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John Aloisi


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Would I ever want that money back mister attack? Fuck no.

If the team loses a grand final when they are underdoga would that mean you no longer want to support them? Because you want them to be successful the year after but clearly they weren't good enough?

There is no one who has supported your statements so far. Heck even kingofhearts agrees with me!

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Mate i'm a fucken demons supporter - you think i'd abandon them cause they've been mostly shit for 20 years? of course not.

In terms of my level of support, i don't care if the club finishes last five years in a row and gets relegated to the under 14's league, i would still be as passionate about it as ever. does that mean i don't want my club to win something? of course not. it just means i don't cut up my membership or refuse to support a club if they're doing shite.

Well that's the difference between you and me. I can't believe and I will NEVER understand how you can support a team in any code for such a long periode of time and in returne you get nothing... So you have never experienced the ultimate joy that a supporter can feel? To explain its like when we beat the Victory, now times that feeling by 10...

So you have paid on Average $450 on membership per year for the Demond's for 20yrs... That's $9,000 you have given the club plus whatever else you have bought off them and you have received nothing in returne ... Not even the hope that in your life time you will see your team lift the cup....

Me! I could never support such a thing and by support I mean buying membership... Don't get me wrong I will always follow and support the Heart but I will not let the club take me for a fool... If the plan is to be sustainable 1st and silvaware 2nd then say that, or if there is a plan then tell us... But to blindly give $$$ way and have the board think that I support what they are doing or lack there of... No chance...

On that basis, how will you (personally) know when to buy a membership in a winning year for any code?

I have mentioned this before many times. If we as a team are competitive on the field I will buy my membership every year and I will win and lose every game with the boys but I believe that if the heart get there football right we will be the biggest club in Melbourne I have no doubt about that. Our membership represents support for the club and decisions that are being made (essentially our vote of approval) and at this time I don't approve of what the heart is doing football wise and I don't approve of JA as head coach... If he magically turns it around then great but IMO I can't see that happening ...


I agree with you.  The club is going down a path of celebrating and accepting mediocrity.  Its not just about actual wins but about effort, commitment, vision.  Go through some of the match day posts about far too many totally insipid performances from the players and the coach and anyone can see that this is the case.  And no-one is accountable.  Thats just bullshit.


In terms of KPI's: only team never to have finished in the top half of the table.  Currently worst Australian club, equal last on pionts with a coachless NZ team.  How can anyone argue this acceptable?


As a Bulldogs supporter I can see a defeatist culture evolving a mile away.   i don't want to be a club celebrating individuals, because we have nothing else to celebrate.  Club Champions are for loser clubs.  Champion teams is what should be celebrated.  

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And thinks that supporting a club has to be based around them being successful :droy:

So when the club started 3yrs ago were they successful ?What about year 2?What about this year? Have we been successful in any why shape or form?What's the plan going forward...I don't think you understand anything about football, you don't have passion you just go with the flow ... You don't care if we win, lose, draw, finish last, or first ... This is entertainment for you... Well for me it's much much more.... and THAT you will never understand...Hold on mate. Your completely out of line here. It's supporters like bzamora who keep this club together, willing to support through thick and thin. Is winning on the pitch the only thing you care about in regards to supporting a club?? What about yarraside who provide the amazing atmosphere every home match??? Being a member is much more than simply supporting on field performance. I've been lucky enoughto meet some great people in yarraside in this year and more or less i'm getting a membership just to be able to see them again. Your clearly not a western bulldogs supporter or a st.kilda supporter, my pop has been a saints member for 40 odd years, and even though they have won jack shit, has always stuck with them. We all demand success mate, but when you chose to support our club you knew what you were getting. Melbourne's 'little brother' so to speak. If you wish to stop supporting thats fine, your loss champ

Well what can you say to a ridicules comment like that? "Little Brother" pathetic really

So you say you demand results? How? How do you demand results ... By blindly buying membership year after year and accept rubbish, because your "Demands" are not being heard by anyone at the club... So how do you demand results...

