 'Exactly: you have Moroccan, Surinamese, Indian, Cape Verdean, and then half-breeds. The mixes are the best.'' 

Protestant vs.. Muslim 

Engelaar: My father is very religious, but he has not raised me. He does it for me.Pray, go to church, etc. I do not. But I never mocking faith.'' 

Boussoufa:,, All the hoopla now by those cartoons. I think you do not make jokes about religion, whether it be Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed. The same is true for the disabled. There are simply killed by those cartoons, all unnecessary. It does not surprise me that the reactions are so severe. As the people of that cartoons do not take Muslims seriously, so those who take embassies fire stabbing not take them seriously. Though I would not stabbing things on fire.'' 

Engelaar:,, I understand it very well. Many people devote their entire lives to believe that, since you do not laugh along. I believe that Christians do not like it when Jesus is portrayed as a caricature.'' 

Belgium vs. Dutch refs 

Engelaar: 'I really can not get used to the Belgian referees.'' 

Boussoufa: (approvingly), the level of the refs for the highest division in Belgium is too low. Not everyone is really bad, I think Allaerts okay. But Gumienny, what is that? On Zulte Waregem he adopts three goals down, only twice right. And the linesmen. When an error that may or may not constitute a penalty, they do not dare to go against the decision of the ref. While they are often approached them. They are afraid.'' 

Engelaar:,, Belgian referees have no balls. They allow themselves to be easily influence. A Dutch referee is not so. Sometimes the annoying off, then they are too clever. Take a Dick Jol in the Netherlands. Who has shit on 50,000 fans whistling or zanikende players.'' 

Boussoufa, a Dutch arbitration dares to tackle, you know. Then they just say fuckto you. 

Engelaar:,, why should a Conceição much they are afraid of him. Jol he would immediately fly off.'' 

Fast vs. slow 

Engelaar:,, I should avoid because I had too many speeding last year. I am now in a trial period of two years. If I get caught in it, once I lost it. My license for four months And really, I want to because it's one of my most precious possessions. In Belgium, I just drive over the border I press my brakes.'' 

Boussoufa, I have at Ghent perhaps the record of most speeding fines.'' 

Engelaar:,, But if I would drive slower, I would have had a few accidents. I am very keen when I drive hard. If I'd been driving a grandpa, I fall asleep. That's dangerous.'' 

You will hear a shrill bell. A woman asks a petanquer who sits quietly at a table, or he comes. Doedegijnogmee?'' Repeats Engelaar with a grin. We come to the last topic: the Flemish language. 

Flemish vs. Dutch 

Boussoufa, I adapt quickly, sometimes I take a word about it. When I'm home, but I talk Amsterdam. That leaves nothing hanging.'' 

Engelaar: 'In Rotterdam they tease me sometimes that I'll use, Flemish words, but that is not gonna happen, though. What I do not understand, you say: Have 'em so funny, is not it: Did he and you say a hundred times a phrase Allez allez, satisfies all ..?''. 

Boussoufa: 'If Nicolas Lombaerts against Peter Mollez talks, two West Flemish, I understand there is really nothing of.'' 

Engelaar:,, and Walloons, which I do not understand. I did not know much French is spoken here.'' 

The interview is as good as on. I ask if still want to drink. Messrs. something 

Boussoufa: 'No, I have to,'' said Boussoufa. Engelaar shoots straight into a laugh.,, What do you say? I have to? Greenhouse I'm, I'm loezze. You'd normally say.Hey, put that into the interview.''






It seems Engelaar has had personal issues in the past, with the death of a friend.



It also seems like Engelaar might really like Melbourne, as it isn't like some of the smaller cities that he's lived in to play football.

Edited by Murfy1
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It seems Engelaar has had personal issues in the past, with the death of a friend.



It also seems like Engelaar might really like Melbourne, as it isn't like some of the smaller cities that he's lived in to play football.

It also seems like he has the tendency to become complacent and needs a 'leather suppository' from JVS. I wonder what he thinks of Belgian refs now that he's experienced Ben Williams :)

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Van 't Schip said he had "a little chat" with Engelaar about extending his stay at Heart to next season but was unsure what the future holds.


