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^even just mentioning about that the active may be taken down IF there was bad behavior etc. irks me.

the only incident from what I could remember was the away derby on the 2nd of February. Sure the actives can take the blame, but if organisations want to play the blame game then i'll join in and argue about the poor management of victory supporters above us that had increasingly stirred the crowd below them without security doing fuck all to prevent the escalation.

I do not recall any other bad behaviour, so if you can think of some after that away derby then fill me in, because these "incidents" that people might add in was largely due to mistreatment from the security who have not been trained to overcome football fans who obtain a different sense of culture compared to afl or rugby. Their treatment could be taken metaphorically such as bashing wasps' hive or kicking a bull ant's nest. but from my understanding from the summary post, the board members do not take these into accounting seriously enough and acquire a pre-determined decision that it was always the fans fault if security steps in. Such "incidents" could turn into a shit storm if they use brute force for such little problems they see in the bay.

allow me to add a quote from a journal that I read.

Ian Warren and Roy Hay’s; ‘Fencing them in: the A-League, policing and the dilemma of public order’ “Where police use coercive force (e.g. baton charges) against those in the crowd who saw themselves as posing very little, if any, threat to public order there would be corresponding increases in the number of people in the crowd who perceived the police as an illegitimate force.” (2009 p. 5).

Fucking THIS!

To even think that just because a bunch of random people on a survey have more power in club decisions compared to the people who stand up and chant for 90+ minutes is ridiculous.

I would also like to know what this 'bad behaviour' is??? Swearing in chants?? Heard worse at a footy match. Beer showers?? how the fuck do you get covered in beer when your not sitting anywhere near yarraside??

Get ready for next season yarraside, all we'll be able to cheer for 90 minutes is 'melbourne 'clap clap clap' :up: We'll also be able to wave around our pom pom's every time we score a goal :up:

Next meeting you have torn asunder just show them some post's from this page, and tell them that they have lost one of the most committed members (Melburnian). If that doesn't hit them than i don't know what will

Edited by kingofhearts
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I see what you're saying wombegongal but I think what most people have taken issue to is the clubs attitude of "the majority of fans are not active and if they dont like you we will side with them". The undertone of what has been said is that the club agrees with those who feel this way and dont feel a healthy active supporter group is important enough for them to be going out of their way to help change this incorrect attitude.

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I see what you're saying wombegongal but I think what most people have taken issue to is the clubs attitude of "the majority of fans are not active and if they dont like you we will side with them". The undertone of what has been said is that the club agrees with those who feel this way and dont feel a healthy active supporter group is important enough for them to be going out of their way to help change this incorrect attitude.

KSK, I am not part of the 'active group' (as defined by that group, or individuals within it) nor a member of the Representative Group. But I'd be pretty sure that the club administration, coaches and players, and the vast majority of members and supporters, have absolutely no issue with what you call a 'healthy active supporter group.' Indeed, they would see such a group as a vital part of the club's identity.


The key word is 'healthy.' It is only when people see, hear and read about things they consider 'unhealthy' that they become concerned.


This whole thread has gone completely out of control. There really isn't an issue at all, other than some 'unhealthy' incidents that have taken place. I do not believe anyone wants or intends to see an end to 'active support.' But everyone from FFA downwards wants to see an end to that small number of 'unhealthy' incidents, because they do not help MHFC or the game to grow.


That is all this is about.


Calm down everyone.



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I'm calm. I am just pointing the reason people are getting so upset. The clubs response suggests that they are not on the side of active support.


I may not technically be seen as part of active support either because even though I hold an active membership, I spend 99% of games taking photos for the blog and club, but I know the people who spend so much of their own time and money to make sure the game has a bit of atmosphere and they are not the problem.


It was acknowledged that the non active supporter by far makes up the bulk of our supporter base and this is the majority that the club will ultimately aim to please


This response seems like a bit of a kick in the guts to those people.

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I see what you're saying wombegongal but I think what most people have taken issue to is the clubs attitude of "the majority of fans are not active and if they dont like you we will side with them". The undertone of what has been said is that the club agrees with those who feel this way and dont feel a healthy active supporter group is important enough for them to be going out of their way to help change this incorrect attitude.

