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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by marteaux

  1. Squad average age of 33 lol
  2. Geelong are fucking flogs. Didn't deserve to win at all
  3. Sign some polish kids they're normally cheap :lol.
  4. Jimmy beers are on KGB rd1 next year
  5. I was a huge fan when I thought he was kinda self made through playing poker but he got all of his money from his families estate which kinda makes him less awesome.
  6. They won't give a shit lol SEAS is for legit sob stories and I dunno if that one will fly bro I have friends who claimed it for pissweak shit and some who had some horrible shit going on and didn't bother. I really don't think it affects too much though
  7. Am I the only one who said 'yarraside' after Tywin named all the 'cides' eg suicide, regicide etc.
  8. I second that. I hope you realise that this is totally fictional thing that I made up to maintain the facade I go to Vic uni 3. Why would anyone pretend to go to VU of all Unis? That's the joke
  9. I second that. I hope you realise that this is totally fictional thing that I made up to maintain the facade I go to Vic uni
  10. 110 reasons to celebrate hahahahahanahahshshtmtktkrrkshahahahah
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha selwood u kunt
  13. hahahahahahahahahahagaahahahhaahahahahahahahahajahahahahahajahhaahhaahamdndnfkdkdjrjshahahahaha Dat bartel thorp tho
  14. CHAPEL STREET bra But yes, I really do miss maycon
  15. TTDIM: free lunch and BBQ provided by Vic Uni every Thursday
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