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John Aloisi


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So Kosmina is the successful Australian coach you want to takeover?   :droy:


What next, Terry Wallace? :lawl:

So hang on, smilies aside what is your actual point?


That JA will after well over a Season of producing nothing but crap is suddenly going to prove himself to be a better coach than Vidmar or Kosima?


Or that we should in fact re-hire JVS a coach who never came close to outperforming Vidmar as a A League Coach?



Just making the point that there aren't any successful coaches with Australian experience waiting in the wings & that Vidmar is a spastic.


JA wassn't the right choice from the start comapred to Millicic, but if the answer is to swap JA with Vidamar/Kosmina/Branko etc. we may aswell shut up shop now with the club.


JVS had his faults, but he knows the club well and they were confident enough with him last time to offer a contract extension so I think he is right to take the reigns back. Don't see much better alternatives at this stage.

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An academic paper exploring performance of football managers taking into account things under their control and things not under their control - were their results due to skill or luck.


Interesting that in the EPL the average 'life' of a manager is 2.19 yrs. JA might have another year to run then.

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So Kosmina is the successful Australian coach you want to takeover?   :droy:


What next, Terry Wallace? :lawl:

So hang on, smilies aside what is your actual point?


That JA will after well over a Season of producing nothing but crap is suddenly going to prove himself to be a better coach than Vidmar or Kosima?


Or that we should in fact re-hire JVS a coach who never came close to outperforming Vidmar as a A League Coach?


Just making the point that there aren't any successful coaches with Australian experience waiting in the wings & that Vidmar is a spastic.


JA wassn't the right choice from the start comapred to Millicic, but if the answer is to swap JA with Vidamar/Kosmina/Branko etc. we may aswell shut up shop now with the club.


JVS had his faults, but he knows the club well and they were confident enough with him last time to offer a contract extension so I think he is right to take the reigns back. Don't see much better alternatives at this stage. If we go back to JVS then we are offically the Freo of Aussie Sokkah, and not the Anchorless 2013 Freo I mean the Green Away Jumper-Gerard Nesham Shit Freo of 1995-1998.

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JvS is best suited in a development coach role, working with young players. He has had three short stints as a senior coach and has not made the grade in any of them. I think he knows what his attributes are and has adjusted his ambitions in life accordingly.


Really nice guy, but not the man to take us forward in the A-League.

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JvS is best suited in a development coach role, working with young players. He has had three short stints as a senior coach and has not made the grade in any of them. I think he knows what his attributes are and has adjusted his ambitions in life accordingly.

Really nice guy, but not the man to take us forward in the A-League.

Hang on, can you add some hyperbole? This is far too logical.

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JvS is best suited in a development coach role, working with young players. He has had three short stints as a senior coach and has not made the grade in any of them. I think he knows what his attributes are and has adjusted his ambitions in life accordingly.


Really nice guy, but not the man to take us forward in the A-League.

JVS would be a decent interim manager if JA was sacked and give the club find time to find a quality replacement.

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Its hard to tell a good manager from a bad one in a short period of time.


Look at Ange.  Lucky I wasn't CEO at Roar - i would have sacked the bloke after 4W 3D 10L in 2009 (so less than a point a game), turning a team with title asperations into just fending off the wooden spoon.


So when do you decide you don't have an Ange situation (a good manager with a bad run), but rather a (say) Tony Shaw situation. Given that, I've been prepared to give JA the benefit of the doubt. 

With everything that happened at Heart, results don't really tell us about JA as a manager.  I guess what bothers me is not so much the terrible results, but the way we got there.  On top of that two things I loved about  JVS, were promoting youth and his tweaking tactics during a match.  We don't see either of these anymore and I guess I could live with that if we got results, but we don't.  Not calling for JA's head yet, but we need to see signs of serious improvement quickly.

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I was willing to give JA the chance to redeem last seasons effort with his own team that he had moulded during the off season. 3 games in and we look like the exact same rabble as last season. No game plan, strange choice of personnel and the inability to change anything during the course of a game. Only positive is we have 2 absolutely class center backs making our results look better than our performances deserve.

