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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by fensaddler

  1. Best yet from my opinion, and I haven't got to the end yet. Particularly enjoyed the thoughtful reflections on the Adelaide game and Ruon's emergence. One minor quibble. I'd take Clint to task on his understanding of foreign. Ruon is Australian, albeit I think born overseas.
  2. CFG tactics notably successful against Everton overnight...
  3. This. And Zullo, and Garuccio. All apparently not good enough but killing it for their new clubs.
  4. Tongyik for me. Not perfect, but lots to like, and his cracking long pass started the move for the goal.
  5. It's almost impossible to believe that after winning our first trophy, which was a major achievement and a great step forward, we could be sitting here in January wondering where our season has gone. There was so much promise early in the season, we looked to be picking up from our best football last season. And there was so much promised with apparently classy signings, even if we looked undercooked in defence. But since that final we've gone backwards, and we are at serious risk of finishing lower in the league and falling out at the first round of the play-offs, even if we manage to limp into them. Seriously, would you back us away from home in the finals to any of the top six? It's not lack of effort, it's lack of shape and bad tactics. We're horribly slow in transition, we go backwards too often, and we keep possession to no outcome. We create half chances but convert little. Heads are dropping on and off the pitch and we look a shambles. JVS going looks unlikely to be the circuit breaker we needed. Seriously, to see this season as progress on the last, for all its frustrations, we need to see big changes somewhere. Almost better to over achieve as a small club than to fail with the resources we have.
  6. I don't need to go through the threads. I was at the games.
  7. We were serious contenders all last season. We played decent football. We scored goals. We were good to watch. None of those this season
  8. New manager sooner rather than later? We've got worse as the seasons gone on.
  9. I've not been in the house for much of the first half. Do I take it they've scored with an offside goal and we've had one chalked off for offside when it was on?
  10. Impact sub. Rewarding a winning team, and particularly Rose who played well.
  11. Hope springs eternal contrary to rational experience. Come on City...
  12. Kilkenny's suspended, and even then, this looks a bit too attack focused.
  13. Best we can hope for is third, unless Victory implode.
  14. Tend to agree. Two players that copped more criticism than they deserved last season were Clisby and Zullo. And I think both have proved us wrong with their form this season for their new clubs.
  15. He feels a bit of a has been. I'm not enthusiastic. I sense we can do better.
  16. Can't see Sydney offering us a defender. They've just sold one and have another crocked. Can see what's in it for them, but not for us. So stick, not twist.
  17. I think we are still in the realms of fevered press speculation. Good copy, but not necessarily reliable.
  18. Also suggests back four is going to be the usual set up...
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