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John Aloisi


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Did he get asked about any changes in style at the Heart? Or state anything he did wrong while coaching?

Not really.

And I can't remember if he did use 'we', those last 2 weren't exact quotes, I mostly just quoted for ease of reading but whatever he said was very close to that.

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Extremely disappointing from JA. Firstly his comment of not making excuses reiterates his acknowledgement that he made the same excuses over and over during his stint as coach.

Secondly, he's been watching bayern munich to learn what the best teams are doing! Is this really the extent of his coaching quest for knowledge? Right now even him watching the aleague to gain pointers is beyond him cause there's ten coaches in there right now that know more than him let alone the bundesliga.

He still wants to use band aids to get himself through this part of his career until he 'gets' another coaching job. Instead of acknowledging that he needs to put in the hard work and go study and get the proper coaching badges (FA or UEFA) or any courses that will allow him to gain further knowledge he still believes in his coaching philosophy and that there was nothing wrong. He still thinks he doesn't have a mountain to climb regarding coaching knowledge.

Lastly his reference to player availability, I have to commend him to be able to sit there with a straight face while dribbling the same shit. As mentioned by others we have had players missing for many games, we still haven't had a full strength squad yet. And what about the non marquee players that have improved, willo, duga, ramsey, behich, weialert. What about the young players being given chances like garuccio, mauk, archibald and the ones on the bench, o'dea, vrankovic.

Also the fact that he has kept up with how the heart have been doing and doesn't acknowledge the difference in play means one of two things; he actually doesn't know what he's looking at when it comes to how different the team look now OR he is in denial to how different heart are playing to save face.

Accountability John. Accountability.

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Did anyone else pick up on his little cheeky comment that was along the lines of 'all of which I signed' in reference to the squad and their current form. The bloke is basically trying to claim credit for what he failed to do for a significant portion of the season. He just needs to admit he's a shit coach and let it go.

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I would have liked to have seen Aloisi take some responsibility for this season (he also probably should have taken some responsibility for last season). The closest Aloisi came to admitting he was in some way responsible for Heart's horror records was 'you don't want to make excuses'.... But then off he went.


He said it wasn't easy because Heart had 'its best players out', which is nonsense. Kewell played 5 games under Aloisi, and Aloisi didn't get much out of him. Also, JVS won the Newcastle game without any real input from Engelaar, and JVS beat Sydney after Engelaar was sent off and he beat Perth whilst Engelaar was suspended. The fact is, JVS didn't need his 'best players' to win games, he just needed to get the most (or at least a lot) out of every player, which is something that Aloisi undeniably failed to do.


And overall, no A-League coach should need his whole squad to get at least 1 win in 12 games.


Aloisi also seemed to believe that the squad would just instantly go on a winning streak once it got its first win, and seems believe that tactics and man management would be unimportant, because 'you could see they were going to go on a run'. No point giving Aloisi's words anymore time, so I'll just put his reality-deficient comments out there:


We thought we were playing really good football, creating a lot of chances, we should of won...errr....some games at least. We knew once we got the whole squad together we were going to turn it around. And once they got their first win, you could see they were going to go on a run, and that's what happened once they beat Newcastle. Just unfortunate for me I wasn't there when that was happening[...].



Yep, just unfortunate. I guess you could call it bad luck.

Edited by Murfy1
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He's fucking deluded if he thinks watching Bayern Munich and the best teams in Europe will help him become a better coach. Watching the best teams play is what I do for the entertainment. If he thinks you can play the way Barca, or Bayern play with A-League players he has no hope of ever becoming a successful coach.

Go study John, your not going to get better getting 'tips' from Spurs or Everton. That's not how coaching works. It seems like he wants to take the easy route imo.

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Did anyone else pick up on his little cheeky comment that was along the lines of 'all of which I signed' in reference to the squad and their current form. The bloke is basically trying to claim credit for what he failed to do for a significant portion of the season. He just needs to admit he's a shit coach and let it go.

We must give him some credit, he did sign them, however look at how well your team is doing with a decent coach John.

He didn't choose Santo Sam & Ed by accident for his media comeback, he knew that they wouldn't ask him any tough questions, not that any of the other football media would have anyway.

Edited by belaguttman
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Aloisi genuinely believes what he has said, he's not just being an a-hole.


One fact i would like to point out and this in no way excuses Aloisi's short comings, is the missed goals.


Those stats are not available, but going off memory I would say Mifsud, Williams, Dugandzic and Ramsay have missed a total of about 20 open goals between them.  


Even in this week's derby Williams, Dugandzic and Ramsay missed open goal opportunities with just the keeper to beat.  We really should had 7!


The two "simple" tap ins that Engelaar has scored since he came back are the type of opportunity that Williams, Mifsud and Dugandzic are less than even money bets to score.


Thats just inexcusable from professional strikers.

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Did anyone else pick up on his little cheeky comment that was along the lines of 'all of which I signed' in reference to the squad and their current form. The bloke is basically trying to claim credit for what he failed to do for a significant portion of the season. He just needs to admit he's a shit coach and let it go.

We must give him some credit, he did sign them, however look at how well your team is doing with a decent coach John.

He didn't choose Santo Sam & Ed by accident for his media comeback, he knew that they wouldn't ask him any tough questions, not that any of the other football media would have anyway.


Good point, sam did grill him for playing Mifsud every week though  :lawl:

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Aloisi genuinely believes what he has said, he's not just being an a-hole.


One fact i would like to point out and this in no way excuses Aloisi's short comings, is the missed goals.


