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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by haz

  1. Anyone know if there will be radio coverage of this? Wont be able to get Fox at work
  2. Over 4000 tickets sold so far Pretty sure if there were 6000 would be the highest attended RD32 game ever. Would be in the top 10 attendences overall if it cracks 6000
  3. Im not crying youre crying Love you Keke, but know youve been tainted
  4. I wouldnt care if he was Ethiopian, I just want a player who will drive the team and change the game on its head
  5. Didnt know where to post this, but when you think about it we have some of the best youth in the country in our squad http://forum.insidesport.com.au/2685048/Top-50-Australian-Youth-Detailed-and-Ranked-with-pictures
  6. Will only be on the Fox Sports Website "On Demand". So you will need a Foxtel Account to stream it. There wil be full highlights after the game for free. Maybe someone might stream the stream, but we wouldnt know until just before the game
  7. I'm just waiting for us to be rewarded by our overlords with a decent marquee.
  8. Ive been looking to replace my 1st year City kit for a while now (after mum decided to wash it when I came home from Uni and ruined the numbers..)
  9. TTDIM: Russel Coight back on TV tomorrow night!
  10. 3rd Kit? Why would we need a 3rd one for, we arnt special enough Anyway I hope one of the kits is just a complete random color with some sort of pattern.
  11. No Jamie for Victory (I highly doubted the chances anyway)
  12. https://theworldgame.sbs.com.au/arzani-set-for-manchester-stopover-en-route-to-celtic
  13. Until our national teams get banned from the Asian Cup and World Cup
  14. Automatic Renewel hasnt occured yet
  15. Who knows what will happen over the next month. We might not even have a 'official' league if Lowry really fucks everyone over
  16. It just takes an injury or one decent performance from someone else to make it hard for them to get back in
  17. Kevin Mirallas? EDIT: Seems like hes going to Fiorentina
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