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Everything posted by Tbitm

  1. That's only for a preseason tour that finishes on January 20th. For the guest rule they can only play 14 games, so if we wanted him for the final he could only come in round 17 or later and Rd 17 is Jan 29th. Could be his preseason tour for us. Not ruled out yet
  2. I can understand the gender change. Being a female Kardashion is a good recipe for big bucks
  3. Yes kids play against tougher competition in the NPL, but it is important having the kids playing nearly year round like they do in europe and be match fit for when players get injured in the A-League
  4. Love his passion. Looks like he actually wants to play for us.
  5. Orlando v NYC monday morning at 7:30 on ESPN. Orlando fan for 3-4 years now so i've been looking forward to this day for a long time
  6. Its going to cop a lot of flak and should be done subtly as first... but personally I think its a good idea because its recognising how a lot of gay PPL do follow AFL. In ten years time Gay Marriage will be most likely be legal in this country as it is increasingly becoming more and more of an apolitical issue - So a Gay Round in a Sporting League really is not going to look so out of place. Why bother though? I mean, it's not like the regular rounds are known as 'White Male Straight Bloke, fuck all you other weirdos round'. It's the classic thing of everyone is trying to be so accepting and careful not to offend minority groups, that it ends up discriminating even more than if they were able to just get on with it and be treated like they aren't anything special, vulnerable or rare. Because they're not. That's equality, everyone is equal. Except gays aren't equal are they. Until they are this argument doesn't make sense. Australia should feel ashamed that Alabama and the state where the "God hates fags" people are from got gay marriage before us.
  7. Everything I'm hearing from the players seems to point to an agreement coming within the next 3 days. You're the Orlando fan, right? I hear you guys are linked with Mario Balotelli. I think a move out of Europe would be good for him at this point. Think your coach could handle him? That's good, tbh i mostly agree with the player unions demands so i hope they can get something out of this. Yes i'm an OC fan and a Liverpool fan but I haven't heard that rumour. I'm happy for him to stay at Liverpool, he's not been very good but I think BR has a good track record on getting the best out of players. It might be hard for him to stay in the National team but i think he'd like America.
  8. Orlando City are about to announce a 65k sellout to their opener against NYCFC. Just gotta hope the players strike is over by then
  9. Tbitm

    Fed up

    People seem to forget this is the first time we have added call and response with GA and the terrace and a jumping chant. On top as many City specific chants. In 9 home games no less People don't appreciate the good things you do, just whinge that you don't do things their way.
  10. We (RMIT) won today 5-4 on pens (2-2 aet) Good effort since croydon were 2 div above us but they didn't have Allsopp
  11. Tbitm

    Fed up

    No-ones stopping you from organising another terrace somewhere else in the stadium. Plenty of a-league clubs have 2
  12. Who's your mate? I play for RMIT as well though I'm injured this week. (Especially disappointed cause i wanted to break Allsopp's legs) Your captain Adam Love Adzo, great bloke. Him and DA is a bit of a height mismatch though
  13. Who's your mate? I play for RMIT as well though I'm injured this week. (Especially disappointed cause i wanted to break Allsopp's legs)
  14. would probs get hepatitis. But same... How the fuck did I miss this? Lol On the bright side, you can only get it once! Only 10 months late, were you having a child with her?
  15. Learnt how to solve a rubiks cube a few years back. If i see one jumbled up at a store or a friends house, i can't leave until i solve it or i feel empty.
  16. And play where? Ipswich At what stadium is more what i meant. I think its a good spot to go, but they won't have a stadium in time for 2017
  17. Clubs make money in 3 main ways, gate receipts, TV deal and Corporate sponsors. Given Wollongong is such a small place it would add little in TV money and corporate sponsors, they need larger crowds than 11k to justify adding them to the league. The FFA fucked up initially putting a side on the Central coast instead of Wollongong. But it would be a mistake to add Wollongong now given it would add next to nothing for the next TV deal which is probably going to include a commercial FTA channel. As long as we have a salary capped league we will always have a league of makers and takers, but we shouldn't be adding anymore takers. South Sydney and South Melbourne would both be makers IMO. Put them in 2017.
  18. Muscats chant must go to Seb Ryall this week.
  19. Paartaluu Miller Mooy > Paartaluu Murdocca Mooy Koren?
  20. Ohhhhhh Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh (do do do do do) Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh (do do do do do) Sheikh Mansour Sheikh Mansour
  21. Getting Better by the beatles I have to believe we're getting better A little better all the time (We cant get any worse)
  22. Perf? They play most of their saturday games at 9:30 est, no other team could play at that time. I like it since it leads right into EPL
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