Those stats are not available, but going off memory I would say Mifsud, Williams, Dugandzic and Ramsay have missed a total of about 20 open goals between them.  


Even in this week's derby Williams, Dugandzic and Ramsay missed open goal opportunities with just the keeper to beat.  We really should had 7!


The two "simple" tap ins that Engelaar has scored since he came back are the type of opportunity that Williams, Mifsud and Dugandzic are less than even money bets to score.


Thats just inexcusable from professional strikers.



The difference is, we still won 4-0.  Under Aloisi we would be outplayed and lose 2-0, but because we missed one great chance we were "unlucky to lose".  Now, we outplay teams, miss multiple chances every game (as all sides do), but still win because we are the better team.

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I agree Herman.  The player mentality has reversed completely.


I'm hoping that when we do our end of year review and decide who to keep and who to let go, that there is *some* accountability for the players as well.  

I agree. Especially on player accountability. I would sum it up that the players were not helped by Aloisi's performance, and Aloisi was not helped by the players' performances.


Some of our current players are not going to improve markedly in the future, and I say that because they have had long enough already, and if we are genuine in our desire to win silverware then IMO some do have to be released in order that we can improve the squad.

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He didn't choose Santo Sam & Ed by accident for his media comeback, he knew that they wouldn't ask him any tough questions, not that any of the other football media would have anyway.



Well, yeah, but gutless of Foxtel to give him that option and he was a pointless guest, given the format/nature of the show. Would have been nice to see him on with Kosmina. An absolute let-down when he came on with Santo, Sam and Ed.

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Did he get asked about any changes in style at the Heart? Or state anything he did wrong while coaching?

He was asked why he kept playing Mifsud!!


What a tool man! To think we were playing really good football and we were always going to start winning after we got the first win, "unfortunately he wasn't there when it came"...


...yeah, that win was never going to come under you JA! Like Gerhardt was quoted, JvS has made more tactical changes in a game than what you made in 1.5 seasons!!

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I still don't see what is the point of him having this public mea culpa on tv? It won't serve any point for our club or even help it. I could not care less what he does from now on and don't see why people seem to need him to admit to everything when he clearly won't

Edited by Dylan
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Ah who cares. He's got a right to defend his record. I also don't have a prolem with his ambition to coach and the way he's always backed himself. The issue was always the club's decision to appoint him, compounded by not appointing an experienced assistant. Yes he was the wrong coach for us for a number of reasons, but people are kidding themselves if they don't think injuries were also a mitigating factor. But that's in the past so I don't see the need to keep going over the same old ground. We now have the coach we should have.

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He said it wasn't easy because Heart had 'its best players out', which is nonsense. Kewell played 5 games under Aloisi, and Aloisi didn't get much out of him. Also, JVS won the Newcastle game without any real input from Engelaar, and JVS beat Sydney after Engelaar was sent off and he beat Perth whilst Engelaar was suspended. The fact is, JVS didn't need his 'best players' to win games, he just needed to get the most (or at least a lot) out of every player, which is something that Aloisi undeniably failed to do.


I think this is an important point. Since Engelaar's first team debut, it's debatable that we've had him and Kewell - in form - for the majority of any game. Newcastle and Adelaide, Engelaar was shaking the rust off. Sydney was the red card. Perth was Engelaar's suspension, when Kewell went off injured. Kewell then missed Wellington and Brisbane. Then Kewell played - what - 15 minutes in his return on the weekend, after subbing on for Engelaar (a sensational 15 minutes, but still)? I still don't think the two have been up and firing in the same game at the same time. Which is a very exciting prospect for us.

Edited by SF33
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I agree Herman.  The player mentality has reversed completely.


I'm hoping that when we do our end of year review and decide who to keep and who to let go, that there is *some* accountability for the players as well.  

I agree. Especially on player accountability. I would sum it up that the players were not helped by Aloisi's performance, and Aloisi was not helped by the players' performances.


Some of our current players are not going to improve markedly in the future, and I say that because they have had long enough already, and if we are genuine in our desire to win silverware then IMO some do have to be released in order that we can improve the squad.




Attitude is a reflection of leadership. Poor leadership from JA meant poor attitudes from the players. 

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If he is to coach at the top level in Australia or beyond he needs to become as knowledgable as he can about coaching. He needs to go overseas, get as far away from Australia as he can to create some distance between him and his poor results, and study and learn, develop a huge bank of information. Once he has done this and he is much more knowledgable he then needs to set the foundations of his coaching career by taking on a club thats in ether second tier, whether it is in Australia or overseas or even better for him if he can get a gig with a youth team again. From this he needs to ply his trade, use the information and knowledge he has gained and apply it practically in order to develop his own method and philosophy of coaching. He should strive to become the best coach within the league he is in. He should give himself 'at least' 2-3 years where he can deliver consistent top results within that league before he takes the plunge again in the aleague or an equivalent league overseas, if that offer should ever come up again. Or if he was to start with a second tier team he should then work his way up to the nyl and then the aleague. Regarding money I'm sure if he were to do this he'll have ample money making opportunities over the course of this time, what with fox sports etc. to make ends meet.

Anyway that's what I would do. All this visiting Everton for tips etc. is just white smoke. Learning 'tips' from premier league coaches won't help you when you have to work with players that are not experienced, that are young and naive and that are limited in their capabilities. And it certainly won't give you the information and knowledge you need to grow as a professional football coach. There is no reason why JA cannot become as good a coach as he can be, time is on his side, as he is still very young. But first he has to have a reality check and put in perspective what has happened and realise his shortcomings as a coach. Only then can he take the appropriate steps forward to becoming a great coach.

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