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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by moops

  1. I know, Hopefully Garooch will do good. I couldn't make it, I have to watch from the tv.
  2. Najjarine is still a City player, he has played really well, it's like we had him on a leash to stifle his creativity and flair, a troubling thought.
  3. Moon with Brisbane changed the match v Tards, I'm not sur about paddy.
  4. His passing has been very poor and his defensive work has been non existent unless he fouls. Hopefully it is a bit of rust.
  5. I agree, we probably have the worst foreign players in the league.
  6. The thing that's shitty is seeing our young players playing so well for other teams. Genreau, Delianov, Piarias....
  7. Macca, Metcalf, Luna. Tilio didn't look to bad. I think we play to defensive for a team pushing for a title tbh, look how CCM played, very determined, defended when they needed to but attacked as well and fast.
  8. O'Niel the worst player on the pitch, has been for the last three matches I have seen.
  9. Whatever, should we bow to you? reguardless you should support Aussie football, we need all the support it can get. the same whatever, conjecture. whatever, you are a blast, try to stay on point, yes he did amend the constitution, google it ffs .The funniest part is that you are arguing against a liberal, or for a Liberal, how does it work? Just because I love you so much. Peta Credlin exposed the fucks. They are all in it together.
  10. redacted. I can't remember anything.
  11. That's quite good reguarding what's going on, I am happy he did.
  12. https://www.alrc.gov.au/publication/equality-capacity-and-disability-in-commonwealth-laws-dp-81/10-review-of-state-and-territory-legislation/informed-consent-to-medical-treatment Amended by the Abbott government, it used to be quite simply that the government could not make a person have any medical procedure without their (the persons) consent. I don't know what the fuck you are on about? You talk nonsese and don't even support City? State constitution cannot contradict the federal constitution. I bet most people don't know what our constitutions are, I think most 'young' people think it's a replica of the American. mostly because I like the song, second unless you are a dumbass is stupidly obvious. OmniBus
  13. Fuck me, what is your beef with reguard to our constitution, I got mixed up with someone else, remind me bitch, internet is not my life. I honestly don't know what your beef is, I can't find it? I will find time over the next few days to address your concerns. post them here. I remember saying fuck you I would rather pat my cat, remind me you stupid fuck. I went back to 109 and can't find your grievance.
  14. Just so Cadete feels exceptionally included, here is SOMETHING. https://www.3aw.com.au/shop-owner-who-opened-against-covid-19-rules-says-he-did-it-for-every-small-business/
  15. I am going to be working this weekend (Sat and Sunday), probably 14 hrs a day, when i have time. I know what it is, but I don't want to say it without a quote. But I am just a dickhead, so give me some time. The thing is that state constitution cannot contravene or be in opposition to the federal constitution.
  16. You could be right. Although I am sure I only look at federal, I could be wrong though.
  17. if you are really fussed about my past post I will grudgingly dedicate my weekend to satiate your thirst if it makes you feel better. Understand that there are 3 guys taking the Victorian government (Labor (can't even spell)) to court, there must be a precident. I listen, I am not right wing or left wing, I judge by Merritt and what is good for me. I have voted liberal, labour, greens and Democrat. Second paragraph was nonsense. Third paragraph made no sense to me, sorry. I might look into the book. Seriously I think most of my posts have been government links, I think for myself after seeing data. You are free to debate the findings, you are free to have an opinion, you are not free to have your own facts. Ask yourself this, I am in the construction business, why don't I support Dictator Dan?
  18. I was thinking the same, but surely he would consider victards before us?
  19. McGree signed for a MLS club, loaned to Birmingham City FC, not a bad move for him.
  20. Something about the amount spent on marquees, sounds almost like a cap, I think the world game had something on it.
  21. Victory were pretty terrible and once Kruse got injured there wasn't a lot for him to work with. I think he will be good, especially with other teams loosing a lot of players ATM.
  22. I thought he was better than Risdon tbh, Risdon looks a shadow of what he was before for some reason. anyway I see the same thing happening to Genreau, disappointed he has left is all.
  23. Yeah, they played him as a striker for a few games and then he had no games, the final few games they actually played him as a right back and he shone. Other than Italiano, Max Burgess and Durante they didn't have much, He made a difference in the finals.
  24. I reckon the same will happen as with Pierias, will hardly play until the end of the season until they understand what they have. He was there and abouts here, I don't understand it.
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