KSK, I am not part of the 'active group' (as defined by that group, or individuals within it) nor a member of the Representative Group. But I'd be pretty sure that the club administration, coaches and players, and the vast majority of members and supporters, have absolutely no issue with what you call a 'healthy active supporter group.' Indeed, they would see such a group as a vital part of the club's identity.


The key word is 'healthy.' It is only when people see, hear and read about things they consider 'unhealthy' that they become concerned.


This whole thread has gone completely out of control. There really isn't an issue at all, other than some 'unhealthy' incidents that have taken place. I do not believe anyone wants or intends to see an end to 'active support.' But everyone from FFA downwards wants to see an end to that small number of 'unhealthy' incidents, because they do not help MHFC or the game to grow.


That is all this is about.


Calm down everyone.



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In a questionnaire, the captains of all a-league clubs voted for essentially the best pitch (e.g. pace, hardness, smoothness). There was also the atmosphere of each club rated out of 5 by the captains. If you scroll down to the bottom of the linked URL, the results of atmosphere for Melbourne Heart are graphed. 


I wasn't sure where to post this, but i figured that it's worth a look and may interest a few people.

Edited by Deluka
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In a questionnaire, the captains of all a-league clubs voted for essentially the best pitch (e.g. pace, hardness, smoothness). There was also the atmosphere of each club rated out of 5 by the captains. If you scroll down to the bottom of the linked URL, the results of atmosphere for Melbourne Heart are graphed. 


I wasn't sure where to post this, but i figured that it's worth a look and may interest a few people.

I was interested in the overall ratings for AAMI Park in terms of the pitch itself. I've sometimes wondered whether our poor away form is made worse by the fact that most of the other stadiums are inferior to our home turf. And even at home our opponents play well because they're on a better surface than their own. Probably tilting at windmills, but the thought has crossed my mind.

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In a questionnaire, the captains of all a-league clubs voted for essentially the best pitch (e.g. pace, hardness, smoothness). There was also the atmosphere of each club rated out of 5 by the captains. If you scroll down to the bottom of the linked URL, the results of atmosphere for Melbourne Heart are graphed. 


I wasn't sure where to post this, but i figured that it's worth a look and may interest a few people.

I was interested in the overall ratings for AAMI Park in terms of the pitch itself. I've sometimes wondered whether our poor away form is made worse by the fact that most of the other stadiums are inferior to our home turf. And even at home our opponents play well because they're on a better surface than their own. Probably tilting at windmills, but the thought has crossed my mind.

I've also considered this, and i'm sure we aren't alone!

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  • 2 months later...

...so the second meeting went well and was productive.

The focus of the meeting was the member's survey, of which we were shown an initial snapshot of the key matters raised. We were asked not to divulge any specifics (just yet) as the data is still being worked through / analysed, however, it was obvious from what I saw that ALL the key matters (as discussed to death on this forum) were well and truly represented, and were there in black an white under an official Heart logo for the club to work through.

What this means is that we now know that the club knows what we are all discussing and thinking.

In terms of key discussion on the night, and driven by the members survey, there were two main topics covered.

The first was the club identity, which was intrinsically tied in with discussion on crowd behaviour / family friendly atmosphere and perceptions around safety. It was roundly accepted by all in attendance that bad supporter behaviour and publicly negative incidents are something that will not and should not be tolerated or accepted by the club.

Being a regular on this forum, I am aware of the issues b/w ACG and the active area (as is the club), however, the general supporter (including the majority on the rep group) do not seem to be aware of all the stuff bubbling away under the surface.

Even after these behind the scene issues were tabled, it was implied that the majority of supporters have little care about things like rivalries and ongoing battles b/w actives and ACG, and that these types of issues are often seized upon as an excuse to behave badly. The majority of supporters just want to watch their club play football in a fun, family friendly environment, and this is ultimately what the club will aim to deliver.

During the discussions, and due mainly to the dramas during the WSW game at AAMI, some rep group members suggested that they (and others they knew) were unsure about taking up memberships (particularly in Active) next season. It was even put out there that we should not have an Active area at all, and that the team, the club and the game itself is bigger and more important than an Active component, if an Active component cannot function within terms acceptable to the club, the league and the majority of supporters.

