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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by haz

  1. I still don't rate Wales. Delbridge gives me heart pulpatations O'Halloran seems alright but not a stand out VISA at this stage.
  2. Should be a good game, an extra 2 weeks for us will do wonders. I'm hoping Waz puts out a full strength XI
  3. I'll be turning off the TV this season when the FOX commentators get all "friendly" with their mate. It's going to make my ears bleed
  4. Of course we are the only A-League matchup for the next round
  5. Bruno better be getting rid of this rusty shooting before the season starts Cheers Fox Stream got ligma
  6. FMD I have not missed these egg head commentators. I reckon they must stroke each other's legs while talking Atkinson you god
  7. Ive done my knee (yes a spinal injury is more serious) before, the moment everone knew it was only a dislocated knee they resumed the game on the field next door. I sat there for about 35 mins waiting for the ambo
  8. I was more talking about the point that a paramedic would be trained on how to extract a person with neck/spinal injury
  9. Shhhhh give a bernoulli equation and Ill solve it in my head
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