This is sport which is a result driven industry in particular at the elite level and the A-League is the elite level for football in this country. Look at all the other teams in the comp. How many coaching changes or sackings have there been? Why? Because this isn't about mate ship or reputations, this is about making tough, hard decisions because clubs know that supporters demand results and there is nothing wrong with that... This isn't a cycle that in 5yrs we will get our championship window...

When a team is not performing what happens to attendances? They drop off this is what makes our code so special because clubs, players, coaches, administrators have to perform every single time because demand a pressure is all around them.

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Would I ever want that money back mister attack? Fuck no.If the team loses a grand final when they are underdoga would that mean you no longer want to support them? Because you want them to be successful the year after but clearly they weren't good enough?There is no one who has supported your statements so far. Heck even kingofhearts agrees with me!

I understand that you have been brain washed by the AFL in treating your chosen club like a charity. Is Melbourne Heart a charity? NO it's a sports club that exists within a code that is result driven.

Have we reached the grand final? Have we even looked like competing for a final? When we lost 3-0 in our first final I was gutted, but I fronted up and bought my membership for myself and wife for this season again. Now! This year has been one disaster after another so what's the way forward, from a supporters point of view what can we do? Vent our frustration on forums like this one, or maybe we can make excuses on behalf of JA to explain the poor performance, or maybe speak to the person next to us and have length discussions about our rubbish season... Only one problem, the board won't hear that, JA will never no what I think...

If I want to donate money, which is what you are doing I would chose a charity with a cause that will make a difference, not a sporting club.

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I have followed LUFC for most of my life, becuase that's where my matriachal family comes from. Even now I still follow them and things arn't that rosey.

I have disliked Victory since the VPL, so I could never support them and when Heart came along, I chose them and will support them through thick and thin, one day they will have their glory in the sun and I will enjoy it more becuase of the lows.

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I understand that you have been brain washed by the AFL in treating your chosen club like a charity. Is Melbourne Heart a charity? NO it's a sports club that exists within a code that is result driven.

Have we reached the grand final? Have we even looked like competing for a final? When we lost 3-0 in our first final I was gutted, but I fronted up and bought my membership for myself and wife for this season again. Now! This year has been one disaster after another so what's the way forward, from a supporters point of view what can we do? Vent our frustration on forums like this one, or maybe we can make excuses on behalf of JA to explain the poor performance, or maybe speak to the person next to us and have length discussions about our rubbish season... Only one problem, the board won't hear that, JA will never no what I think...

If I want to donate money, which is what you are doing I would chose a charity with a cause that will make a difference, not a sporting club.

It is attitudes like this that have ruined the souls of football clubs. 


Creating an environment based purely around results and turnover, and disregarding such things as mateship  and effort will just give birth to 

a synthetic, negatively utilitarian culture, where the everyday supporter will get left behind and corporate boxes will be filled with investors.


I will buy a Membership next year, not because of our potential or new signings but rather because I love the ideals that heart have decided upon as their core mentalities, Developing youth, community involvment, fan communication, attractive football (sometimes this one is questionable though) amongst many others.


I think you should look into people like Bill Shankly to fully grasp some of the concepts people are discussing here.








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We'll be renewing our memberships for next season, because we didn't join up merely to cut and run when things didn't go right.


But I can see both points of view being aired here. This has been the season from hell, the season that MHFC just didn't need at this point in our history. I don't really think it's about 'results', because someone always comes bottom of the table. IMO what we're discussing is about being 'competitive', and if we face reality we just have not been competitive this season.


I don't think we can sheet the blame home to JA alone. Our run of poor results actually started in the second half of season 2011-12, under JvS. But what season 2012-13 seems to have shown is that MHFC is doggedly persisting with an approach to the game that simply isn't working, seemingly in the belief that if we go on long enough the tide will eventually turn. Whereas other clubs are getting in there and changing a few things.