I hope he doesn't. Other than the goal he was again ineffective today. Too slow by a mile.


yes he's slow but his quality is unquestionnable. His positioning and technical ability on the ball are levels above the league. I think the key is getting quality players around him to support him. Desperately need clinical forwards

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I don't particularly care how big a profile the marquee has but the requirement has to be that he be better than what is currently on offer in the A-League. As for profile the Heart has Kewell at the moment. As much as I like what OE has shown I feel that that the marquee needs more pace. FWIW I prefer the marquee to be a midfielder rather than a striker.

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FFS, he broke his leg less than 6 months ago. He wasn't even expected to play this season at one point...

Imagine if this bloke was acctually fit. He's already head and shoulders above.

If we actually play the system properly the side doesn't need to have a lot of pace anyway. Knocking the ball around properly is quicker than any player carrying it.

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FFS, he broke his leg less than 6 months ago. He wasn't even expected to play this season at one point...

Imagine if this bloke was acctually fit. He's already head and shoulders above.

If we actually play the system properly the side doesn't need to have a lot of pace anyway. Knocking the ball around properly is quicker than any player carrying it.

I don't think anybody would rate ADP as quick across the ground but his football brains, quick feet and positional play is exceptional. Right place, right time and can score with both feet. If he didn't have muppets as team mates SFC would be far better. OE coming off an injury has been massive. But how does he work with inconsistent shits like Ramsay, Willo and Duga, an erratic backline of the two Paddys and Hoff, and a goal keeper who can pull off some great saves but flaps in the breeze at other times. I'm sure people at MCFC and JVS are having a hard look at some of our latest games.

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FFS, he broke his leg less than 6 months ago. He wasn't even expected to play this season at one point...

Imagine if this bloke was acctually fit. He's already head and shoulders above.

If we actually play the system properly the side doesn't need to have a lot of pace anyway. Knocking the ball around properly is quicker than any player carrying it.

I don't think anybody would rate ADP as quick across the ground but his football brains, quick feet and positional play is exceptional. Right place, right time and can score with both feet. If he didn't have muppets as team mates SFC would be far better. OE coming off an injury has been massive. But how does he work with inconsistent shits like Ramsay, Willo and Duga, an erratic backline of the two Paddys and Hoff, and a goal keeper who can pull off some great saves but flaps in the breeze at other times. I'm sure people at MCFC and JVS are having a hard look at some of our latest games.



1.  Imagine how brilliant it would have been if Sydney FC got del Piero as a marquee 5 or 6 years ago, not when they did when he was right at the end of his career. We need a quality overseas marquee that will be the best quality marquee the A League has ever had when actually arriving to play in the A League.   

2. Engelaar would be fine for us if he is prepared to take a substantial pay cut so he fits under the salary cap.


3. HEARTinator, you appear to be forgetting something.

FFA is preventing us from recruiting most of the quality players we would be able to get to replace the players you are not happy with because we have to work within FFA's pathetically low salary cap.

FFA has restrictions on the number of overseas players we are allowed.

FFA has tight marquee player restrictions, only allowing 2 players.

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1.  Imagine how brilliant it would have been if Sydney FC got del Piero as a marquee 5 or 6 years ago, 

I'd hate to think how expensive? 



"How expensive" is all relative.

Our new owners have billions of dollars.

They don't operate on the basis that every dollar spent on a football club has to be recovered by income from that football club. 

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1.  Imagine how brilliant it would have been if Sydney FC got del Piero as a marquee 5 or 6 years ago, 

I'd hate to think how expensive? 



"How expensive" is all relative.

Our new owners have billions of dollars.

They don't operate on the basis that every dollar spent on a football club has to be recovered by income from that football club. 


Yeah but there are limits and judging by the retention of JVS for three years the new owner sare not going to spend more than they have to. Personally I don't want a too much spent on a marquee. Someone Ono or Broich quality is all I ask for. 


edit: okay slightly better... 

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Don't get the obsession with pace. Hoffman is the fastest player at the club, who gets the best scores out of the team when beep tests are run, and look at his usefulness. Also, many of Heart's other fastest players have been painfully ineffective.


I think the comparison with ADP is apt. ADP, by comparison with other players, is 'slow', and despite the fact he's verging on 40 he's just about decided (won) more games than any other player this season. Carlos Hernandez is another player that's slow, but who regardless is frequently a match winner. I'd also say that other standout players in the A-League, such as Isaias, Finkler and even Broich, don't strike me as quick.


