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Round 19 - Visitors FC v Melbourne FC - Sat Feb 2 7.45pm - Etihad Stadium


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So many good posts in this thread, easily 5 star thread. Good to see we have so many wise people supporting this club

There simply needs to be more leaders spread across the bays if we are going to stop people being dickheads. Say have about 7-8 people spread around the bays who co-ordinate the chants and who yell at people who are being dickheads. The problem is all the main yarraside leaders are together and even though they do a great job at chanting are unable to co-ordinate the whole bay.

About the chair breaking as well, it doesn't help when the facebook page for heart supporters posted a comment congratulating yarraside on breaking more chairs than victory. So many mixed messages :/

Also anyone dobbing in people should be banned before chair breakers

People are seriously dobbing in their own for busting chairs???

Doesnt worry me coz I took no part... but id happily take part in kicking the shit out of those narks.

So humour me here. You would rather have some little shit breaking chairs that rocks up twice a year to do this than a responsible mature supporter who rocks up every week that would report them?

Then you go on to threaten the nark? Guys this isn't some American tv show, you want respect from the security staff and police then earn it by cleaning up the shitty behaviour of these turds. Instead you say shit like 'I wanna bash crew who are dobbers' Fuck yeah makes a lot of sense. The club don't want it and the majority of supporters don't want it. Also heartfc I think it has been established that they are not our own but ring ins. If they are 'our own' then they should fuck somewhere else with their shit behaviour. So many people do a fantastic job week in week out and I know many non active supporters are thankful for our fantastic Yarraside supporters. But they have nothing to do with crew breaking chairs. So I challenge you why defend the people doing the wrong thing?

Mate its not so much me defending the chair chuckers, more so me hating the nards who want to take the moral high ground over some broken fucking plastic. I was fucking pissed off when the game ended just like 1000 other blokes. I had enough sense to not start booting chairs in coz im abit old for that but im not gonna hold my nose up at those who took out their frustrations. Ref was shocking, Archie was a cunt, we got shit chucked at us from level 2.. Add 8 beers or so and wah-lah. I understand most people dont want this image around the club but you know what, shit happens. Boys will be boys. Etihad can cover the fucking bill the rip off jihadist fucks.

Oh and to say it was only/mostly derby specials who did the damage is bullshit. There might be a yarraside diehard or 2 (or 30) who face a 5k fine and 5 ban coz some knob jockey couldn't bare the herald sun headline the next day. I get what you're saying mate and you make some sense but I just hate those who dob in heart boys when the real enemy are the fucking vic scum.

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The chairs are fucking broken, get over it, it's done. The media shitstorm is a fucking joke, but there's no point continuously saying it and keeping it hot, "dobbing" people in isn't going to help the club either, the whole thing has gone way out of hand.

PS Luke - Don't fucking tell me to see thing from another perspective champ, I don't care about the game? Mate, we're here to fucking stay, the media can't kill us anymore, the league is past that stage.

I don't care about the club? Get your head checked champ.

Pity we don't have a dislike button. This may and has most likely driven some fans away. If this isn't nipped in the bud now it may happen again and more fans may go and in the end the club folds. But hey well just get over it won't we. This really pisses me off. I want the club and the game to grow in this country, we finally have a good league in this country that can grow and get away from the crap from the NSL days. We want people to go and enjoy the game and feel safe. It was only a few chairs get over it. Next time someone may get hit or even killed from these ripped up chairs being tossed around so lets just hope it's not someone you care about.

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The chairs are fucking broken, get over it, it's done. The media shitstorm is a fucking joke, but there's no point continuously saying it and keeping it hot, "dobbing" people in isn't going to help the club either, the whole thing has gone way out of hand.

PS Luke - Don't fucking tell me to see thing from another perspective champ, I don't care about the game? Mate, we're here to fucking stay, the media can't kill us anymore, the league is past that stage.

I don't care about the club? Get your head checked champ.