It was acknowledged that the non active supporter by far makes up the bulk of our supporter base and this is the majority that the club will ultimately aim to please - Remember, I am just the messenger!

Tying this in with identity, there was talk that the club needs to revisit its founding philosophy and do more work on re-establishing its identity. It was discussed that if this exercise was done properly, it may create a vehicle which will help get things back on track with respect to these concerns that relate to match day atmosphere / acceptable crowd behaviour and perceptions of safety.

The second matter discussed in detail was the performance of the team and JA's performance and ultimately how winning and playing football that was satisfying to watch is highly important to the future of the club. This discussion also covered JA's lack of experience and conduct (i.e. making excuses, blaming others, not shaking the players hands as they come off, etc), not winning an away game all season, selling or keeping players, coaching support, sub-par training facilities, etc.

It was presented that the Board is well and truly aware of all these grumblings, and I guess they share the same concerns.

The message I received is that the Board is presently focusing on the Football Operations Department. It seems to me that JA / HF & JD have been given an opportunity to explain themselves in the context of the season and are going to be given a chance to improve (and I gather that this will mean some better resources, $$$, etc). My take on some of the discussion was that JA is not happy with the facilities at Latrobe, which could mean a shift somewhere else for training, etc, however, a decision will only come after all commercial considerations have been worked through (i.e. setting up at AAMI could cost in excess of $600k for a season).

I get the feeling that the Board will be looking for almost immediate improvements next season. If this doesnt occur, speaking personally, Im not sure they will back JA in for the full season ( I reiterate that this is my feeling only).

In terms of the Rep group itself, steps were made in determining how the group will function and be a conduit for supporters to discuss and raise certain matters for the club's consideration. As such, the club is going to assist in setting up a website / blog which will be updated after each Rep group meeting, with one or two specific issues that were discussed. Supporters will then be able to post comments, etc which will then form an opportunity for an ongoing dialogue with the wider supporter group, that will then carry into the following rep group meeting.

With respect to this forum, the club is happy for me to continue bringing the key issues / matters / ideas, etc raised and discussed to their attention.

Also, for forum posters information, some of the Board members definitely do read this forum...

Next meeting will be second week of May, but a date is yet to be locked in.

Just wondering what's happening with this Group and the items highlighted above. Did the May meeting ever take place? Was it the intention for the Group to continue to function though the off-season?


I saw it as a good conduit for communication between supporters and the club, and IMO it would be a pity to see it wither on the vine. 


Particularly in view of some of the concerns being expressed on here about how we're shaping up for next season.

Edited by jw1739
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The group still exists...


FYI there was no official meeting in May with the club, however, members of the group (with the blessing of the club) have met and have been working independant from the club on a Terms of Reference, which as a DRAFT document has been sent off to the club and will be discussed at the next rep group meeting .... which just so happens to be tomorrow night.


It was agreed by the majority in the group that a Terms of Reference was needed to give the group a proper purpose and to set terms on how the whole rep group process works.


My understanding is that once a Terms of Reference is signed off and agreed to by the Rep group and the club, it will become a document accessible to Heart members and supporters.


I intend to provide an update following the meeting.

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The group still exists...


FYI there was no official meeting in May with the club, however, members of the group (with the blessing of the club) have met and have been working independant from the club on a Terms of Reference, which as a DRAFT document has been sent off to the club and will be discussed at the next rep group meeting .... which just so happens to be tomorrow night.


It was agreed by the majority in the group that a Terms of Reference was needed to give the group a proper purpose and to set terms on how the whole rep group process works.


My understanding is that once a Terms of Reference is signed off and agreed to by the Rep group and the club, it will become a document accessible to Heart members and supporters.


I intend to provide an update following the meeting.

Thanks for the update TA. Much appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure if I'm being an absolute dullard (very possible) but I haven't seen this before.