But above all most of the above players aren't quality players because they are quick. They are quality because they have a mixture of good ball skills, good passing, good shooting and good decision-making.


The only players that are effective because they are quick are forwards, and especially wingers, such as Fabio Ferreira, Kosta Barbarouses, James Troisi, Sidnei Sciola and Kenny Cunningham.



Engelaar was fairly good yesterday, but he was well below the very high standards he's shown he can perform at in the A-League. Besides providing the team with a goal out of literally nothing, he completed 80% of his passes (56 out of 70). I'm of the opinion though that Engelaar played more 'safe' passes than he previously has, and that his 'risky' passes, namely passes that could have set up more scoring opportunities, were the ones that went astray yesterday.


Engelaar isn't to blame though for Heart producing too few chances with 55%, other players and the team overall didn't work well enough together to make the possession more effective. I think it's correct that Heart didn't pass fast enough and smart enough yesterday, and enough players didn't position themselves very well without the ball (positioning without the ball can be improved by 'pace' or 'intensity', but it is in no way reducible to either pace or intensity). The match reminded me of an Adelaide loss to Central Coast earlier in the season, where Adelaide had the lion's share of possession, but ultimately couldn't make it count. I think Heart are in the same position now, where they are only starting to consistently dominate possession, and now need to become very effective with it to be able to break down the most stubborn of defences, like the Central Coast Mariner's defence.


As for next season, I'm not yet sure whether Engelaar should be re-signed or not. There's something to be said for a player that can produce brilliance out of very little that can change a game, like yesterday's goal and his wonderful and smart assist to Williams away to the Nix. Engelaar's chance creating passes is maybe his best attribute in my judgement, and that won't really diminish with age. So I'm thinking if Engelaar is willing to go under the cap, then he might be good for next season, if only to use up the 5th VISA spot, which will be gone by the season after next.

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It is not necessarily that every player needs to be fast like Dugandzic, Williams or Ramsay. Instead Wieleart and Kirsnobo lack pace when the ball gets through. If Hoffman is the fastest player at Heart then it certainly doesn't show on match day and does not cover for his other weaknesses (I'm all for releasing Hoffman). As far as OE is concerned, we are all wondering why he has not produced what he showed upon his return to the pitch - could be injury or whatever. But if he had a bit more pace then that would be even better.

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It is not necessarily that every player needs to be fast like Dugandzic, Williams or Ramsay. Instead Wieleart and Kirsnobo lack pace when the ball gets through. If Hoffman is the fastest player at Heart then it certainly doesn't show on match day and does not cover for his other weaknesses (I'm all for releasing Hoffman). As far as OE is concerned, we are all wondering why he has not produced what he showed upon his return to the pitch - could be injury or whatever. But if he had a bit more pace then that would be even better.

What we need is a different sort of pace, players who can think quickly.

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Lol, '5-6 years ago' they would have signed Del Piero for themselves, before us.

They aren't going to sign someone worth more than what the paid for our entire club...


You are NOT thinking like the billionaire Middle East owners of our club.


It could cost more than they paid for the club just buying land and building our own state of the art training facilities.

It will be interesting to see who our new marquees are.

The A League norm has been to obtain marquees who come with a free transfer, so I will be interested to see

if we pay a transfer fee for our new marquees.  


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Murf, I don't think there's an obsession with pace. In fact I think many supporters would like to see Heart, and particularly the forwards, rely rather less on sheer pace and rather more on ball skill and passing than we do at present.


But we shouldn't be blind to the fact that players such as Ibini (CCM) and Krishna (Phoenix) easily outpaced our back line, and that players such as Wielaert, Engelaar, Kewell and Kisnorbo are getting on and losing the pace that they once had.


The CCM goals were virtually carbon copies of those by Phoenix. Once one of our wing-backs is beaten we're in trouble. IMO we need a different defensive structure and a much more mobile midfield than we have at present.

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Lol, '5-6 years ago' they would have signed Del Piero for themselves, before us.

They aren't going to sign someone worth more than what the paid for our entire club...


You are NOT thinking like the billionaire Middle East owners of our club.


It could cost more than they paid for the club just buying land and building our own state of the art training facilities.

It will be interesting to see who our new marquees are.

The A League norm has been to obtain marquees who come with a free transfer, so I will be interested to see

if we pay a transfer fee for our new marquees.  