Pity we don't have a dislike button. This may and has most likely driven some fans away. If this isn't nipped in the bud now it may happen again and more fans may go and in the end the club folds. But hey well just get over it won't we. This really pisses me off. I want the club and the game to grow in this country, we finally have a good league in this country that can grow and get away from the crap from the NSL days. We want people to go and enjoy the game and feel safe. It was only a few chairs get over it. Next time someone may get hit or even killed from these ripped up chairs being tossed around so lets just hope it's not someone you care about.


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il facepalm your mum with my dick faggot

if you actually think the club will fold cause of the money they have to pay from broken chairs then you are a fucking idiot

:droy: Its not just the chairs, its the roll on effect from that. Wake the fuck up

Edited by Dylan
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So many good posts in this thread, easily 5 star thread. Good to see we have so many wise people supporting this club

There simply needs to be more leaders spread across the bays if we are going to stop people being dickheads. Say have about 7-8 people spread around the bays who co-ordinate the chants and who yell at people who are being dickheads. The problem is all the main yarraside leaders are together and even though they do a great job at chanting are unable to co-ordinate the whole bay.

About the chair breaking as well, it doesn't help when the facebook page for heart supporters posted a comment congratulating yarraside on breaking more chairs than victory. So many mixed messages :/

Also anyone dobbing in people should be banned before chair breakers

People are seriously dobbing in their own for busting chairs???

Doesnt worry me coz I took no part... but id happily take part in kicking the shit out of those narks.

So humour me here. You would rather have some little shit breaking chairs that rocks up twice a year to do this than a responsible mature supporter who rocks up every week that would report them?

Then you go on to threaten the nark? Guys this isn't some American tv show, you want respect from the security staff and police then earn it by cleaning up the shitty behaviour of these turds. Instead you say shit like 'I wanna bash crew who are dobbers' Fuck yeah makes a lot of sense. The club don't want it and the majority of supporters don't want it. Also heartfc I think it has been established that they are not our own but ring ins. If they are 'our own' then they should fuck somewhere else with their shit behaviour. So many people do a fantastic job week in week out and I know many non active supporters are thankful for our fantastic Yarraside supporters. But they have nothing to do with crew breaking chairs. So I challenge you why defend the people doing the wrong thing?

Mate its not so much me defending the chair chuckers, more so me hating the nards who want to take the moral high ground over some broken fucking plastic. I was fucking pissed off when the game ended just like 1000 other blokes. I had enough sense to not start booting chairs in coz im abit old for that but im not gonna hold my nose up at those who took out their frustrations. Ref was shocking, Archie was a cunt, we got shit chucked at us from level 2.. Add 8 beers or so and wah-lah. I understand most people dont want this image around the club but you know what, shit happens. Boys will be boys. Etihad can cover the fucking bill the rip off jihadist fucks.

Oh and to say it was only/mostly derby specials who did the damage is bullshit. There might be a yarraside diehard or 2 (or 30) who face a 5k fine and 5 ban coz some knob jockey couldn't bare the herald sun headline the next day. I get what you're saying mate and you make some sense but I just hate those who dob in heart boys when the real enemy are the fucking vic scum.

@HeartFc That is the most ignorant thing I have read for a while. I tip my hat.

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il facepalm your mum with my dick faggot

if you actually think the club will fold cause of the money they have to pay from broken chairs then you are a fucking idiot

:droy: Its not just the chairs, its the roll on effect from that. Wake the fuck up

are you new to the world of football?

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il facepalm your mum with my dick faggot

if you actually think the club will fold cause of the money they have to pay from broken chairs then you are a fucking idiot

If you want to attack me go for it. But leave my Mum and the rest of my family out of it. Thank you.

wasn't directed at you, dylan deleted his post

i can confirm i do not want to turkey slap your mum only dylan's mum

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So many good posts in this thread, easily 5 star thread. Good to see we have so many wise people supporting this club

There simply needs to be more leaders spread across the bays if we are going to stop people being dickheads. Say have about 7-8 people spread around the bays who co-ordinate the chants and who yell at people who are being dickheads. The problem is all the main yarraside leaders are together and even though they do a great job at chanting are unable to co-ordinate the whole bay.