Melbourne Heart FC Fan Representative Group (FRG) Terms of Reference – September 2013
Mission Statement
The FRG will act as a voice for Melbourne Heart FC supporters and members of all categories in Club 
operations, and be a key communication link between the Club and the wider supporter group.
Aim / Purpose
The purpose of the FRG is to:
1. Advocate on behalf of Melbourne Heart FC (the Club) members and supporters for positive change and improvements, on matters that directly and indirectly impact them.
2. Work cooperatively across all levels of the supporter base, the Club, the A-League, the FFA and any other relevant agencies or commercial entities.
3. Support improvements when they occur.
4. Express views of the membership base irrespective of the views of the FRG members.
5. Each member of the group will strive to operate with integrity, honesty and openness, with an overall aim to add to the betterment of the Club, and the majority of its members.  
6. Collectively the group will operate with an overall consideration to the founding values of the Club
7. Be a transparent organisation which communicates decisions and submissions with the Club and members.
The objectives of the FRG are to be  discussed  at the first meeting of the season and will include the nomination of specific (cyclic) topics that will be discussed in detail at meetings, with generally one major topic scheduled per meeting.Some of the topics that will generally be covered within a year are:
- Memberships
- Marketing
- Club identity
- Half Time Entertainment
- Fan / member access to Players / coaching staff / officials
- Venue facilities
- Club song
- Community Engagement
- Training / Club facilities
- Player sponsorship opportunities
- Match say experience
- Away game support
1. The FRG consists of eight (8) members comprising:  
- General Admin x3
- Active x2
- A Reserve
- B Reserve
- Ace of Hearts
2. Each member will be selected by the Club.
3. A membership term is to be 1 year, with all positions on the group to be vacated at the end of 
each season.
4. A member may tender his / her resignation from the  FRG without prior notice at anytime, either in writing, verbally or at an official meeting.
5. The appointment of a new member following a resignation, termination or end of term will be undertaken by the Club within 4 weeks of a resignation, termination or end of term date.
6. A person’s position within the group may be reviewed in the event that they breach the terms of reference of the  FRG and with the agreement of the Club and the majority of  FRG members. 
7. A member of the FRG must take up and maintain a Melbourne Heart FC season membership by the 1st home game of any given A-League season. 
Meeting procedures
1. The FRG shall at its first meeting of the year;
      a. Elect a Chairperson and a Deputy
      b. Discuss yearly Objectives, in accordance with the Objectives section of this Term of Reference 
2. The FRG shall elect a scribe at the beginning of each meeting by way of nomination and show of hands.  In the first instance, the position of scribe should be rotational.
3. Generally the FRG shall meet every second month, unless otherwise arranged by the Club. 
4. Confirmation of attendance is required to be given to the Club at least 5 days prior to the date of the meeting.
5. Meetings shall typically commence at 6.30pm, concluding generally no later than 9pm.
Decision Making and Voting within the Group at Meetings
When a decision is required by the group, the following will apply:
1. Each representative may only hold one vote.
2. Decisions will be made by a majority vote.
3. Voting can only occur when there are at least five members present.
1. The Chairperson will hold a deliberative vote only.
2. The Chairperson is the official spokesperson in communication with the Club.
3. The Deputy Chairperson shall step in when the Chairperson is either on leave or unavailable.
The group is made up of volunteers.  Meeting costs, excluding time and travel expenses to and from meetings, are to be covered by the Club.   
Agendas and Meeting Notes
1. Agendas will be prepared by the Club for each meeting and circulated at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
2. In an Agenda, after the main topics have been listed in accordance with the starting Objectives and the Meeting procedures, the Agenda will include a standing item titled “Other Business”, in which each member of the Group will be given an opportunity to table specific matters brought to their attention by fellow supporters, for discussion.
3. Notes recording the various discussions during a meeting will be prepared by the scribe for each meeting and circulated no later than one week after the meeting.
4. Generally the scribe will take notes that;
      a. Contain details of the proceedings, decisions made and any actions required;
      b. Be clearly expressed;
      c. Be self-explanatory;
5. Notes prepared by the scribe for each meeting will be considered final after they have been agreed to by both the Club and the Chairperson within two weeks of a meeting.
Media and Communication
1. All public representations about  and from  the  FRG will  uphold  or support  the Mission Statement and the Aims/Purpose as set out in the Terms of Reference.
2. This Terms of Reference will be accessible through the Melbourne Heart FC website along with the names (and limited details) of each members of the group.
3. The club will notify members / supporters on its e-mail mailing list of each upcoming  FRG meeting via e-mail a minimum of 1 week in advance, and provide information on the main topic for discussion.  Members / supporters will be given an opportunity to e-mail the club their opinion on the particular topic of discussion and any notable correspondence received by the club will be provided to the FRG members in advance of the meeting, and then tabled at the meeting for discussion.
4. Post meeting and following the adoption of the scribes notes, a newsletter type blog will be developed on behalf of the group, which will then be accessed via the club’s website. Members / supporters will be notified of the newsletter type blog via e-mail.
Documents or Correspondence
1. Any documents or correspondence must be consistent with the  FRG Mission Statement, Purpose / Aims and objectives as set out in this Terms of Reference.
2. All official documents produced by or associated with the  FRG may only be distributed publicly by Melbourne Heart FC
1. If a particular meeting calls for additional administration support, this will be provided for by the Club.
2. The Club will maintain records associated with the activities of the  FRG on the Melbourne Heart FC website.
Review Date
The Terms of Reference outlined in this document will be reviewed / updated at the first meeting of each season.


