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Everything posted by sharpy

  1. sharpy


    Ben Foster? But we already have Bolton and Redmayne...
  2. Iron on logos? You have got to be kidding me! Lets hope that is just for the samples!
  3. sharpy


    ^^ i posted it in the wrong thread, cheers mate
  4. sharpy


    The same mate who told me about Paul Reid's signing last season has informed me that we're in talks with Bulut and we should sign him this month.
  5. The only good thing Babalj has done is inspire a movie about his book... Sell Eli, buy Porta #sellelibuyporta Get it trending! P.S. sign Alex Rance as CB if Good goes
  6. sharpy


    Anyone care to give a break down of this article? I can't be fucked joining up to the herald suns site ATM.
  7. Hard to get there from Greece! Probably an announcement about the fans getting number 12 again this year...
  8. sharpy


    Not sure if serious?
  9. sharpy


    In Greece at the moment and was talking football with a local, said I'm from Australia and he actually brought it up himself that he heard Christareas (sp?) was maybe heading there. Didn't mention a club though. Surely it'd be us? Good news if they're hearing that over here!
  10. Yeah I know! I hope we can redeem ourselves from that 3-0 disgrace!
  11. sharpy


    Loving this thread, its like a group Football Manager scouting session. What attributes are everyone looking for?
  12. Cadete, you beat me to it! I wanted to post an ALF pic... meh, still will! They have a similar beak, thats it!
  13. Bump. I just rubbed one out, left handed!
  14. Please keep losing to these lowly clubs! Whilst you have owned us this season, we're only 2 points off you which surprises the hell out of me. Would love to jump you in the league standings
  15. sharpy


    Dario isn't that strange, he probably had no say in where the game was played as to what number he wore...
  16. Best thing that has happened to Babalj this season is a bloke called Maycon, makes him look so much better than he is. As a footballer. Maycon is more handsome
  17. So I am taking it that I am gonna have to rock up on a Friday night to watch RSC? Is only a 5 minute drive from home but then I miss out on counting my supercoach points... dilemma!
  18. Good! The prick stole my car park down at KB reserve last year. Had to go and do something for the (footy) club, so put a big witches hat in the parking space, was gone for 5 minutes max and by the time I got back he had moved the witches hat and parked there! Then tries to tell me he didn't do it! Scum bag wasn't even selling nuts at the footy, but at the 'soccer' so no idea why he parked there anyway! Screw you nut man! Screw you!
  19. Confirming, little D-Roy got all happy in his pants too! Buddy copped an eyeful! You applauded the goal, which is justified, it was a good goal. You also applauded the Socceroos goals and got up and about when they scored.
  20. Can we revoke my last comment?
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