About the chair breaking as well, it doesn't help when the facebook page for heart supporters posted a comment congratulating yarraside on breaking more chairs than victory. So many mixed messages :/

Also anyone dobbing in people should be banned before chair breakers

People are seriously dobbing in their own for busting chairs???

Doesnt worry me coz I took no part... but id happily take part in kicking the shit out of those narks.

So humour me here. You would rather have some little shit breaking chairs that rocks up twice a year to do this than a responsible mature supporter who rocks up every week that would report them?

Then you go on to threaten the nark? Guys this isn't some American tv show, you want respect from the security staff and police then earn it by cleaning up the shitty behaviour of these turds. Instead you say shit like 'I wanna bash crew who are dobbers' Fuck yeah makes a lot of sense. The club don't want it and the majority of supporters don't want it. Also heartfc I think it has been established that they are not our own but ring ins. If they are 'our own' then they should fuck somewhere else with their shit behaviour. So many people do a fantastic job week in week out and I know many non active supporters are thankful for our fantastic Yarraside supporters. But they have nothing to do with crew breaking chairs. So I challenge you why defend the people doing the wrong thing?

Mate its not so much me defending the chair chuckers, more so me hating the nards who want to take the moral high ground over some broken fucking plastic. I was fucking pissed off when the game ended just like 1000 other blokes. I had enough sense to not start booting chairs in coz im abit old for that but im not gonna hold my nose up at those who took out their frustrations. Ref was shocking, Archie was a cunt, we got shit chucked at us from level 2.. Add 8 beers or so and wah-lah. I understand most people dont want this image around the club but you know what, shit happens. Boys will be boys. Etihad can cover the fucking bill the rip off jihadist fucks.

Oh and to say it was only/mostly derby specials who did the damage is bullshit. There might be a yarraside diehard or 2 (or 30) who face a 5k fine and 5 ban coz some knob jockey couldn't bare the herald sun headline the next day. I get what you're saying mate and you make some sense but I just hate those who dob in heart boys when the real enemy are the fucking vic scum.

@HeartFc That is the most ignorant thing I have read for a while. I tip my hat.

You're obviously morally superior to me. Congratulations.

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This is the first and hopefully only time I'm going to comment on this

Was there chairs broken? Yes

Is it good enough? No

Does it hurt the clubs reputation? Of course it does, it also hurts Victorys

Is it a media beat up? No if there was 6 chairs it would be, but there is 150

Should we dob people in? I couldnt give a stuff, do what you want

Is the club going to fold because of it? Most ridiculous thing said in this thread

It's now Tuesday, people really need to get over it, what's done is done

The club and authorities will deal with it now

We have a big 8 weeks to look forward to which is much more important than these chairs to us now

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FFS there is some stupid shit in this thread,

Media Beat Up?

Do PPL honestly think that this story would not be five times bigger if it had happened at an AFL game.

Why weren't the chairs from the first derby on the front page of the paper cadete?

TBH probably because there were bigger Newstories around at that time... Obv Sunday's are slow for news as well.

(As its the nature of the Press to be inconsitent in the amount of time that it will give different stories of similar content.)

I am not saying that there is not a load crap about Rogue Elements and Gangs and what not in these stories, but I think people need to realise that this story in its own right is newsworthy.

Edited by cadete
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People need to understand, in Australia, football is the most vaulnerable sport in the country, it would be the first sport to be discredited and discouraged. A-league is still bloody young, it's never too late to turn it around and turn into a shit storm, especially for our club, who's in the minority in our state and needing to attract new fans to sustain its growth and future. Your kidding yourself if your contempt with 5-8k crowds. You want more supporters? Particularly from other codes? Then this is the sort of shit that will ultimately lead to your demise.

