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About Lordburnley

  • Birthday 04/01/1966

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  1. Guys I am in. Name the time and place and I will be there. Really keen to be involved.
  2. If the game is delayed to 7pm, that means we won't get out of There till about 9.30 and home to Melbourne until 1am. With work in the morning I am up at 6am..........guess what.....happy to do it if the boys can play the game in conditions that are better suited. Sure the FFA should give themselves a triple uppercut for scheduling the game at this time, but no use crying over spilt milk. See you there COYBIR.
  3. I think you were right behind us. I brought along a couple of friends and my wife and you thanked the girls for coming.
  4. Haha Sure it's 18 You'll get squashed in 17 And probably assaulted by drunks in 16It's 16. Haven't seen many joining in, in B18. Definitely bay 16 guys......no drunks have assaulted us yet, but the season isn't over.....I'll keep you posted. 16 was awesome on Friday night, brought some friends along and they had blast, will sign up at least 2 for next year.
  5. I am a GA member who is now firmly in the expanded active on the side. Great to feel like part of the experience and we sing and chant all game. The guys in the back row just in front of the tarps have really made us feel welcome. We are encouraging more GA members to come down. Next year the 3 of us will buy Active memberships. See you in Albury.
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