Edited by Tommykins
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I was unaware of any FRG Terms of Reference as well. I believe it was only created in September 2013. Since I don't recall seeing any 'newsletter type blog' on the Melbourne Heart website before, I think the Terms of Reference were only created this month. That, or they didn't post these blogs on the Heart website like they were supposed to.


Hopefully ample content from these meetings are communicated back to Heart supporters. The above document says 'All official documents produced by or associated with the  FRG may only be distributed publicly by Melbourne Heart FC', but hopefully members of the FRG can communicate the contents of these meetings to Heart fans (for instance, by posting on this forum) without any complications. Supporters should be able to find out a good amount of details about the club.


All up, the FRG seems like a good way to ensure a healthy amount of communication occurs between Heart supporters and Heart management.

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Hey Murfy

I posted about the Rep Group's Terms of Reference back on the 9th July ...

... here is the key relevant points of my post

"...there was no official meeting in May with the club, however, members of the group (with the blessing of the club) have met and have been working independant from the club on a Terms of Reference, which as a DRAFT document has been sent off to the club and will be discussed at the next rep group meeting .... which just so happens to be tomorrow night.

It was agreed by the majority in the group that a Terms of Reference was needed to give the group a proper purpose and to set terms on how the whole rep group process works.

My understanding is that once a Terms of Reference is signed off and agreed to by the Rep group and the club, it will become a document accessible to Heart members and supporters."


So if anyone has anything they want raised for consideration by the FRG, e-mail the club at fans@melbourneheart.com.au and your e-mail will be distributed to the FRG members for discussion at the meetings.

I imagine that once the newsletter blog is distributed after a meeting (written by the FRG and distributed by the club), it will generate discussion on this forum, probably under this topic. As a memeber of the FRG, I will be happy to join in the discussion after the release of the blog and in the lead up to a meeting

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Hey Murfy

I posted about the Rep Group's Terms of Reference back on the 9th July ...

... here is the key relevant points of my post

"...there was no official meeting in May with the club, however, members of the group (with the blessing of the club) have met and have been working independant from the club on a Terms of Reference, which as a DRAFT document has been sent off to the club and will be discussed at the next rep group meeting .... which just so happens to be tomorrow night.

It was agreed by the majority in the group that a Terms of Reference was needed to give the group a proper purpose and to set terms on how the whole rep group process works.

My understanding is that once a Terms of Reference is signed off and agreed to by the Rep group and the club, it will become a document accessible to Heart members and supporters."


So if anyone has anything they want raised for consideration by the FRG, e-mail the club at fans@melbourneheart.com.au and your e-mail will be distributed to the FRG members for discussion at the meetings.

I imagine that once the newsletter blog is distributed after a meeting (written by the FRG and distributed by the club), it will generate discussion on this forum, probably under this topic. As a memeber of the FRG, I will be happy to join in the discussion after the release of the blog and in the lead up to a meeting


The link to send messages to the FRG (fans@melbourneheart.com.au) does not work. Messages bounce.


I've sent you a PM.

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