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the most depressing part of the way we play is we refuse to attack even after going a goal down. teams all over the world look like having a chance to come back and equalize/win in the dying seconds, but (other than adelaide away 2 seasons ago) we dont seem to be able to. 


usually going a goal down makes it a more open game at both ends. however with us, it seems to give the opposition more intent to attack, but has no change on our set up. 


if we go a goal down its pretty much game over. 

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Reading these comments is like a rerun of barracking for the Footscray Football Club (AFL). Years of shit efforts and being pounded into oblivion has conditioned us supporters to accept defeat as a normal condition of being. Now it looks like HeartFC is turning into Footscray. Faaaaark no for heavens sake. Got to turn it around now Munn et al before the hopeless loser tag becomes permanent LOL.

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On top of that two things I loved about  JVS, were promoting youth ...

Heart's intention to develop young Australian footballers and help them achieve their career dreams was one of the main reasons why many of us were attracted to the club in the first place. And I agree with you - with the club seemingly moving further and further away from that ideal the disappointment with the present situation hurts even more.

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On top of that two things I loved about  JVS, were promoting youth ...

Heart's intention to develop young Australian footballers and help them achieve their career dreams was one of the main reasons why many of us were attracted to the club in the first place. And I agree with you - with the club seemingly moving further and further away from that ideal the disappointment with the present situation hurts even more.

Well that's the thing isn't it?... If your not going to promote youth you better get some damn good results to back up your decision. Cause there's no point finishing near bottom playing older players while young talented kids don't get game time.

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On top of that two things I loved about  JVS, were promoting youth ...

Heart's intention to develop young Australian footballers and help them achieve their career dreams was one of the main reasons why many of us were attracted to the club in the first place. And I agree with you - with the club seemingly moving further and further away from that ideal the disappointment with the present situation hurts even more.



In addition to this, one of the pillars of this club was to play an attractive, attacking, European-continental style of football.  As the games go by, it looks like we too have moved further away from this by adopting a more pragmatic and counter-attacking approach that offers a lower risk of losing a game of football, but offering no increased chance of winning a game of football.

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We as supporters expect many thing from heart. We want youth to be one of the central focus points, we want to play an attractive style of football and equally if not more we want results, and not just scraping into finals but top 4 finishes. This is what the club was founded on and for the first two years we were ticking 2 of those boxes. In jvs defence not easy to tick all those boxes. I would have liked to see him here for one more year, cause we got better from year 1 to 2, would have been nice to see what he could have done in year three. So far through JA though we have lost our attractive style of play, we have lost exposure of young players in the first team and we still don't have results to show for it.

Not more than a week ago I was saying that whatever style of play we play doesn't matter as long as the results are on the board. Its definitely too early to make a call on whether we will still be successful this season, I think another couple matches home and a couple matches away will be more telling as to where we are at. But so far we have had 3 games this season that were ours to lose (or draw) and unfortunately we delivered.

So in saying all that it just worries me to think that we may still be playing the same defensive football and still not being able to put wins on the board.

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We as supporters expect many thing from heart. We want youth to be one of the central focus points, we want to play an attractive style of football and equally if not more we want results, and not just scraping into finals but top 4 finishes. This is what the club was founded on and for the first two years we were ticking 2 of those boxes. In jvs defence not easy to tick all those boxes. I would have liked to see him here for one more year, cause we got better from year 1 to 2, would have been nice to see what he could have done in year three. So far through JA though we have lost our attractive style of play, we have lost exposure of young players in the first team and we still don't have results to show for it.

Not more than a week ago I was saying that whatever style of play we play doesn't matter as long as the results are on the board. Its definitely too early to make a call on whether we will still be successful this season, I think another couple matches home and a couple matches away will be more telling as to where we are at. But so far we have had 3 games this season that were ours to lose (or draw) and unfortunately we delivered.

So in saying all that it just worries me to think that we may still be playing the same defensive football and still not being able to put wins on the board.


Which is the other box? We focused on youth a bit, but apart from that glorious month or so back in 2011, I didnt see any of the other stuff you mentioned.