It has been an incredibly frustrating season, and I'm not surprised at the reactions being expressed. I agree with something posted a few days ago. All the off-field stuff, community engagement, match-day experience, etc. etc. blah, blah, is all great for the longer term, but in the end MHFC is a football club competing in the A-League, and we need to be far more competitive than we have been this season. Unless we are, all the other stuff means nothing.

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 @ Joel


I respect the fact that people have made friends through their membership of the club, and their membership in Yarraside.


But I can also make friends at the pub on a Friday night. That's not why I'm here:  I'm  here for the football.


Those ideals you mention were like a breath of fresh air 4 season ago, compared to the alternative offered by MV.  Where is the club in relation to those ideals? Are they still part of what the Heart is about? If so what plans or vision does the club have to achieving those ideals?


As far as the corporatisation of football and Bill Shankley, there is now a human species called Homo Footballer Professionalis. What was the average footballer getting paid in Shankley's time, and what are they getting paid now? Where does the money come from to pay some of these guys tens of millions for what, at the end of the day, is just kicking a ball?  These guys are heroes to the fans, but lets be honest: many of them wouldn't get out of their Ferrari's to piss on a supporter if they were on fire.  


When the Fury was about to go under, if each player from the other A-League clubs gave up 5% of their income the Fury could have gone around another season.  They didn't.  But the supporters pledged about half a million.  When CCM missed player payments this week, the PFA was out there in the media whining about it, not a word about the player's commitment to the club and its fans. 


What I see is too many Heart fans willing to accept mediocrity from the coach, its players, its board because deep down they believe thats better than not having a club at all.  But professional football is about the MONEY.  Your money, my money, the money of the "corporate" types.  Sorry I work hard for my money, if the coach, players want some of it, I want them to work hard for it too.  


Oh, The clubs, its players and its coaches listen when money talks.   Especially when its withdrawn.

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well said YP, and jw to a certain extent i agree as well, however i don't think this season or any season that may come that is like it should be the basis for whether someone is a member/supporter or not.


and brainwashed by the afl? are you having a laff?

One question: have the administrators, the coaches and player met expectations in the last 3 seasons?  Yes or No?

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well said YP, and jw to a certain extent i agree as well, however i don't think this season or any season that may come that is like it should be the basis for whether someone is a member/supporter or not.


and brainwashed by the afl? are you having a laff?

One question: have the administrators, the coaches and player met expectations in the last 3 seasons?  Yes or No?


i can understand that some people may have higher expectations than others, but frankly as long as the club survives then i will be a supporter.


i don't follow expectations or KPI's - of course i would appreciate the club doing well but that isn't my basis for support

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well said YP, and jw to a certain extent i agree as well, however i don't think this season or any season that may come that is like it should be the basis for whether someone is a member/supporter or not.


and brainwashed by the afl? are you having a laff?

One question: have the administrators, the coaches and player met expectations in the last 3 seasons?  Yes or No?


i can understand that some people may have higher expectations than others, but frankly as long as the club survives then i will be a supporter.


i don't follow expectations or KPI's - of course i would appreciate the club doing well but that isn't my basis for support



I can respect that.  Football clubs in this country are fragile things: look at the Mariners, most consistent club for 3 years, couldn't pay their players.


People like me who are branded as "negative" or "glory hunters" are not being critical from a point of view of wanting the club to be champions every season, or go bust.  We do it from the point of view of asking:


"Is the club where it should be, if not, why not, and


"do we have the right people (administrators, coaches, assistants and players) and the resources to get us where we want to be, if not, what are the options?"


Its pointless having the same people doing the same things in the same environment and expecting different outcomes, just as long as we keep attending or keep paying our memberships.


The reality is that not attending and not remaining members is the only effective way supporters have- all over the world- to get clubs to instigate changes.


 IMO its up to the coaches, administrators and players to strive to not let things get to that point.

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“You can change your wife, your politics, your religion, but never, never can you change your favourite football team.” – Eric Cantona.

He made some mistakes in his time, but he got this one right.

Did he say this when he was at Leeds?



I have followed LUFC for most of my life, becuase that's where my matriachal family comes from. Even now I still follow them and things arn't that rosey.

