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Everything posted by moops

  1. I reckon the jet lag would have been a factor, they also could not have given a shit and were complacent, we are the backwaters of football. But players like Ideguchi haven't barely played in a year and being chucked in, it was a bit of a shit take from Ange.
  2. They had a second string team first half, only played a few days ago and flew out here and played, I reckon none of them would be used to it at all, a champions league match would only encompass the confounds of Australia, if that. It certainly shows how resilient our socceroos are, some have done that for qualifying. The A League is underrated, this year is back to normal on the imports but the covid time saw a lot of young players get time, so this year is a really good mix and has stepped up from previous years, the pace of the game is quicker as well. I've watched a bit of the SPL with the Aussies there and there isn't much of a difference other than games played, any player doing well here will do well over there imho, most of our Aussies are standouts.
  3. Could also have Bos play there with Jameison and Galloway fighting over the left back spot. Didn't Caputo come on recently and I think he looked alright, well he didn't do anything wrong from memory. We also haven't seen much of Adus since his cameo where the kids ran rampant when we had all those injuries. There's options, but our midfield is stacked atm, so I think we'll keep seeing Leckie on the wings more than not.
  4. Scoop McQueen with the news, massive for both Tilio and the loss.
  5. That was a great save, polar opposite to last season.
  6. I think that's retribution from Leckie getting kicked in the wrist from Mikletadze, he's probably given him a bit of lip as well. Terrible, Glover had that as well.
  7. Good save Glover, that would've been a goal last year.
  8. Pretty spot on, The Bulls have the most technical team but aren't creating much with it, they should be doing a lot better. Newcastle are being funded by every other club atm and are scraping the bottom of the barrel and their striker has a heavy first touch. CCM were the pick of the bunch this week, their pressing was impressive and they created a lot of chances, let down by their finishing until the young subs came on, both very effective. Kuol going will be huge for them and probably a bit much but should be in the six, I hear it was for only 300K as well. WSW do look to be in trouble, they shouldn't have been accepted before other bids, it was clear as day to everyone but the FFA.
  9. I think it's the worst they have been since Farina tbh, they have only got points recently via the ref and they have been dubious calls at best.
  10. I was thinking the exact same thing last night.
  11. I think they are the worst team in the comp this year, they have a bus and that's about all.
  12. Tilio, now scoring is good, it's broken the deadlock it seems.
  13. yep, just needs game time, he has the tools, now he needs to learn how to use them.
  14. VDV is a bit wayward, he's a big unit, maybe there's a reason he hasn't been playing, or just needs valuable playing time? Perth parking the bus is making it hard to play through, but we have had a few good chances created by Leckie and Tilio notably. Keep it up and we should win this. LB is Bosses to loose at this point I reckon.
  15. Leckie is so much better in the middle than out wide, understandable when he played mostly there at his last club in Germany.
  16. Just seen it, it's brilliant.
  17. Brilliant, Leckie also needs to start centrally more, a significant improvement.
  18. My thoughts as well, even their goal I still can't see the touch that let it stand, it should have been offside, maybe there is better footage I haven't seen, but from the replays it looks that way. Yep, Glover did well, hopefully we see a turn around from last season. They all did pretty well, even Hall was good when he came on.
  19. Why wasn't that offside, did they think we had a touch on it? Nice way to start with a win, Talbot did well defensively and Berisha looks a find.
  20. A really good chance before and then Jamie nicks the ball for that goal! I'm pleasantly surprised, maybe it is the master plan coming to bear fruit.
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