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Everything posted by moops

  1. Very true tachycardia. I have been reading about youth development and came across a great source of information http://www.ecaeurope.com/Global/Research/ECA%20Report%20on%20Youth%20Academies.pdf There is the link if anyone want to read. While I think an accadamy would be awesome, it's not the point I want to make. It's all well and good having objectives, but there must be plans implemented for them to become reality. Take Ajax, they have objectives in developing quick, technical players and have plans and assesments down to the pedantic to suit the way they want to play. Now the list of objectives given by the heart board are very basic and generalised and I do not need to know everything down to the nth degree, but i do hope they have more than that, as I am sure they do. But Just like the game of football, you don't just chuck 11 players on a field and wish them luck, you train the players and during a game there is tactics which hopefully see you win. Just like running a club, as in player development (where you hope to mold players to how you play, while giving them the tools to implement it) there has to be plans, assesments and time. The heart club seems to have given alot of the last, yet I do wonder how much planning and assesing has gone on in the background to help JA. He is only one guy with so many minutes to dedicate. Next season see's the FFA paying the cap, I hope the extra money this eleviates helps the club to be more proffesional in it's approach and succesfull in all areas.
  2. Exactly, it's not a time to panic yet, lets see what happens.
  3. FFA will be paying the cap next year from their media deal, there should be extra fiscal freedom.
  4. Older well knowen names coming off contract this year: Forwards - Pizarro 34 Midfield - Tymoshchuk 33 ?? Gunnarsson 37 Karagounis 36 Defence - Van Buyten 35 Ian Harte 35 Just putting names out there, Klose is out of contract next year, I thought it was this June, or I was dreaming a realy good dream.
  5. Honestly I'm surprised people make such a big thing of this. Isn't this just a normal part of "being the boss" no matter what your job is? The Poms might get worked up about it because of their history of class separation but surely it shouldn't worry anyone in this country. Is there something special I've missed in this?? I think it could be very bad, being to buddy buddy and not providing a healthy dose of discipline. It could also affect team selections and motivation for those on the fringe, even the starting 11 proper. As for marquee, I realy havn't thought about it, but Raul could be viable.
  6. Hmm, just arguing for the sake of it now.
  7. Pissed off a lot of Leeds supporters too, they are still agro over it. Regardless, he was quality a name knowen, played his heart out for the NT. Does not deserve the angst and showen late last year can still carve up a league level.
  8. Ok, sarcasm is frankly, shite on forums, I'll play that.
  9. It is called English, I thought it was majior language in this country?
  10. M8, i am a Leeds supporter over 20 years, sure he went to bigger money, that's football, get over it, while at leads he was awesome, no? Or why cry, he is not the fist star player that went to bigger and better things, just becuase he was a cheep Australian, he should stay, be thankfull and not strive for the top?
  11. He would have been awesome, but he chose his home state. Good on him, hope he does well. People hark back to the italian game, thguy trailed his foot and dived ffs.
  12. Why is state of origin getting talked about here?
  13. Sorry to offend, but this site is a bit clicksphere. I agree, the ffa site is rubbish, porely updated and short of club news. Maybe a fan run website might be awesome, but who has the time? The FFA homepage is shite, this place is clicky, 442 fills in the gaps?
  14. Harry was class in his day, have a little respect. Neil would have been good, Madashie(unsure of spelling, appologise in advance) would be awesome.
  15. I agree about the rigidness and off the ball movement. I have been saying this all year, the most versatility we have is overlapping fb, which gets a bit predictable. Look at Bayern, (I know, a team you would like to vomit on) players swap and change, take up slack, attack not due to their positions, becuase thay play as a team, fluid and creative. That Bella you probly saw in italy, even though a 352. One of the best games I saw was inter against madrid last year, inter played to perfection with fluidity and courage. I enjoyed this game imensly. The more i see this game progress, the more I see it as a footsal team playing in 5 fiths of the pitch. Control each one, blast through them, whatever, win your sections, you will be a force to be reckoned with
  16. Duke of Hearts, you do make a good point, becuase I'm in the mood lol, that is the managers job, to play players to their stregnths and to improve movement to minimalise mistakes, with Heart's philosophy we should be fielding youth in areas not covered by quality signings. The problem is we do not produce youth, we sign them from other clubs. Our division 2 side is great, but imagine if it went all the way down through the ages. But in essence I agree, i also am dismayed by our movement, especially off the ball even with jvs, but i like a fluent brand of football and beleive it creates and hides a lot.
  17. there are protestant irish in Yarraside... being protestant and Irish aren't Mutually exclusive What the? That's not what I wrote, what the hell is going on?
  18. I think overall JD is doing an ok job, would you like Frannie to take his place? As said before, some pretty good signings made by him, Sibon should be in the good list. I think Gol Gol will be good too,
  19. Mediocrity is bad if it's as staid as a swamp, it's Ja's first year in charge ffs. You think I agree with what happens at Hannover 96 each week? Mirko Slomka might be an excelent coach, but how many more years on JA does he have? Did you expect a first time manager with one year of youth coaching to win us the championship? Do me a favour. Heart board chose this path, he should be given another year becuase of it, if things next year are as bad or worse, then granted a tough lesson needs to be learnt. As i remember he just finished his A liscence before getting the job, it's like asking a Uni grad with a bit of work experience to run a company, I suggested others when the appointment was in the air and as I said, this is the path the club took, see it for what it is.
  20. I would support Kosmina as assistant, good experience and AUFC has done some good things. Would be especially good if he brings his conditioning coach with him. I also like the sound of Busan as well. That said, i would like heart management to be be less knee jerk reactionists, JA will get us to the finals at least, he will hopefully learn and improve and should get another year in charge. I like a bit of loyalty in a club, a bit of trust, but it's a tricky balance. Such as the Hoff being picked constantly, constantly out of position.
  21. He doesn't have an adventurous bone in his body, same problems as last week!
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