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Everything posted by Braveheart

  1. 27 is the magic number mate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
  2. God im sick of this attitude. So because they were(ARE) by the far the worst behaved fans in the league and now they aren't fucking up quite as bad/regularly we should all praise them for thier huge turn around/new attitudes. Well fuck that. They still act like scumbags but just arent getting caught for it atm. Not having a go at you personally shrecky but I've heard this POV bandied around a lot lately and it shits me that they are being made out to be reformist angels for not ripping some pyro but still are by far the most violent and worst behaved fans in the league.
  3. I think it is more prevalent in the melbourne FC terrace than you imagine. Most people dont know what they are looking for/at but the dressers are there.
  4. But that's not what this topic is about?? He's asking if the casual culture exists in Aus. It does. If you were to look across certain members/sub-sections of the YSide you would see that 'dressing' is alive and well. Perhaps even thriving/being revived by the younger generation. The K, the K, the KGB.
  5. Many fairly large lads I know take ZERO supplements. Protein powders etc aid in the recovery process. This can be obtained through diet and it is not a requirement to use supplements to obtain the effect. Most people use them because they offer a reliable, clean and easy at-hand source of quality protein rather than relying on having to source it after/before workouts via diet. The supplement you use does not correlate to how much/rate you will grow at. HARD training and smart dieting will get you the results.
  6. You have completely misinterpreted what a 'casual' is. He is not asking about fairweather fans. Educate thyself http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casual_(subculture)
  7. Or self-indulgent wank disguised as a social comment/experiment and lapped up by the banksy fan chorus and so called 'intellectuals'/social commentators who are incredibly programmable and critically passive when it comes to popular sub-culture 'artists'???
  8. Agree with everything there minus the Banksy stuff. Never really got into his stuff and dont think it's as clever or holds as much social wit as people would have us believe.
  9. No. I enjoy spelling and grammar errors. It makes me feel superior.
  10. Definitely agree willo. Thoughts on a design?
  11. I see you've been to the school of Emu coaching talent identification.
  12. This league needs more Millwall.
  13. Jelly of our Milan beating skills? Yeah, thought so. Biancocelesti 2 - 0 Red and Black faggots. Hernanes and Rocchi combining for both goals. http://www.golofan.com/lazio-vs-ac-milan-2-0/7054/ oh and ah... ROMA MERDA!
  14. Think you need to focus more on the word 'to' more in all honesty
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