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Posts posted by Tony999

  1. 14 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    Still seats in Bays 16 and 18.

    Well if the tossers had it opened for the members I would be somewhere in bay 16 or 18 but with the limited tickets that were available during the member period that could accommodate the 5 people I have, I had to settle with bay friggen 14.  

    23 minutes ago, haz said:

    Still a fair few seats on the WU end,while the City end is almost sold out. 

    3rd level is filling up fast too. 

    Also I remember from a few seasons back, I found that the final attendance generally was about 20-30% below the PAX. So I reckon we'll see an attendance of 18k.

    I mean, we don't have many supporters but the free Macca's tickets are given to fill the WU end

  2. 3 minutes ago, bt50 said:

    There's 4 bays reserved to their 3 so, no. But they only open them up one at a time, presumably so they can convert them to Cat C later in the week if sales arent as expected.

    We had a sold out 14k last year with the cloud of covid hanging over, i reckon we should be good for at least that again. WU should attract around 4k for a gf i reckon so i def think 20k is on the table. If i was a betting man i'd suggest 18-19k.

    Is that why Bay 16 and 18 are not on sale yet? They are the tickets I wanted, had to deal with Bay 14 to accommodate the 5 of us

  3. 1 hour ago, jw1739 said:

    The official attendance was 3,222.

    IMO the crowds at midweek matches will continue to decline. It appears that "WFH" (working from home) is going to continue,  and the consequent depopulation of the CBD office blocks will also continue, so the number of people who otherwise might be in the CBD area and hang around and go to the match before going home will decline. I see this as one factor. Also you have to be careful that you don't overload the fixture - one home match a week is probably OK but to travel into the city twice in a week to watch football is a big ask even for the most ardent fan.

    Not every season will be like this one, of course, but I think these factors need to be considered when APL is planning the future.

    Should be the other way around. For me it is at least. I've been working from home for almost a year and l feel that l have more time to head to games instead of working in the city then heading to games. At least now l finish work 4:30, have my dinner, get my son ready and head to the game. Wouldn't be able to do this if l finished 4:30 in the city.

  4. 8 hours ago, Jovan said:

    Can't make this one. Midweek games just too hard.

    I'm thinking this is another indication how idiotic Paramount plus is.

    I get the fixture congestion and was mainly for circumstances beyond their control, but they basically dictate fixturing. 

    Why would they fixture a game Midweek that would probably draw a crowd of 3k to 4k max when a weekend game should be around 7 or 8k.

    At the end of the day, why are they pushing to complete the season at a paticular date, its not like the off season isn't long enough to use a few weeks for catch up games.

    Why do they fixture games like last weekend simultaneously, Sydney derby and tards vs inbreds, both are decent stand alone fixtures. 

    My only conclusion is they don't give a fuck about attendances and the only factor is subscriptions.

    Maybe to them thats all that matters and the model they work on is how many they lock into subscriptions.

    Very disappointed at Paramount, and the most disappointing thing is I feel stupid because I genuinely felt they could transform the game, they came in with alot of cash relatively speaking and have produced a big steaming turd.


    3-4k is ambitious. I'm at the game and there is 1.5k tops with 4min to go. Probably will get to 2k. Oh well! I'll enjoy the game with my 4yr old. Go City!

    • Like 2
  5. On 04/12/2021 at 8:51 PM, jw1739 said:

    Not only that. It's all too hard, and with 1,400 infections and 10 deaths per day no-one is going to be rushing out to see what is, let's face it, a mediocre team so far this season.

    We were mediocre last season with 2 wins then 4 losses in a row. Then things turned around. In terms of the crowd, just way too many things happening atm to get a decent crowd. But that is across the board not just us

  6. In terms of the crowd, myself (foundation member) and 7 other regulars are not allowed in. Have a few mates in the same situation. I'm sure this has somewhat contributed to the poor attendance. Also, the poor people that lost their jobs and can't afford to go anymore. On the up side, glad we got 3 points.

    Hope to see City and all of you pretty soon.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    Got carried away with the credit card last night and pre-ordered two Championship scarves for next season!

    I purchased a poster. tried to buy a mini trophy and missed out :(

  8. 1 hour ago, jw1739 said:

    It is the number of guests or customers. So a booking in a restaurant for "6 pax" means a "table for 6."

    For Ticketek I believe that it does indeed mean the number of tickets sold. In my case our two tickets had consecutive Pax numbers. They were bought as the two seats on my membership.

    The actual attendance on the day can be lower than the Pax number, because there are always no-shows. The attendance can also be higher because there are always people who can attend who don't actually have to buy seats that are on sale - such as corporates etc.

    Correct, as explained above.

    If the PAX is 9767 from the post someone mentioned and the capacity is 14,700, that tells me approx 5,000 tickets are left? But there appears to be roughly 1850 tickets left (both home and away sections).

  9. 10 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    I think the issue is that it's discretionary expenditure. Many people have lost jobs, or lost part of their wages and /or other income during the pandemic, and have to think at least twice before hitting "pay now." I had decided to give it a miss but then got caught up in the last-minute hype, but I winced when I saw the total cost.

    Politicians like to make big-picture grandiose statements about the overall "economy." In reality there are a lot of "individual economies" that don't look all that healthy.

    I think a secondary issue is that football fans remain divided over the significance of "finals" and those that bother to see the new qualification criteria for the ACL know that winning the GF doesn't lead anywhere.

    Some valid points. Regardless, I'm hoping it will sell out eventually. My guess is the away bay will not sellout or even close to a sellout with what's happening now in NSW with the covid cases. 

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