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Royal commission into the unions :clap: :clap: :clap:

About time these criminals got what they deserve.


(which was driven by an ABC investigation btw) The Left abandoned the nations Workers a long time ago - Hence many became Howard's biggest fans.

At some point in the late 80's some Leftist worked out that unlike Workers, Trees and The Ozone Layer couldn't talk back when they are being Misrepresented. :up:

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CW to hear the "Australian's are all Brainwashed Idiots Theory" from the Pinko's to explain this survey by CSIRO on Australian views on Climate Change... As I would love to know where they are reading such views in Australia's Green Media.







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To be honest, whether the layman thinks that climate change is happening is irrelevant, they haven't read the scientific literature

I would def call some of the stuff former "Kevin 07 Aussie of The Year Tim Flannery" has written "Literature" but not scientific...


1. In 2005, Flannery predicted Sydney's dams could be dry in as little as two years because global warming was drying up the rains, leaving the city "facing extreme difficulties with water".

Check Sydney's dam levels today: 73 per cent. Hmm. Not a good start. :hkpalm:

2. In 2008, Flannery said: "The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009."

Check Adelaide's water storage levels today: 77 per cent. :hkpalm:

3. In 2007, Flannery predicted cities such as Brisbane would never again have dam-filling rains, as global warming had caused "a 20 per cent decrease in rainfall in some areas" and made the soil too hot, "so even the rain that falls isn't actually going to fill our dams and river systems ... ".

Check the Murray-Darling system today: in flood. Check Brisbane's dam levels: 100 per cent full. :hkpalm:

Of course nothing beats his 1996 prediction...


4. Anyone with a coastal view from their bedroom window, or their kitchen window, or whereever, is likely to lose their house as a result of that change, so anywhere, any coastal cities, coastal areas, are in grave danger.



:hkpalm: :hkpalm: :wormy: :wormy: :wormy: :wormy:


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Thoughts on the changes to the Summary Offences Act being put through by the Vic Govt, gents?

I have no problems with professional protesters who day in/day out try to stop PPL from go about with their legal lives/legal jobs being told to move on or arrested when they consistently attempt to impede on others. :up:


I also think it has to be remember as well that this law will be enforced by the Victorian Police Force not a the Russian or Indonesian Police Force.


It is also a load of crap than these Protesters then raise the "Freedom of Speech" argument when they are the first one's that champion the current Politically Correct society which in we live. The society where whenever someone says something the PC Elite disagree with they then dob them as one who commits "Hate Crimes" and compare them to Hitler (Not Stalin of course).

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To be honest, whether the layman thinks that climate change is happening is irrelevant, they haven't read the scientific literature

I would def call some of the stuff former "Kevin 07 Aussie of The Year Tim Flannery" has written "Literature" but not scientific...


1. In 2005, Flannery predicted Sydney's dams could be dry in as little as two years because global warming was drying up the rains, leaving the city "facing extreme difficulties with water".

Check Sydney's dam levels today: 73 per cent. Hmm. Not a good start. :hkpalm:

2. In 2008, Flannery said: "The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009."

Check Adelaide's water storage levels today: 77 per cent. :hkpalm:

3. In 2007, Flannery predicted cities such as Brisbane would never again have dam-filling rains, as global warming had caused "a 20 per cent decrease in rainfall in some areas" and made the soil too hot, "so even the rain that falls isn't actually going to fill our dams and river systems ... ".

Check the Murray-Darling system today: in flood. Check Brisbane's dam levels: 100 per cent full. :hkpalm:

Of course nothing beats his 1996 prediction...


4. Anyone with a coastal view from their bedroom window, or their kitchen window, or whereever, is likely to lose their house as a result of that change, so anywhere, any coastal cities, coastal areas, are in grave danger.



:hkpalm: :hkpalm: :wormy: :wormy: :wormy: :wormy:




You've misconstrued climate change (so has Tim Flannery for that matter, I wouldn't use him as your primary source of information), climate change is the addition of more energy into our climate system (through CO2 or anything else for that matter) and the problem is, we have no idea how the planet will react to this increase in energy. On a global scale in the rock record, it's an increase in warming that we seem to notice the most. But that occurs over a long period of time, so the issue with that is we've likely screwed the pooch already by adding this much energy into the system.

