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Melbourne Football

Vinnie Grella, Grella, Grella eh (Umbrella - Rihanna)


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Oh please tell me you are taking the piss???

Seriously the suggestions some people have on this site are just ridiculous! Is the Yarraside a boy band or football supporters? Just curious..

Good effort lad, not having a dig at you but come on can't we have proper football songs etc like I have said before if you don't keep it simple you will only have a small group like you guys are at the moment making any noise and everyone around you will be like trees

Rant over :)

Bring on a few of you having a go at me now but fuck, wake up and realise simple is better :)

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Good effort lad, not having a dig at you but come on can't we have proper football songs etc like I have said before if you don't keep it simple you will only have a small group like you guys are at the moment making any noise and everyone around you will be like trees

Vinnie, Vinnie Grella, hacks everyone for me.

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Bring on a few of you having a go at me now but fuck, wake up and realise simple is better :)

Keep in mind I'm not having a stab. The song you posted comes from the Theme Song to Rupert the Bear(

) Now I bet the first time someone suggested that, people said, "WTF Rupert Bear, can we do PROPER football songs!"

But whoever started using it first will be known for coming up with an original tune that everyone else wants to copy. I dunno about you but original tunes are far better than stolen ones. The more suggestions the better, even if they are shit, a good one will pop up eventually.

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Keep in mind I'm not having a stab. The song you posted comes from the Theme Song to Rupert the Bear(

) Now I bet the first time someone suggested that, people said, "WTF Rupert Bear, can we do PROPER football songs!"

But whoever started using it first will be known for coming up with an original tune that everyone else wants to copy. I dunno about you but original tunes are far better than stolen ones. The more suggestions the better, even if they are shit, a good one will pop up eventually.

Baz has got it spot on.

I agree with Ben Arfa that we should keep chants and catchy but that doesn't mean we can't be creative and make our own chants rather than only copying EPL teams.

That said, I think this song is a bit too long and Rihanna chants would be a bit gay tbh.

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I suggested this one a while back for Zahra, but obviously he left so it didnt happen. (its an original too ;) )

What about

na-na na-nah

na-na na-nah

na-na na-na nah

na-na na-nah

na-na na-nah

na-na na-na nah

Melbourne Love grella


Edited by KSK_47
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