Parrot, 5-6 years ago ADP was one of the best players in World Football, he would have walked into City's current squad.


I don't disagree that we may see City spend a transfer fee to secure us a marquee but I can't see them buying us someone who would walk into their current team...or a player of that ability wanting to come here to be honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So David Davutovic thinks Engelaar is on his way out because he wouldn't want to half his wage in order to fit under the salary cap.


Also reckons we might get New York City's marquee on a 10 game guest stint when the MLS season ends!

Xavi pls

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Van 't Schip said he had "a little chat" with Engelaar about extending his stay at Heart to next season but was unsure what the future holds.


I hope he doesn't. Other than the goal he was again ineffective today. Too slow by a mile.



read this please: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/italy/10676557/Italys-Andrea-Pirlo-is-old-slow-rarely-sprints-and-is-just-not-the-player-he-was-because-he-is-even-better.html

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Van 't Schip said he had "a little chat" with Engelaar about extending his stay at Heart to next season but was unsure what the future holds.


I hope he doesn't. Other than the goal he was again ineffective today. Too slow by a mile.



read this please: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/italy/10676557/Italys-Andrea-Pirlo-is-old-slow-rarely-sprints-and-is-just-not-the-player-he-was-because-he-is-even-better.html


Totti is the same. Far to much emphasis on speed and size in the Australian game, but that is slowly changing.

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Van 't Schip said he had "a little chat" with Engelaar about extending his stay at Heart to next season but was unsure what the future holds.


I hope he doesn't. Other than the goal he was again ineffective today. Too slow by a mile.



read this please: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/italy/10676557/Italys-Andrea-Pirlo-is-old-slow-rarely-sprints-and-is-just-not-the-player-he-was-because-he-is-even-better.html


Totti is the same. Far to much emphasis on speed and size in the Australian game, but that is slowly changing.



of course, there's a ridiculous amount of players who have never relied on pace, and i only chose that particular article because it was a good example


its a gradual change. i remember when Engelaar first came here he said something along the lines of 'i have heard the game is played very fast here .... too fast, and i hope to change this'..


it also seems we dont have enough composure, which can then lead to dropping points that we never should, with the obvious example being from tonight. maybe slower is the way to go?

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Just watching the replay and I noticed that at the 16 minute mark Bashir claims that the contract with Engalaar is "in abeyance and will return to Holland at season's end" to reflect on his options. This probably means that negotiations are going slowly and OE would like to find out what options he has in Holland.

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But this is Australia, and we play the game in an Australian way. Perhaps it is changing, but it is what it is. There's no point in one player on the field thinking that he's just going to jog around the field a bit if the game is going past him all the time.


I have heard it said many times that visa players generally take a season to adapt to the way the game is played here.


IMO the CFG approach of looking for a younger "big player who will become a big name" rather than just a "big name" is the way to go, rather than contracting a player in the twilight of their career looking for one last pay packet.


It's been tough on Orlando because of his injury. But unless he is prepared to play inside the cap I doubt that he will be with us next season, as he does not fit the CFG profile for a marquee.

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But this is Australia, and we play the game in an Australian way. Perhaps it is changing, but it is what it is. There's no point in one player on the field thinking that he's just going to jog around the field a bit if the game is going past him all the time.


I have heard it said many times that visa players generally take a season to adapt to the way the game is played here.


IMO the CFG approach of looking for a younger "big player who will become a big name" rather than just a "big name" is the way to go, rather than contracting a player in the twilight of their career looking for one last pay packet.


It's been tough on Orlando because of his injury. But unless he is prepared to play inside the cap I doubt that he will be with us next season, as he does not fit the CFG profile for a marquee.


So you assume.

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But this is Australia, and we play the game in an Australian way. Perhaps it is changing, but it is what it is. There's no point in one player on the field thinking that he's just going to jog around the field a bit if the game is going past him all the time.

I have heard it said many times that visa players generally take a season to adapt to the way the game is played here.

IMO the CFG approach of looking for a younger "big player who will become a big name" rather than just a "big name" is the way to go, rather than contracting a player in the twilight of their career looking for one last pay packet.

It's been tough on Orlando because of his injury. But unless he is prepared to play inside the cap I doubt that he will be with us next season, as he does not fit the CFG profile for a marquee.

So you assume.

The have publicly stated what the profile is. No assumptions at all.

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