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'Professional protesters' ... amazing. If you read any further than page 4 of the Herald Sun you'd know that the majority of the EW Link protesters (I assume you're referring to them here) are local residents, a lot of who are retired etc.

Nonetheless, I can see the potential for these expanded powers to be used far beyond their intended target of the EW Link protest, which is slightly frustrating.

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To be honest, whether the layman thinks that climate change is happening is irrelevant, they haven't read the scientific literature

I would def call some of the stuff former "Kevin 07 Aussie of The Year Tim Flannery" has written "Literature" but not scientific...


1. In 2005, Flannery predicted Sydney's dams could be dry in as little as two years because global warming was drying up the rains, leaving the city "facing extreme difficulties with water".

Check Sydney's dam levels today: 73 per cent. Hmm. Not a good start. :hkpalm:

2. In 2008, Flannery said: "The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009."

Check Adelaide's water storage levels today: 77 per cent. :hkpalm:

3. In 2007, Flannery predicted cities such as Brisbane would never again have dam-filling rains, as global warming had caused "a 20 per cent decrease in rainfall in some areas" and made the soil too hot, "so even the rain that falls isn't actually going to fill our dams and river systems ... ".

Check the Murray-Darling system today: in flood. Check Brisbane's dam levels: 100 per cent full. :hkpalm:

Of course nothing beats his 1996 prediction...


4. Anyone with a coastal view from their bedroom window, or their kitchen window, or whereever, is likely to lose their house as a result of that change, so anywhere, any coastal cities, coastal areas, are in grave danger.



:hkpalm: :hkpalm: :wormy: :wormy: :wormy: :wormy:




You've misconstrued climate change (so has Tim Flannery for that matter, I wouldn't use him as your primary source of information), climate change is the addition of more energy into our climate system (through CO2 or anything else for that matter) and the problem is, we have no idea how the planet will react to this increase in energy. On a global scale in the rock record, it's an increase in warming that we seem to notice the most. But that occurs over a long period of time, so the issue with that is we've likely screwed the pooch already by adding this much energy into the system.


I am just using the Man that our Green Aware Rudd Government appointed to advise us. :up:


'Professional protesters' ... amazing. If you read any further than page 4 of the Herald Sun you'd know that the majority of the EW Link protesters (I assume you're referring to them here) are local residents, a lot of who are retired etc.

Nonetheless, I can see the potential for these expanded powers to be used far beyond their intended target of the EW Link protest, which is slightly frustrating.

Give us a break, the Self Appointed Leader of the EW Link is an infamous Professional Protester... so I am sure others would be involved. :hmm:


Also just because someone doesn't subscribe to your particular "Pinko Political Views" does not therefore make them "Unread" and therefore someone  "Who does not read past page 4 of The Sun". :up:


However something that is amusing is that the only paper that does sell in Melbourne is the Herald Sun... and that because of this fact your favourite rag in this city will probably not even be in circulation in under five years times. :up:

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Rofl, that's an impressive assumption! Anthony Main's involvement doesn't mean all those opposed to the EW Link should be subject to some fairly draconian changes to the 'move on' laws.

'Pinko Political Views' :droy: Okay.

What is my favourite rag though? I'm certainly not adverse to reading anything from the Herald Sun you know :)

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Rofl, that's an impressive assumption! Anthony Main's involvement doesn't mean all those opposed to the EW Link should be subject to some fairly draconian changes to the 'move on' laws.

'Pinko Political Views' :droy: Okay.

What is my favourite rag though? I'm certainly not adverse to reading anything from the Herald Sun you know :)

I love your use of the word "Draconian" the mere fact that you just used that word to describe some new modern law means your a Pinko. :up:


And I used the word "Some" not "All" in regards to Professional Protesters being involved in the EW link protest.

So I would call that a Minor Assumption.  :up:



The paper that nobody can be bothered buying anymore in Melbourne is the Fairfax Paper - The Age. :up:


BTW now that you are back in this thread (You did not return after you posted a very unfactual rumour about our now Prime Minister Mr Abbott) can you please post your promised response that I have been waiting with bated breath for... 