I have disliked Victory since the VPL, so I could never support them and when Heart came along, I chose them and will support them through thick and thin, one day they will have their glory in the sun and I will enjoy it more becuase of the lows.

I was having a little dig at the fact that Cantona had told the Leeds supporters how much he loved them, had that little song made about him and then was off to Man U shortly after. It was not a go at LUFC although it would appear their support has dropped over the past 20 years according to the shirts in the shopping centre poll.

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And then watch the video of the first-ever derby and see how we swept the ball from right to left with a series of passes before Worm sent in the cross for Terra to put home the winner.


And then cry into what ever you're drinking, because you'll see how far we've fallen from that glorious day...

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I understand that you have been brain washed by the AFL in treating your chosen club like a charity. Is Melbourne Heart a charity? NO it's a sports club that exists within a code that is result driven.

Have we reached the grand final? Have we even looked like competing for a final? When we lost 3-0 in our first final I was gutted, but I fronted up and bought my membership for myself and wife for this season again. Now! This year has been one disaster after another so what's the way forward, from a supporters point of view what can we do? Vent our frustration on forums like this one, or maybe we can make excuses on behalf of JA to explain the poor performance, or maybe speak to the person next to us and have length discussions about our rubbish season... Only one problem, the board won't hear that, JA will never no what I think...

If I want to donate money, which is what you are doing I would chose a charity with a cause that will make a difference, not a sporting club.

It is attitudes like this that have ruined the souls of football clubs.

Creating an environment based purely around results and turnover, and disregarding such things as mateship and effort will just give birth to

a synthetic, negatively utilitarian culture, where the everyday supporter will get left behind and corporate boxes will be filled with investors.

I will buy a Membership next year, not because of our potential or new signings but rather because I love the ideals that heart have decided upon as their core mentalities, Developing youth, community involvment, fan communication, attractive football (sometimes this one is questionable though) amongst many others.

I think you should look into people like Bill Shankly to fully grasp some of the concepts people are discussing here.

So you don't care if Melbourne Heart Win, Lose or Draw? Weather we win silverware or finish last your motivation to support a sports club is for youth development, and community engagment...

Well let me just say that you have no were near the passion I have but I will address your points you made.

Community engagment, from melbourne heart is almost non existent in particular in the western suburbs of Melbourne which is we're I'm from. There are several clubs out here who I have spoken to and they all use Melbourne Victory players, do you think I don't try to promote the heart whenever possible... But for whatever reason the preference is Victory...

Youth Development, who have we developed this year? Mitchenson, Walker?? These youngsters are there to plug the gap left by Behich, and Marrone... Will they Play next year? How many players do we have this year over 30 or who are currently 30...

I will always support the Heart but I will not stand for people in the club running this club into the ground... The Club first and for most must be about achieving success on the pitch before it focuses success of it...

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Again we had players all over the place and yet none of them seemed to have a clue. The players JA had at his disposal were all solid professionals and tonight was consistent with what has been dished up all season.

We played with two defensive midfielders and again lost the midfield with Brisbane taking shot after shot from the position the DM's are meant to cover.

We have almost played out the full season and had one of, if not, the longest off seasons in the world and yet this squad has not been made to gel.

JA has to take responsibility and action needs to be taken.

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Again we had players all over the place and yet none of them seemed to have a clue. The players JA had at his disposal were all solid professionals and tonight was consistent with what has been dished up all season.

We played with two defensive midfielders and again lost the midfield with Brisbane taking shot after shot from the position the DM's are meant to cover.

We have almost played out the full season and had one of, if not, the longest off seasons in the world and yet this squad has not been made to gel.

JA has to take responsibility and action needs to be taken.

Surely the thing that grinds most supporters is not that we have lost some games here and there but the almost clueless organisation on the pitch that makes us look like rabble. Is next seaon going to be more of the same FFS.

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Again we had players all over the place and yet none of them seemed to have a clue. The players JA had at his disposal were all solid professionals and tonight was consistent with what has been dished up all season.

