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Posts posted by markn



    or maybe he lives with no regrets


    not everyone can regret a what would have been in life


    some people accept life for what it is, he may just accept that his happy to see out his contract and go back to suburban football



    You don't live with regret today - you live with regret tomorrow.


    If he is happy to see out his contract and play NPL - then do the club, supporters ......and most importantly himself........... a favour and leave now.


    Go and start pre-season with your new NPL club.


    He is not being picked to play senior or youth football - so what is he actually doing with his time at the club??????????


    If only there wasn't a ball in football Williams would be OKAY, and your post would make any sense



    Happen to catch the A-League highlights show?


    Specifically there was a nice focus on the work off the ball from Williams.  A good 3 min of a 30 min show specifically showing three occasions where he would press the defenders to cause a turn over. 


    And this was from Rudan, who is not slouch when it comes to footballing tactics.


    If you don't like Williams then just say it - but nobody can discredit his role on Saturday.

  3. How are your examples of EPL players and A-League International Marquees at all relevant??? :droy:



    This is situation where a bloke does not want to live in bloody Newcastle away from his family and friends to train his arse off for only limited game time and a wage that is not only less than what the $57k that the average aussie earns but a fair bit less than what he would earn doing less work as a Semi Pro in Melbourne with a Part Time Job.


    Like I said before he is a Person entitled to better his life and wage as well as a bloody Footballer FFS.



    Did you even read my post?


    What are you talking about a .............. "How are your examples of EPL players and A-League International Marquees at all relevant???"


    If you read it, my post focuses on players who are playing for clubs while their families reside in another area. 


    Of interest Josh Kennedy was playing in Japan while his wife and kids were here in Australia.  Players all over the world have to leave their family in one town/city/country to play elsewhere.


    Even Posh Spice didn't move to Paris.


    Is Newcastle a bad club?  It must have been after it gave Mark Milligan his first taste, and of late Brilliante, Tagart, Goodwin ..................


    Bad Club?????? - Maybe a bad Post.


    You can always look back on a life that was - but you can never look back on a life that could-have been.


    To me, he will only be remembers for that one goal against Newcastle on a suburban football pitch.


    If he chose family over a revived a-league career then he will regret this decision for the rest of his life.



    Probably already got a deal in place with the Knights or someone so he just wants to collect his salary until the City contract ends.


    If that's his mentality his not a footballer.


    This is your one shot - you either try and take it, or you can dream about what could have been.


    Goodwin was told he was no good for Adelaide, so he tried his luck and Heart gave him a go.


    He has gone on to represent Australia.


    Kalmar doesn't have it because he doesn't want it!


    If i got a second chance i would take it.


    Actually you are forgetting that like anybody else the bloke is a person before he is a footballer and like myself you really know nothing about Nick Kalmar the person.


    He might have a sick family member in Melbourne or a partner who has a promising career in Melbourne... and so his put his football career into perspective with such things at the back of his mind.


    He may have simply decided that perhaps $85k for a Part Time Job plus two nights of training and a game in Melbourne is a better option than $50k for having to constantly train and travel out of Newcastle.


    I am also sure he also has a Manger who has a much better read of the Professional Footballer value of Nick Kalmar than we have advising him on what his options are ATM.



    Blah Blah Blah


    As kids we wish to be professional footballs.


    A small select few make it, some get a chance, while most will never make it.


    If he doesn't take up the opportunity to revive his professional football dream - then he will get to his 40's and regret it.


    Players move clubs - even when they have a family.  How many EPL players play for a club while their family live elsewhere?????? 


    Some players even play abroad while their family live elsewhere.


    I believe we were close to signing a marque last season (before orlando) that was playing for one team while his family resided elsewhere.


    Professional players do what they have to.


    He just doesn't want it!


    ......Which is better for Newcastle as they can now get a player that actually wants to play A-League.


    While Nick can rot here at a club that even their supporters would be glad he left.

  5. Probably already got a deal in place with the Knights or someone so he just wants to collect his salary until the City contract ends.


    If that's his mentality his not a footballer.


    This is your one shot - you either try and take it, or you can dream about what could have been.


    Goodwin was told he was no good for Adelaide, so he tried his luck and Heart gave him a go.


    He has gone on to represent Australia.


    Kalmar doesn't have it because he doesn't want it!


    If i got a second chance i would take it.

    • Like 2
  6. This bloke is rubbish.


    The sooner he realises it the better it is for him.


    Its an analogy similar to his girlfriend dumping him - and he still wants to stay in her life to annoy her .............. rather than trying to find a new girl and move on with his life.


    Sounds like a pathetic looser.


    Sad Sad Sad


    Maybe he will realise that if he plays in the NPL he will struggle.

  7. They say Berisha is very good off the ball.


    ie. he cuts the defenders angles, or makes diverting runs.


    On Saturday Berisha got a lesson from Williams.


    Williams' work off the ball - and even his work as the first line of defence was fantastic.


    i even saw Williams trek some defenders all the way to our defensive line.


    A grade performance.

  8. Our stop gap fillers in the the past have been great.


    Why not add another "reject" to the list.


    I prefer a youth player over another teams rejects.


    Didn't the H-S run an article on all the rejects we picked up on short term contracts.


    Not one made it to the list the next season.

  9. He should now be our number 4 choice CB behind:

    - Kisnorbo

    - Chapman

    - Archibald


    Come to think of it, i might even add...............

    - Williams

    - Duff

    - Rambo

    - Marino

    - and the rest of the City squad - including youth team.


    Wielaert is a dud!

  10. Yesterday proved nothing!


    Roar were coming off a 4 day break - flying from Brisbane to Sydney to Brisbane to Melbourne.


    The game was a snooze-fest.  


    The penalty was lucky.


    We still blasted the ball over the bar from right in front, or failed to hit the target on many other occasions.


    We were lucky not to go 0-2 down in the first half.  A better team with a better finisher would have put both of Matt McKay's goals in.


    Still far too many passengers. 


    But at least we won......................


    and we get to see JVS trendy new fashion wear - black sneakers with a suit.

  11. We need the media to get on board and demand changes - as i feel the city group are too far removed from us to know the full extent on how we feel.


    So far, whenever the a-league is mentioned they are commenting on how poor our performances are.  This is a good start in demanding a new coach.

  12. Instead of getting a big European name why don't we just hire someone who has had some success at coaching in Australian Domestic Soccer?



    The perfect scenario for me if for us to sack JVS now and to get an experienced Local Caretaker for the rest of Season and then Ange to be offered way too much money to refuse taking the job once he is sacked with the NT after Australia does poorly at the Asian Cup.





    Good post.


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    When are likes reset. I have only been on the site for less than a minute today.

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