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We really did fuck up a huge PR opportunity here though. Irrespective of his condition, the bloke is here as a marketing device and we smuggled him in. What the fuck are thinking?

He's here as a footballer. Personally I'm relived that he's prioritising training over media appearances and he can do his talking on the pitch, that's the best marketing tool. Davutovic is pissed off because he thought that he was in on the inner secrets of MCFC and he's just found out that he's been bypassed. If Villa wanted a quiet entry then its appropriate that he gets one.

Edited by belaguttman
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We really did fuck up a huge PR opportunity here though. Irrespective of his condition, the bloke is here as a marketing device and we smuggled him in. What the fuck are thinking?

I assume we didn't really call the shots in terms of choosing his arrival time, hence such a big media circus less then a week from the opening game is an unnecessary distraction IMO.

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My missus works at The Good Guys adjacent to Essendon Airport and swore that she saw Villa's plane pull up yesterday. Definitely low key if that is the case, must've been a pretty ordinary first impression given the state of Essendon Airport.


And then straight to Bundoora! Poor bastard must be wandering which decade he's travelled back to.

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I thought we find out today how many games he is likely to play. Or was that an ill informed statement from the presser again from last week?


It's 10 games mate... confirmed yesterday by Villa himself. Did say ultimately it is a decision between New York and Melbourne how many of those 10 games he actually plays...

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We really did fuck up a huge PR opportunity here though. Irrespective of his condition, the bloke is here as a marketing device and we smuggled him in. What the fuck are thinking?

Very surprised they didn't parade him around in front of the media for PR. I guess they are going to let the quality of football be the PR. Things really are changing

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My missus works at The Good Guys adjacent to Essendon Airport and swore that she saw Villa's plane pull up yesterday. Definitely low key if that is the case, must've been a pretty ordinary first impression given the state of Essendon Airport.


And then straight to Bundoora! Poor bastard must be wandering which decade he's travelled back to.

Compared to the outer suburbs of Madrid or Barcelona, it's much of a muchness. Spain is also filled with eucalypts so even the trees would look familiar

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A live 'Studs Up' with Davutovic is on right now. Feel free to ask him lots of questions about Melbourne City:




Davutovic says if perth want to get Ruka they will probably need to release someone. Could be an opportunity for us to get Clisby since we're apparently chasing him

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We really did fuck up a huge PR opportunity here though. Irrespective of his condition, the bloke is here as a marketing device and we smuggled him in. What the fuck are thinking?

He's here as a footballer. Personally I'm relived that he's prioritising training over media appearances and he can do his talking on the itch, that's the best marketing tool. Davutovic is pissed off because he though that he was in on the inner secrets of MCFC and he's just found out that he's been bypassed. If Villa wanted a quiet entry then its appropriate that he gets one.


Davutovic used to get his information from Sidwell, and now he is frozen out and doesn't like it. More than that, though, I think that there is a bit of pay-back from CFG to FFA in this. Thwarted by FFA on the colour change, and more recently by the changes in the loan player arrangements, IMO CFG have just taken the opportunity to indicate to FFA that they're not here in the A-League to be messed around without a fight.


Well done City.

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Hollywood came to town, but City smuggled him through the back door. David Villa was meant to arrive in Australia today, instead he arrived on Sunday night before yesterday's secret training session.

City missed the chance to create a huge media buzz on the eve of the season. Villa was happy with the low-key reception, but the bizarre strategy cost the club prominence in the media and consequently the fans suffer. So why not announce him with the most fanfare possible? Instead, unveiling him in a hastily arranged press conference in the AAMI Park theatrette simply capped a shabby day of media strategy.

"It was a very quiet arrival, which is what I expected after such a long trip, then I had a meeting with the coach. And it was what I wanted, a quiet arrival." Villa said.

The 22 minute conference was underwhelming and it blindsided the FFA. Hours earlier it had said Villa would be introduced today at the league launch. City wanted to convey that Villa was here to focus on football, in line with Man City's mantra of operating in an understated way.

The past 48 hours reflect poorly on City chief executive Scott Munn, whose antics are sure to have cost him admirers.



Thats the main chunk of the Davutovic article apparently. 