@ Hediaik

Actually the reason I am getting worked up is because Ando’s to suit his own political cause is quoting a unqualified rumour. A unqualified rumour from a Kent who defamed a close friend of my family when they were not even in the Public Sphere.

@ Che & Ando & Hediaik

On the Topic of sources boys...

When I have say in here “My Sources” it’s because they are the are actual people who you would know (Past and Present Senior Ministers from both sides of Parliament) whose names I do not want to use as they have spoken as peers to somebody I am very closely related to...

They are not Journo’s, not Minor Party Members or some dude with Dreads occupying a park.

@ Ando

Apparently you just put the link up on here because you find it interesting??? :hmm:

You must find it real interesting?? :hmm:

Seeing as you also felt a need to post it up on FB as well. :droy:

Please do tell us why Abbott is unfit for PM? :hmm:

A Rhode Scholar who has already been a successful Minister in one of Australian’s most successful Governments.

A person with a United Party Room behind him since before the last election compared to his opponent whose re-election to Party Leader saw the instant resignation of half the party’s Senior Ministers including his Treasurer. :droy:

Why is it every time the public disagree with you on something is because of a Fear Campaign??? :hmm:

The Howard Government’s success was simply because of a Fear Campaign. :droy:

And now that Abbott is poised to win the election its of course also due to another Fear Campaign. :droy:

You also clearly have not seen any ALP election adverts recently :up:

The Australian Public are not a bunch of zombies able to be brainwashed and scared into being conservatives.

If they buy the Herald rather than the Age it’s because....... they actually want to read the Herald. :up:

If they drive a Holden rather than ride a bike it’s because...... they want to drive a Holden. :up:

If they vote Liberal rather than ALP it’s because........ they want to vote Liberal. :up:

I look forward to going on Twitter for this first time this year on Saturday night to see you toasting Australia’s first Catholic PM since Keating. :up:


Ah, Cadete, you conservative crusader you.

I'll get around to responding to a few of those assumptions you made later on.

Note though, that I did find that article/rumour/slander/whatever interesting and posted it elsewhere because...why not? It's kind of refreshing tbh and hey, it certainly stimulated a bit of (heated) discussion.


Thanks :up:

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Tbh I forgot/didn't want to respond because I don't have time during office hours to sit down and try to define someone according a vague set of ideological rules. And emoticons. At any rate that seems to be the general theme of this thread.

That, and I didn't want to break my own little rule of discussing politics with you, because we both know that leads to drama. Which I may have just done accidentally. Oh well.

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Tbh I forgot/didn't want to respond because I don't have time during office hours to sit down and try to define someone according a vague set of ideological rules. And emoticons. At any rate that seems to be the general theme of this thread.

Actually you should give it a go as you will quickly find that the Ideological rules realities and emoticons actually enable such posts to be quite concise and quick to type. :up:

I must admit that I have noticed today and on other days that posting (Not reading) this thread does seem to against the grain of the Supra Political Movement.

Which is a real shame as too my knowledge as there are at least two regular posters in this thread have Political Science Degrees (Not to be confused with Spy Studies) and another few posters with a sound knowledge of Economics through Commerce degrees... yet the Supras have remained largely absent. :hmm:

That, and I didn't want to break my own little rule of discussing politics with you, because we both know that leads to drama. Which I may have just done accidentally. Oh well.

Yes, I recall being rather annoyed the last time we had a political argument in person.

I was quite aggrieved at "The Terrace End of Season BBQ", when you growled at a young Italian lad that him needing to attend his brother's "Sacrament of Holy Confirmation" was not a good enough excuse to be missing the afternoon's football match against West Sydney. :hmm:

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Rofl, that's an impressive assumption! Anthony Main's involvement doesn't mean all those opposed to the EW Link should be subject to some fairly draconian changes to the 'move on' laws.

'Pinko Political Views' :droy: Okay.

What is my favourite rag though? I'm certainly not adverse to reading anything from the Herald Sun you know :)



Tough rules need to be brought in to punish those who repeatedly break the law and seem to think they have a right to continue to do so. 

