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Everything posted by salzy

  1. think I need to start watching this show ffs..
  2. A bit kind to the Cats don't you reckon? nah bitch think we will be higher tbh. look in fine form. your friend Tommy Hawkins is enormous/going to crush harry 'world peace' Obrien.
  3. Aw, Michael, sorry to hear you have moved away from the scene to pursue your calling as a male dancer down Ram Lounge...such a loss to terraces nationwide... ah wait...he doesnt travel... he has a cerfew. (not saying he isnt a faggot)
  4. fite me irl 1v1 at imperial pub on saturday ill show u who cool in yside bitchy
  5. thalfie has completed and is half the age of most people on this forum
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAcLEaPBJCU strong as rof
  7. Del Piero is a heavenly blessed king, best player to ever play in the league. He comes from the motherland so I for one will not sing against him.
  8. hazard should of broke his ribs. ballsy effort from the kind none the less.
  9. http://vimeo.com/19376227 best thing ive ever seen on the internet. seen it a billion times and its still the best
  10. It's funny because hardly anyone will understand the second statement u wot kunt
  11. Salzy's was better! this guy is clearly an amateur...
  12. I read A Season With Verona a few years ago, its great.
  13. Got second hand 7D for Xmas, replaces old and neary uselss 20. It's in mint nick, so stoked.
  14. got no idea what your on about tbh, clearly haven't read any of the books. Bond is far darker in the books, and a lot more violent. The Bond that is played by Craig in the last three films is a lot more true to the books. Casino Royale, baring in mind it was made 60 years after the novel was written, is arguably the closest any Bond film has come to the novel. Connery, although he served his purpose very well as a bond, isnt what Bond was like in the books. there was LITTLE if not NO humour in ANY of the bond stories. Connery was a great bond in the films, but if you are comparing each character to how accurately they played the Bond of the books... Craig certainly wins.
  15. beg to differ... with skyfall he became the best bond ever IMO.
  16. Very much needed this the other day.
  17. Average tbh. On the other hand... City of god (brazil) A prophet (France)
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