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Hollywood came to town, but City smuggled him through the back door. David Villa was meant to arrive in Australia today, instead he arrived on Sunday night before yesterday's secret training session.

City missed the chance to create a huge media buzz on the eve of the season. Villa was happy with the low-key reception, but the bizarre strategy cost the club prominence in the media and consequently the fans suffer. So why not announce him with the most fanfare possible? Instead, unveiling him in a hastily arranged press conference in the AAMI Park theatrette simply capped a shabby day of media strategy.

"It was a very quiet arrival, which is what I expected after such a long trip, then I had a meeting with the coach. And it was what I wanted, a quiet arrival." Villa said.

The 22 minute conference was underwhelming and it blindsided the FFA. Hours earlier it had said Villa would be introduced today at the league launch. City wanted to convey that Villa was here to focus on football, in line with Man City's mantra of operating in an understated way.

The past 48 hours reflect poorly on City chief executive Scott Munn, whose antics are sure to have cost him admirers.

Thats the main chunk of the Davutovic article apparently.

I'm sorry but I didn't know Villa was signed by the FFA.

Ok maybe the club could of used this as a massive marketing opportunity, but clearly the City group believe they don't need to have a media circus ahead of rd1. Plus its showing me that the club is now all about the on field and not about marketing gimmicks to keep the club afloat.

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Hollywood came to town, but City smuggled him through the back door. David Villa was meant to arrive in Australia today, instead he arrived on Sunday night before yesterday's secret training session.

City missed the chance to create a huge media buzz on the eve of the season. Villa was happy with the low-key reception, but the bizarre strategy cost the club prominence in the media and consequently the fans suffer. So why not announce him with the most fanfare possible? Instead, unveiling him in a hastily arranged press conference in the AAMI Park theatrette simply capped a shabby day of media strategy.

"It was a very quiet arrival, which is what I expected after such a long trip, then I had a meeting with the coach. And it was what I wanted, a quiet arrival." Villa said.

The 22 minute conference was underwhelming and it blindsided the FFA. Hours earlier it had said Villa would be introduced today at the league launch. City wanted to convey that Villa was here to focus on football, in line with Man City's mantra of operating in an understated way.

The past 48 hours reflect poorly on City chief executive Scott Munn, whose antics are sure to have cost him admirers.

Thats the main chunk of the Davutovic article apparently.

I'm sorry but I didn't know Villa was signed by the FFA.

Ok maybe the club could of used this as a massive marketing opportunity, but clearly the City group believe they don't need to have a media circus ahead of rd1. Plus its showing me that the club is now all about the on field and not about marketing gimmicks to keep the club afloat.


Technically correct, but FFA does have to approve all guest player registrations, so they would have a point there if they cared to make it. One of the criteria FFA uses to assess a potential guest player is his "...potential marketability...for the A-League."


But this article is just Davutovic crying like a spoiled child. If anyone has lost admirers it's him.

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Hollywood came to town, but City smuggled him through the back door. David Villa was meant to arrive in Australia today, instead he arrived on Sunday night before yesterday's secret training session.

City missed the chance to create a huge media buzz on the eve of the season. Villa was happy with the low-key reception, but the bizarre strategy cost the club prominence in the media and consequently the fans suffer. So why not announce him with the most fanfare possible? Instead, unveiling him in a hastily arranged press conference in the AAMI Park theatrette simply capped a shabby day of media strategy.

"It was a very quiet arrival, which is what I expected after such a long trip, then I had a meeting with the coach. And it was what I wanted, a quiet arrival." Villa said.

The 22 minute conference was underwhelming and it blindsided the FFA. Hours earlier it had said Villa would be introduced today at the league launch. City wanted to convey that Villa was here to focus on football, in line with Man City's mantra of operating in an understated way.

The past 48 hours reflect poorly on City chief executive Scott Munn, whose antics are sure to have cost him admirers.



Thats the main chunk of the Davutovic article apparently. 


Maybe after flying halfway around the world the last thing Villa wanted to do was be paraded around in the public eye for hours?


Btw the scotty Munn quote is bullshit, what admires has he lost? I'd really like to know.

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For the record, it's not just Davutovic who have questioned Villa's low-key arrival. Michael Lynch and others have also called it a big missed opportunity.