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1. Youth development

2. Attractive style of play

3. Results

The two boxes we ticked were youth development and we played an attractive style of play. Results was something we were lacking in, although season two produced a finals place so that to some extent was a success. Not sure what other stuff you thought I said but that's the only things I mentioned. We had multiple young players which moved on to overseas clubs because they had opportunities to be recognised, Hamill, Good, Behich, Babalj and to a lesser extent Goodwin. That to me is successfully achieving a one of the major objectives of the club.

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Will be interesting to follow the development of AU under Gombau and Heart under JA. Both managers are the same age but have followed different paths in football. Gombau has youth team coaching experience in the Barca system and recently coached seniors in Hong Kong where he won titles according to his wiki site. A quote from one of the senior players:

"The coach understands that the players might be smaller than those in the other teams, but using the ball more on the ground gives us an advantage over our opponents. We have more control of the game now," he said.

Well with Mifsud up front this could be the missing piece of information that JA is needing.

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Attractive? I have to disagree. Not as horrible to watch as JA's brand of course, but generally speaking (like i say with the exception of our wonder run) we did not play attractive footall

Not sure if your implying that attractive football can only be played if your winning, hence the refererence to our 'wonder run'???

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Niko of those three points you posted, you can only choose two. That is the reality of our situation. Please adjust your aspirations accordingly.

I can see how u could misinterpret what I meant. I understand the reality of the situation Ando, and i was defending exactly that point that your making, just didn't express it correctly. I was stating that these were three objectives that supporters and the club would like to have achieved but reality is that it's not viable to do all three. So many people on here complain that we need youth players getting game time, then we hear others saying that our counter attacking style of play is boring and then on top of all that we want Heart to be finishing near the top of the ladder. Hence why is said that in jvs defence it's not easy to tick all those boxes.

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The JVS style was more attractive in that we were actually able to control most games and there was a clear plan for moving the ball forward.  It certainly wasn't all that entertaining though, especially at home where we struggled to win, score, or even create chances.  This might have been largely due to the quality of the players, and at least we were able to hang our hats on trying to play a good style of football and having multiple great young talents coming through.  Under JA the results, style of play, entertainment value and age of the team have all gotten worse (from a pretty low base).

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The JVS style was more attractive in that we were actually able to control most games and there was a clear plan for moving the ball forward.  It certainly wasn't all that entertaining though, especially at home where we struggled to win, score, or even create chances.  This might have been largely due to the quality of the players, and at least we were able to hang our hats on trying to play a good style of football and having multiple great young talents coming through.  Under JA the results, style of play, entertainment value and age of the team have all gotten worse (from a pretty low base).



The difference in quality between JVS' and JA's squads is massive, and Aloisi needs nothing but results to reflect this. 

Otherwise, if we're not in the top 6 by Christmas or at least right in the mix then he should probably be shown the door.

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Attractive? I have to disagree. Not as horrible to watch as JA's brand of course, but generally speaking (like i say with the exception of our wonder run) we did not play attractive footall

Not sure if your implying that attractive football can only be played if your winning, hence the refererence to our 'wonder run'???



Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so in terms of what attractive football is it can differ from person to person. I am implying that in order to play that kind of football and be attractive it needs to work. I could see what he was trying to do most of the time, but it wasnt working. And when it wasnt working it was not nice to watch (not for me anyway).



It certainly wasn't all that entertaining though, especially at home where we struggled to win, score, or even create chances. 


This is what I mean by it was not attractive football. How can boring football be attractive? Its like reading a book that uses loads of drawn out paragraphs and big words when a sharp, well crafted sentence is all that is needed. And when you do finally get to the end of the book its a massive disappointment.

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I agree that winning football looks good whatever the style and losing football looks ordinary. Results will trump style.


Right now, weve got the worst of both worlds - unadventurous, uninspiring football and no wins. After Sunday's performance, the club would be negligent if they didn't start looking around to see what's available in case JA can't turn things around.



We'll never know, but I would've liked to have seen how JVS would've gone in his third season because it at least looked like we were heading in the right direction. And if we weren't one of the top sides yet, we were earning some respect for the way we were going about it. Anyway, that ship has sailed. His ambitions are elsewhere and I'd like a coach who's heart is in the job. I think it's time to move on.

Edited by Sash
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