We played with two defensive midfielders and again lost the midfield with Brisbane taking shot after shot from the position the DM's are meant to cover.

We have almost played out the full season and had one of, if not, the longest off seasons in the world and yet this squad has not been made to gel.

JA has to take responsibility and action needs to be taken.

We did seem to be improving a bit - at least at home - when we reached 5th place. But the wheels have fallen off completely since then. We talked a few weeks ago about the mental issues involved in playing away from home, but we are now such a disorganised rabble even at home that you'd have to suspect that there are some behind-the-scenes issues in the club. Even players that we were praising just a few weeks ago seem to have lost the plot completely.

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I think the most upsetting thing is that we have absolutely no glimpse into the potential into next season.


I can deal with losing, however, i can't deal with a lack of any game play/ structure.


At least we when we had Van schip we could see some juniors develop and some form of structure.


ATM it just seems like nobody gives a flying fuck. What have we possibly got to look forward to next season???


The buck stops with the coach, and i hope for the sake of the club John steps aside because if he was to be our coach next season, it may be the end of the clu.  

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I think the most upsetting thing is that we have absolutely no glimpse into the potential into next season.


I can deal with losing, however, i can't deal with a lack of any game play/ structure.


At least we when we had Van schip we could see some juniors develop and some form of structure.


ATM it just seems like nobody gives a flying fuck. What have we possibly got to look forward to next season???


The buck stops with the coach, and i hope for the sake of the club John steps aside because if he was to be our coach next season, it may be the end of the clu.  


Why should anyone care? After all, certain players can serve up shit game after game after game after game and Aloisi has not been prepared to drop them. Under the quality Manager we had for the first two seasons "name" players were dropped if they didn't perform - eg. Colosimo, Beauchamp and Heffernan.

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How's his comments after the match... Just rubs salt into the wounds.

Show some fucking responsibility JA. You and the players are responsible for this. We we are playing atrocious football. We have not flair, no class.

After one of the darkest days in club history you come out and blame the ref? How about get the team in the fuckning game before you start blabbing on about the refereeing.

Matt Gillet made an arguably bad decision, you have fucked up from day 1

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Shit's fucked. Even Mehmet managed to get a win out side of Melbourne last year.


Decentish home record was basically us beating up on Brisbane and Perth.


Threw away too many games that were winnable. Nix @ Home and away, 3-3 against the Jets, and the winable 0-0 against sydney away.


Could easily have had an extra 10 points and have a rather secure finals spot instead we'll end up last.


Sack Aloisi.


Hire Di Canio, Franz Straka,Milcic, Miron, Kozzie, even Fergi or Herbert. Just anyone but Aloisi.

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I think the most upsetting thing is that we have absolutely no glimpse into the potential into next season.


I can deal with losing, however, i can't deal with a lack of any game play/ structure.


At least we when we had Van schip we could see some juniors develop and some form of structure.


ATM it just seems like nobody gives a flying fuck. What have we possibly got to look forward to next season???


The buck stops with the coach, and i hope for the sake of the club John steps aside because if he was to be our coach next season, it may be the end of the clu.  


Why should anyone care? After all, certain players can serve up shit game after game after game after game and Aloisi has not been prepared to drop them. Under the quality Manager we had for the first two seasons "name" players were dropped if they didn't perform - eg. Colosimo, Beauchamp and Heffernan.

Lol - Quality Manager


Lets not forget he could not make the finals in his first season either, despite having a more expensive squad and a much better paycheck.


JA is a crap manager and should be let go but JVS's record of as the league's best paid manager of all time finnishing 5 points away from the finals in S1 and making up the numbers at sixth in S2 was hardly:"Quality".

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The thing with not getting an away win, we weren't even close !! I think people could excuse the record if we just got really unlucky a bunch of times, but we have got worse and worse.

Actually we were close a number of times, we raced to a 2-0 lead against Nix and panicked, were were cruising against a very poor Sydney and panicked, lost them both. We had a few Mr Bean moments that cost us games, can't blame the coach for that.

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