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Everything posted by moops

  1. Tilio's best game so far, if he can find some consistency he will get his move to Europe, he's still a bit green.
  2. This, but I would swap Leckie for Berisha and have Nabbout on the wing, he has come into form lately.
  3. Young has been a stand out GK for years, so I wouldn't be unhappy with the move. I don't know anything about our backup James, anyone seen him play?
  4. Agree, football admin has been a stye for growth of our sport since the formation of the NSL and has carried through to the formation of the ALeague, to much invested interests rather than looking for solutions that benefit the game as a whole. TBH the split from ALeague to the FFA is the best move in theory, if the FFA can get a second division going to potential P/R it would be great, but the state admin has to much power and has held football back quite a bit in this country. As for the other I kind of agree, I still love the club but aren't thrilled by the owners even though they have brought a lot to the club, but supporters all over the world have owners come and go, sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit. Some people might feel strongly and decide not to be members or go to games, but still have an attachment to the team, I fully support the decision. It's up to the individual and by all reports City were one of the driving forces supporting the move for finals in Sydney. It's just a money grab, which sure our sport needs, but it has had detrimental effect on support, which overall is a loss, we want to grow the sport, not stifle it.
  5. I just watched it, it's pretty good.
  6. I was on holiday so I have just watched the game. I still feel letting Pierias go was a big mistake, as much promise as Tilio shows, I would much rather have Pierias. Exactly, it always takes a bit of time for overseas players to adapt to the league, compared to other Aussies who have come back home, he has done exceptionally well.
  7. I would like to see him play out this season, he deserves a move, but one where he is valued and would get game time, he could pretty much pick where he wants to go.
  8. exactly, you can't say we have had a good record with Man City.
  9. You have signed a blinder in Aiden O'Neil, watching some of your games he would be a star player, hopefully you will be back up.
  10. Crazy how good we have been compared to the last few weeks, completely different.
  11. Another great goal, this is more better.
  12. Good on him, he always seemed to be a good guy and had time for the fans, I hope he does well there.
  13. He looked out of sorts during the second half and looked pretty upset when he came off, he wasn't a happy chappy at all yesterday.
  14. I think it was Bela who said there's good and bad between our last two managers, we need something of a mix between Rado and Kisnorbo. I'm agreeing with the sentiment more and more.
  15. Pretty cowardly on the subs, 2 and one on 90 mins and scores. Imagine being on the bench, you'd feel terrible.
  16. We are starting to look better, kicked into gear for some reason in the last 10 minutes or so.
  17. Keeping Macca and Nabout playing will only extend their injuries and they aren't performing, last game Macca was effected heavily he may as not played. Bos can play further up field for Nabout and Jaimeison could have played in his natural position. Our biggest loss is Leckie, he has been phenomenal, VDV as well, so sure we have an injury problem, I don't think the team is being managed very well through it though.
  18. Our form has fallen off the cliff, we don't look good at all.
  19. Important information. Pretty much just making this thread for this video, especially the last 10 minutes or so. What ever your political persuasion, I think it's a must watch, whatever you think of this guy, the interview is great.
  20. I'd rather Thurgate tbh. There'd be a few A league lads I'd want before Ugarkovic, I'd take Nisbet the midget before him in a flash.
  21. In a way, I keep harping on about movement, but it was the biggest difference between the two teams on the night. A lot of our players were just plodding around, where Adelaide were constantly on the move creating blocks or passing opportunities. Total freedom is bad if players are just going to wander around aimlessly, standards must be put into place, Bos, Lam and our subs were the only players who reached standards I expect, not want, everyone else had a bad game. It's no good if the team doesn't have the tools to use, or the impetus. Games were good in this regard when Rado first came in, but the team seems to have collectively relaxed over time and it's getting towards complacency. This is on the coaching team and they need to rectify it, we'll probably top the table, but not reach the final of the championship otherwise.
  22. As for last game- Adelaides off the ball movement was far superior to ours last game, in attack and defence, they pressed out of their skin. They probably lifted playing us and it was the best they have played all season. I think our two midfielders (Berisha, VDV) were having off days as well, they needed to both come off, Jaimeson made a big difference once he came on.
  23. For me it's that they play football like paint by numbers, there's little individuality or creativeness. Not sure if that makes sense, but it's what I think while watching them. It's effective, but not entertaining to watch for me.
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