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Ive always wondered if the volunteers of the parties who stand around handing out the pamphlets have to spend the day talking to each other through gritted teeth...

I think this forums a good example of how left and right can set their differences aside and get along with each other.... They talk about supporting the local sport team You would be surprised: Generally everyone is putting good with other and respectful of each others want to give back to the community.

TBH I can't recall any unsavoury moments from when I used to do handouts next to opposition parties in my party days, voters shooting the messenger on the other hand...



I did it last federal election and had really good chats with the other parties volunteers. Interesting you had problems with voters Cadete I found everyone just either takes them or polietly declined.


Well I think its easy for PPL to be heroes when the guy handing out the Liberal cards in a Safe ALP seat is a scrawny 18-19 year old... as I got older it stopped.


FWIW the insults I copped from PPL for handing out Republican Cards for the Referendum when I was 17 were far more numerous and worse... that's fucken Perf for ya though.



Yea i suppose the experience varies a fair bit in each electorate. I was working for a popular incumbent MP in a safe Liberal seat out East.

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Ive always wondered if the volunteers of the parties who stand around handing out the pamphlets have to spend the day talking to each other through gritted teeth...

I think this forums a good example of how left and right can set their differences aside and get along with each other.... They talk about supporting the local sport team You would be surprised: Generally everyone is putting good with other and respectful of each others want to give back to the community.

TBH I can't recall any unsavoury moments from when I used to do handouts next to opposition parties in my party days, voters shooting the messenger on the other hand...



I did it last federal election and had really good chats with the other parties volunteers. Interesting you had problems with voters Cadete I found everyone just either takes them or polietly declined.


Well I think its easy for PPL to be heroes when the guy handing out the Liberal cards in a Safe ALP seat is a scrawny 18-19 year old... as I got older it stopped.


FWIW the insults I copped from PPL for handing out Republican Cards for the Referendum when I was 17 were far more numerous and worse... that's fucken Perf for ya though.


You've been listening to Bozza too much!


I've always wanted to take a card from a Greens volunteer, only to scrunch it up and throw it on the ground. I find the thought of this hilarious. I never have though cuz I despise people who litter.

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I still remember one time in the heyday of Pauline Hanson being completely blown away about how the old lady handing out One Nation Cards near us was literally one the nicest PPL you could ever meet... everyone else there loved her.


In fact she was such a nice old darling she even would have had the Greens, ALP, and the Marijuana Party (lol) members liking her so much they all would have voted her "Queen of the Polling Booth" by the days end.

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I laughed in the face of the greens person that tried to hand me a card.

In a similar vein, I loved seeing the cobber in front of me as I was walking through the 'How to vote' gauntlet on Sat and when the Lib tried to hand him a card he looks square at him and says "come on mate, do you know where you are?".  :tooth:  :tooth:  Gotta love the rusted ons. :up:

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FWIW I always take every card...


These PPL are giving their free time up to take part in the political process of one of the greatest Political Systems in the world and IMO therefore deserve some respect for doing as such... no matter what party they attempting to get elected.

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FWIW I always take every card...


These PPL are giving their free time up to take part in the political process of one of the greatest Political Systems in the world and IMO therefore deserve some respect for doing as such... no matter what party they attempting to get elected.

I get that, and I took all the other how to vote cards, but I have no respect for the Greens or anyone associated with them. Fuck them.

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There was an independent candidate handing out her own how to vote cards, which I respect, but fucking hell she was so non-assertive it was a :droy:

How are you going to stand as an independent candidate and not be able to even assert yourself when handing out how to vote cards?

FWIW, I think she did all right in terms of votes.

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Just curious, what are all your views on Abbott's pre-election promises of "no cuts" to several areas which are now being cut?

Considering the shit treatment the ABC has given to members of my family over the years which sadly  thanks to a very well known Radio Broadcasters also includes this year...


As long as the kids get to watch their pig show I dont give a fuck.

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Just curious, what are all your views on Abbott's pre-election promises of "no cuts" to several areas which are now being cut?

Considering the shit treatment the ABC has given to members of my family over the years which sadly thanks to a very well known Radio Broadcasters also includes this year...

As long as the kids get to watch their pig show I dont give a fuck. Dont you be dissing peppa pig!

My 2 year old wants to have a word with you.

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Just curious, what are all your views on Abbott's pre-election promises of "no cuts" to several areas which are now being cut?

Expecting politicians to stick to the plan they had at the election for the next 3 years is fucking retarded. Circumstances change, our leaders need to adapt their plan to the changing circumstances. The debt level grew beyond what was expected at the election, so further cuts had to be made.

Also I have no doubt the ABC would be inefficient as fuck, they could cut the costs without affecting programming significantly. ABC are just being cunts right now making out that programs need to go.

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Just curious, what are all your views on Abbott's pre-election promises of "no cuts" to several areas which are now being cut?