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Is there a reason why this article:  http://www.theage.com.au/national/protest-bill-passes-state-parliaments-lower-house-20140220-3349r.html

was published at 3am and basically buried with in the website? And also only 4 short paragraphs long. 


Personally I dont get amongst this sort of thing, but its still a pretty big deal. 


Could affect us going to and from games, etc.

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Happens often on news websites, articles are written in the day and then uploaded to the website after midnight, as they are for the next day's news.


and basically buried with in the website?

It's right there in the National section of the website, not too far off the top.


And also only 4 short paragraphs long.

Because it's already been well covered by the media since it's announcment, and this is not a particularly newsworthy event as it's just passed through the lower house, I'm sure once it's passed both houses and becomes law it will be a more newsworthy event, but still probably not as much as when it was announced.


Personally I dont get amongst this sort of thing, but its still a pretty big deal.

I agree, and this is where I will add my $0.02, that all these east west link protester fuckwits only have themselves to blame. Because their stupidity resulted in this law being created. How fucking retarded can you be, all their protests achieved was push the public perception more in favour of the east west link ( :up:), and against themselves ( :up:), and protesting in general.

FWIW, I don't like that police powers are being expanded, which should come as no surprise for those who know my true political beliefs (as opposed to my trolling of stupid lefties), but I also believe people should be able to freely go to their place of work and not be intimidated while doing so. I haven't had a chance to actually look into the finer points of the proposed legislation, and so I'm not either in support of or against it, I'm just pointing out that there is no 'conspiracy' (hate this word) in terms of media coverage and that the EW protesters are to blame for this new law being introduced.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was at the imperial at the time, and did feel that 12 cop cars, black territories, and CIRT team was a bit much. I do fully believe though that the far left socialist group, after being told to leave, should have and allowed parliament to run. Not sure if they were charged with contempt of Parliament, but the legislation being amended is ridiculous. Hopefully this government will create history again by being voted out in september.

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Was at the imperial at the time, and did feel that 12 cop cars, black territories, and CIRT team was a bit much. I do fully believe though that the far left socialist group, after being told to leave, should have and allowed parliament to run. Not sure if they were charged with contempt of Parliament, but the legislation being amended is ridiculous. Hopefully this government will create history again by being voted out in september.

I would like to point out that one of CIRTs jobs is to respond to public disorder.

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Was at the imperial at the time, and did feel that 12 cop cars, black territories, and CIRT team was a bit much. I do fully believe though that the far left socialist group, after being told to leave, should have and allowed parliament to run. Not sure if they were charged with contempt of Parliament, but the legislation being amended is ridiculous. Hopefully this government will create history again by being voted out in september.

I would like to point out that one of CIRTs jobs is to respond to public disorder.



Thats all well and good, but i doubt they were needed to remove a couple dozen people who applauded a speech. Its all getting a bit silly.

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Was at the imperial at the time, and did feel that 12 cop cars, black territories, and CIRT team was a bit much. I do fully believe though that the far left socialist group, after being told to leave, should have and allowed parliament to run. Not sure if they were charged with contempt of Parliament, but the legislation being amended is ridiculous. Hopefully this government will create history again by being voted out in september.

I would like to point out that one of CIRTs jobs is to respond to public disorder.

Thats all well and good, but i doubt they were needed to remove a couple dozen people who applauded a speech. Its all getting a bit silly.

I understand what you are saying, but they would have been asked to move on. When they didnt the CIRT are the ones whose job it is to make them move.

Add to the fact that it is politicians who were present in the building I think it was quite justified that the CIRT were there.

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p.s. do these new laws need to be passed in the senate? Or was that who was sitting last night?

They were passed last night in the upper house which is the 'senate' so to speak. This new change is really the follow up to the accepted move on notices that are used in the CBD to combat drunk and anti social violence, which IMO does have validity, but the fact now that members of the force can now serve these notices to anyone demonstrating appears to be a infringement of rights. Not sure to what extent malloy you know about this one, been trying to read into it, but could this amendment have any effect at sporting events particularly soccer where in the eyes of the media and the police 'hooligans' appear to misbehave ?

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Unions plus Australia's Cowboy State have always been a deadly combination. :up:


And FWIW as have Rednecks plus Australia's Cowboy State.

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