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  1. To sum up the game, 1 minute of watching City feels longer than a 1 minute plank
  2. This tactic City play is bullshit, I'll be honest, I haven't watched half of the games this season but have seen enough to know that it has been the same tactics for the last 3 seasons. High possession Go out wide and cross it in and hope for the best. We have had no improvements. If City wants any improvements then cut out this Manchester City tactics they say they play, they ain't Manchester City and even if it was the game plan, they play nothing like Manchester City. This playing style is ridiculous. Arslan carried City this season and deserves no criticism if I'm honest. The criticism is in the club management, board of directors and the coach. These players were playing under this bullshit system and I felt sorry for them that they wasted their time playing under these bullshit tactic. No team in the aleague would ever win with this playing style.
  3. As a painter, I get more enjoyment staring at white paint everyday then what I get from our games
  4. What's his fucking issue with Colakovski. Why does he always sub the country on at 90. And MAKES SUBS EARLIER U FUCK
  5. Reason y Maclaren and Good cant play if they been back for a week? Not being negative but big ask for our youth players in attack compared to LaFondra, Bobo and Kosta
  6. Im just convinced half the NPL players can compete in the A league. Its the second game and I am already fed up 🤣. Looks like I'm going back to watchinf Serie A again
  7. Just gonna give shit to Metcalfe again and can we play Nabbout striker with Jamie
  8. Calling it now I reckon Patty will play 4 2 1 3 2 def mid, 1 att mid, central wingers who also score. Attacking I reckon he will play wingers cutting inside similar to 15/16 and 16/17 where Novillo, Brandan, Fitzy and Kamau used to. I think when attacking, we will play our wingers centrally while out full backs run all the way forward with one of our def mid staying back to cover. As for our defense. We will play a lot deeper similar to Mombaets this season. This will allow options in the middle when attacking so we dont keep longballing out on the wing. With 2 def mid and 4 back when defending. It will be hard to break us. Im probably full of shit but hey...just giving my opinion on how Patty could play as he he been assistant under 4 managers pretty much and seen strenghth and weaknesses
  9. Been under 4 managers Jvs, Valkanis, joyce and now Mombaets. Cmon Patty, show us what u r made of.
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