Maybe Melbourne City is 'getting one back' against the FFA, and maybe journalists are holding a bit of a grudge against the club for not keeping them in the loop. Who knows.


But objectively looked at, putting the motivations of the club and the opinions of journalists to one side, it does look like the club has missed a big opportunity IMO. Melbourne City have gained, what, 100 members since Villa was 'unveiled' yesterday? 100 Members!? That's absolutely nothing. And the club is still well below 9,000 members, and it's uncertain whether the club will have 9,000 members by the time of its opening round match this Saturday.

If this club is going to grow, it simply has to get a lot more members. Thousands more members. It at least has to break the the 5 digit mark for members, by surpassing the 10,000 mark.


Villa might be the biggest ever player to play in the A-League. Ever. Who knows what the future will hold, but it's quite conceivable that a player of greater status than Villa will not play in the A-League for years to come, or perhaps even a decade. And this club sneaked him in to Australia late on a Sunday night, and announced him to Australia with a tweet.

I believe this club could have had a lot more and better media around Villa's arrival, whilst avoiding a 'media circus'. It could have simply done what Lynch later suggested: just have the media come to training (as opposed to the extremely limited video & photos that the club made and approved from the training session). That would have allowed Villa to looked professional, by first and foremost focusing on football by doing a training session, and then also having a sufficiently large press event.


It's ultimately no skin off my back. I'm a paid up member, and I'll enjoy seeing Villa play regardless. So I've got no agenda in judging Villa's arrival. And it's my opinion that this club and its management have truly hindered the club by not making more of Villa's arrival (not seriously/permanently, but significantly). Someone of Villa's massive status simply should have been marketed much more, and there should have been a lot more buzz around Melbourne City heading into the opening round fixtures. And instead at today's season launch, Melbourne City have just looked like another team, and not the most talked about team with a Spanish football legend in their midst. The only justification I can come up with is if the City Football Group and NYCFC bound the clubs hands (perhaps because they want Villa to only be associated with NYCFC), but that's only speculation and there's no evidence for that and it would also be illogical IMO (as I don't think NYCFC would really lose out if Villa was marketed heavily when he was at both clubs).



Perhaps above all I just want to see this club have a bigger media presence, and a bigger presence in Melbourne overall. And I think this club needs to significantly come out of the shadows, where it was for far too long during the Melbourne Heart era. Getting more media and being more public will be an inevitable part of this growth. And at the same time the club will have to look professional and calm in the media (a la Man City), and not desperate for attention (as Melbourne Heart all too often looked). It's something of a tough balance to strike, getting more media and always looking professional, but something this club with its resources should be able to accomplish.

This latest episode with Villa's arrival has strengthened my belief that despite the club now having vast resources, it doesn't yet know how to fully use them. The club still has some ways to go before it has grown into a big A-League club, both on the pitch and off it, and growing the club's media presence and public profile appropriately will be a significant part of that development.

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I understand what your saying Murphy and I could easily agree with it because it makes logical sense to make the most of villas arrival to increase membership and exposure of the club. But the season hasn't begun yet and I'm already tired of the insinuations that we are the 'big spending' club or the new bling fc. For me the understated arrival of villa was a best way to show we are all about what happens on the pitch. That is where we will grow membership, and the club knows this.

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Pretty much agree with niko here. IMO the club has worked carefully to a tightly-controlled script here, and I think they've got it right. Heart spent a fair bit of time talking about itself, with Scott Munn one of the main culprits, delivering a fair bit of hype but virtually nothing on the field.


I think this time around they've decided to keep it low-key, and trust that they can deliver results rather than rhetoric.


Another point I'd make is that Villa himself doesn't seem to be the sort of person who particularly seeks to draw attention to himself. IMO he'd rather let his feet do the talking.


We're going to get enough shit from the media through the season if we don't do very well without trumpeting Villa all over the place.

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I have to agree that while it would have been nice to flog him all over the news I think we need to keep in mind that ultimately he is a guest player not full time squad member. So I think the low key entry is to keep focus on the core group of players and the goals that the new Melbourne city/ heart have set out ultimately the squad is there to win games villa will play his part and by New year's he will be gone so I think it is great the club is not making it about individuals and are confident in the squad getting results to get keen observers on board as potential future members.

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