What makes it more sad is the fact that, it's only the club and this derby is only 3yrs old, this derby isn't quiet there yet to warrant such acts, don't confuse the Melbourne derby with a European derby between two teams with ~100yrs of history. Let's get real, grow the club and it's fanbase, and football in this country still has some way to go, it really could join the ranks of AFL and NRL, perhaps even top them in the future. But, attracting those crowds with such behaviour will not work i'm afraid.

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Was there chairs broken? Yes

Is it good enough? No

Does it hurt the clubs reputation? Of course it does, it also hurts Victorys

Is it a media beat up? No if there was 6 chairs it would be, but there is 150

Should we dob people in? I couldnt give a stuff, do what you want

Is the club going to fold because of it? Most ridiculous thing said in this thread

It won't fold, but people need to realise the consequenses.

If our club is associated with this behaviour, some fans will stop going/buying memberships. Some people will stop bringing their kids. We'll be unable to attract new fans. Sponsors will leave. We'll end up being no better off than the old NSL clubs who's fans acted in the very same manner. I know, I used to follow the NSL. Slowly but surely, it will kill us off. How we respond now and at the next derbies will determine whether this is just a small speed bump, or something that will damage the club more seriously.

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No we fucking wont, I understand what you are saying so don't say I am not, I'm just looking at it differently, I'm not being a bitch, and not letting it hurt us, it the club punish the whole home end because of cunts who broke chairs, they're fucking idiots with no clue, WE ARE THIS CLUB, WE OWE THEM NOTHING, THEY OWE US EVERYTHING.

Stop letting the club control us, stand up to them, they're nothing without us.

In regards to people not buying memberships because of it and associating the club with NSL - are you all that fucking thick? They are chairs, if people are scared off by chairs but aren't by flares, because we've heard that plenty of times too, I don't know what this world has come too.

I'm not gonna cop that either - if people weren't going to buy memberships it would of already happened, YEARS AGO, LEAGUE WIDE because of other more serious incidents that ask made the media, but the club and league is here to stay, hence this won't be that bad, people need to calm down, it's gone out of hand, and will be forgotten once it's out of the media.

Edited by DutchPride
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Was there chairs broken? Yes

Is it good enough? No

Does it hurt the clubs reputation? Of course it does, it also hurts Victorys

Is it a media beat up? No if there was 6 chairs it would be, but there is 150

Should we dob people in? I couldnt give a stuff, do what you want

Is the club going to fold because of it? Most ridiculous thing said in this thread

It won't fold, but people need to realise the consequenses.

If our club is associated with this behaviour, some fans will stop going/buying memberships. Some people will stop bringing their kids. We'll be unable to attract new fans. Sponsors will leave. We'll end up being no better off than the old NSL clubs who's fans acted in the very same manner. I know, I used to follow the NSL. Slowly but surely, it will kill us off. How we respond now and at the next derbies will determine whether this is just a small speed bump, or something that will damage the club more seriously.

The current incident happened because not enough was done the first time it happened.

The first incident was not condemned by ALL, and not enough was done by the supporters themselves to have the perpetrators taken to task over it, and this is the result. .

And here's the cold hard truth: the dickheads who were enjoying it back then on this very forum are the same dickheads who are defending it right now. .

The active support needs to take a stand and make it known that anyone who stands there follows a code of conduct, and anyone who does this shit, will be named to the authorities.

Rome was destroyed from within.

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Dutchy, I agree with that for you and I and the rest of Active Supporters on here that Chair Ripping is never ever going to stop us renew our Memberships every new season with relish. (It’s not going to even stop standing in area where “Chair Rippers” are known to lurk come game day.)

But at the same time I have had my mother ask me today:

“If I should really be going to Derbies?”, now PPL may laugh about me bringing my mum into this thread...

But the fact is that it’s my Mother’s demographic of New to Soccer Middle Class Mother is a hell of a lot more important to this club’s survival than Season Diehards like you and myself.

Therefore its no wonder the club is upset as the reality is that these new stories are hurting us attract such supporters.

Edited by cadete
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