Expecting politicians to stick to the plan they had at the election for the next 3 years is fucking retarded. Circumstances change, our leaders need to adapt their plan to the changing circumstances. The debt level grew beyond what was expected at the election, so further cuts had to be made.

Also I have no doubt the ABC would be inefficient as fuck, they could cut the costs without affecting programming significantly. ABC are just being cunts right now making out that programs need to go.


Having some experience working in the public sector I agree fully with your point about inefficiency. 

It's certainly true that circumstances change, the same thing happened to Gillard of course. Politicians shouldn't make such damn certain statements when they know full well they'll struggle to carry them out in practise. It makes it hard to run a proper democracy when you have no idea which promises will be kept and which will be ignored.

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Just curious, what are all your views on Abbott's pre-election promises of "no cuts" to several areas which are now being cut?

Expecting politicians to stick to the plan they had at the election for the next 3 years is fucking retarded. Circumstances change, our leaders need to adapt their plan to the changing circumstances. The debt level grew beyond what was expected at the election, so further cuts had to be made.

Also I have no doubt the ABC would be inefficient as fuck, they could cut the costs without affecting programming significantly. ABC are just being cunts right now making out that programs need to go.

Having some experience working in the public sector I agree fully with your point about inefficiency. 

It's certainly true that circumstances change, the same thing happened to Gillard of course. Politicians shouldn't make such damn certain statements when they know full well they'll struggle to carry them out in practise. It makes it hard to run a proper democracy when you have no idea which promises will be kept and which will be ignored.

But if they don't make such certain statements, the media will jump on it and be like "Tony Abbott won't rule out increasing the GST"

Damned if they do, and damned if they don't.

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Just curious, what are all your views on Abbott's pre-election promises of "no cuts" to several areas which are now being cut?

Expecting politicians to stick to the plan they had at the election for the next 3 years is fucking retarded. Circumstances change, our leaders need to adapt their plan to the changing circumstances. The debt level grew beyond what was expected at the election, so further cuts had to be made.

Also I have no doubt the ABC would be inefficient as fuck, they could cut the costs without affecting programming significantly. ABC are just being cunts right now making out that programs need to go.


Having some experience working in the public sector I agree fully with your point about inefficiency. 

It's certainly true that circumstances change, the same thing happened to Gillard of course. Politicians shouldn't make such damn certain statements when they know full well they'll struggle to carry them out in practise. It makes it hard to run a proper democracy when you have no idea which promises will be kept and which will be ignored.


But if they don't make such certain statements, the media will jump on it and be like "Tony Abbott won't rule out increasing the GST"

Damned if they do, and damned if they don't.


How shit's the media eh.

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Good to see Daniel Andrews wants to get this State back to being proactive and forward thinking like we saw from the Kennett and Brumby Governments.

The following are three things that are big positives towards my life:


1. Grand Final Parade Public Holiday,

2. Lane Splitting for Motorcycles/Scooters,

3. 24 Hour Public Transport on Weekends


It actually looks like we might just have a State Government that is actually "Victorian" in the way it thinks again.

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Looks like Andrews will be playing the "I tried my best to get out of the contracts but I couldn't" card.


Anyone who has any knowledge of how contract actually work knows that his promises were bullshit. Basically he's going to repudiate and have to pay a hell of a lot in damages or just go ahead with it piss off all the inner city lefties, as a tax payer i know which i would prefer.

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1. Grand Final Parade Public Holiday,


Good compensation for lack of tunnel. I would have saved about 20 mins per trip travelling to my parents house twice a month with the tunnel which works out to be 8 hours a year.

Replacing an infrastructure project that will boost the economy with a public holiday that will drag the economy down? Sounds pretty shit to me.

Do people realise that one extra public holiday a year could be the difference between 1,000 people having a job or not? One less productive day from an employee, plus having to pay them for it, could be enough for a business to decide against hiring someone. What makes it worse is it's a pointless public holiday.

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FWIW I always take every card...


These PPL are giving their free time up to take part in the political process of one of the greatest Political Systems in the world and IMO therefore deserve some respect for doing as such... no matter what party they attempting to get elected.

I get that, and I took all the other how to vote cards, but I have no respect for the Greens or anyone associated with them. Fuck them.

This has nothing to do with them being left wing. My posts in this thread may suggest otherwise, but I actually don't have any problem with people that are really left wing, I don't have a problem with real socialists, I don't have a problem with real Marxists. I respect these people, I just disagree with them on some/many things. What I have a problem with is stupidity. With ignorance. And with fuckwittery. And that's why the Greens can suck my dick :up:

Real left wing cunts don't like these hipster 'left wing' fuckwits either.

But since this isn't Lima or Caracas, there aren't that many real marxists, just attention seeking ignorant fuckwits that don't even know what they fucking believe in.

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Thoughts on sex party?


I voted for them in the senate basically based entirely on this article;



More a reflection of my apathy towards any of the other parties than anything particularly about their other policies.

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Thoughts on sex party?

Pretty much just a lobby group for the sex industry.

But a lot of what they stand for is the removal of various victimless crimes which I am also a strong supporter of so overall they're not the worst minor party IMO and I can see them being one of the more stable ones.

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While I'm not down with this attention seeking behaviour, what she describes sounds like the party for me http://www.news.com.au/national/the-liberal-party-has-completely-betrayed-its-core-principles-says-young-liberal-executive-team-member-in-scathing-resignation-letter/story-fncynjr2-1227144732331

And in a lot of ways she is right, it is a shame that the Liberal party doesn't stand for what it once did, but then again I also understand the two major parties are always going to change their positions to match the current average political position of the our society and basically just be either slightly left of that for Labor vs being slightly right of that for the Liberals. And I also don't see a lot wrong in that.

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While I'm not down with this attention seeking behaviour, what she describes sounds like the party for me http://www.news.com.au/national/the-liberal-party-has-completely-betrayed-its-core-principles-says-young-liberal-executive-team-member-in-scathing-resignation-letter/story-fncynjr2-1227144732331

And in a lot of ways she is right, it is a shame that the Liberal party doesn't stand for what it once did, but then again I also understand the two major parties are always going to change their positions to match the current average political position of the our society and basically just be either slightly left of that for Labor vs being slightly right of that for the Liberals. And I also don't see a lot wrong in that.

Just looks like your typical nerd who was isolated by even the other nerds in the Youth Wing of a Major Political Party so they decide to go out in a blaze of glory when they realize that they are never going come close to being able to stand for a winnable seat when they are older. 


I have meet a few of these in my time.

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Tony Abbott should just be a massive troll and have the Federal Government build the EWL and then take the $2bn that should be the Vic government's contribution out of their GST revenue.

Not sure if that's legally possible (for them to build it without state government support), and it goes against a lot of what I believe in that the feds shouldn't be interfering in state business, and it would be a perfect example of why the states should be given more freedom to raise their own revenue rather than relying on the feds to decide how much they get, but fuck it would be a good trolling and I do enjoy a good trolling :up:

Probably would be a blessing for Andrews actually, gets him out of the tricky situation he is in now.

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Tony Abbott should just be a massive troll and have the Federal Government build the EWL and then take the $2bn that should be the Vic government's contribution out of their GST revenue.

Not sure if that's legally possible (for them to build it without state government support), and it goes against a lot of what I believe in that the feds shouldn't be interfering in state business, and it would be a perfect example of why the states should be given more freedom to raise their own revenue rather than relying on the feds to decide how much they get, but fuck it would be a good trolling and I do enjoy a good trolling :up:

Probably would be a blessing for Andrews actually, gets him out of the tricky situation he is in now.

Obviously looking from the outside... Just curious what sort of percentage of Victorians support this project? Personally, I can't see in being anything but a positive. Edited by HeartinHobart
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Tony Abbott should just be a massive troll and have the Federal Government build the EWL and then take the $2bn that should be the Vic government's contribution out of their GST revenue.

Not sure if that's legally possible (for them to build it without state government support), and it goes against a lot of what I believe in that the feds shouldn't be interfering in state business, and it would be a perfect example of why the states should be given more freedom to raise their own revenue rather than relying on the feds to decide how much they get, but fuck it would be a good trolling and I do enjoy a good trolling :up:

Probably would be a blessing for Andrews actually, gets him out of the tricky situation he is in now.

Obviously looking from the outside... Just curious what sort of percentage of Victorians support this project? Personally, I can't see in being anything but a positive.

I think it was about 60% on the last poll.

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Real worrying signs for the Abbott government with how they are perceived by the public... at this point into his first term they same things were being said about Howard and his government but then Port Arthur occurred and he was able to show his practical compassionate side with Gun Reform.


Abbott, Pyne and especially Hockey need to start show that too have such a side otherwise they could be fucked... they should probably get advice from the only Minister managing to perform in way to capture the public imagination in that of Julie Bishop.

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Honestly Hockey needs to go. Based on nothing more than his public perception. The budget cuts will never be sold with him as treasurer.

Brandis is also a problem if you ask me. He's probably the best man for the job but he just comes across as really old and stale.

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Honestly Hockey needs to go. Based on nothing more than his public perception. The budget cuts will never be sold with him as treasurer.

Brandis is also a problem if you ask me. He's probably the best man for the job but he just comes across as really old and stale.

Hockey has always been a populous gutless Rudd like politician...  he sold out numerous other Libs back in his early days over the Republic Referendum to win favour with Howard and I have never understood why he has been able to get where he is today.

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So a new level of internet censorship is set to begin http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/new-laws-would-ban-piracy-websites-in-australia/story-fnjwmwrh-1227149556089

Calling it now, 1 term government. For fucks sake, I don't want to go back to Labor. How they've fucked it up so royally after Labor fucked up beyond comprehension and should have been out of the running for a couple of terms at least is beyond me. No wonder retarded cunts like the Greens and PUP keep collecting votes. And all the micro parties picking up seats.

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