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Posts posted by Zanty

  1. 7 hours ago, citypool said:

    This might be unpopular to say but I really want the club to try get a well known marquee. I know it’s not what the club is about but we need to bring more people in the gate. 

    maybe next season, but that's only if Leckie or Maclaren leave which I cant see happening


  2. 10 hours ago, citypool said:

    While I appreciate them doing something for active it’ll be good if they could also include us seated folks in club functions 

    I believe you can still go to the active events its just run by them

    8 hours ago, Tommykins said:

    Absolutely - horrible phrasing from myself there, I believe the implication was that from the information that they had was that the fact that they qualified for the next Asian Champions League wouldn't matter and that only the teams who qualified from this year would be entered into the next Champions League

    yea its a little crap that we did not get that extra reward for the premiers plate but hopefully it pushes us further to get top 2

  3. 21 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    I don't think so. If the wikipedia article that I referred to is correct, then the following applies:
    Football Australia have to decide which out of the two Premiers will fill our single slot, one of the two being City. I would think one possibility is a play-off between the two?

    Would make sense if they just skipped 21-22 tbh, otherwise there would be a year and a half between qualification and actual competing in the tournament, whereas if they just choose the 22-23 slots its only 3-4 months

    • Like 1
  4. 56 minutes ago, fensaddler said:

    Good. Some off season football. I'm sure we'll play just as well as in every other off season...

    Well if we qualify for that or the AFC Cup, either way we will start in September as the preliminary games are in august 2023 and then the group starts in September and goes till December

  5. 30 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    Well said. Quite frankly, making any comparison of an A-League coach/manager with the coach/manager of any club in the top European leagues is laughable.

    Yea I don't think PK was comparing his managerial quality to pep I think he was just saying that we play basically the same system and it is have been proved that it works for long periods of time

  6. Also along with the whole no plan B thing and how PK has said Pep has only had a Plan A, the thing Pep is really good at is realising when the team needs refreshing, at Man City we see players leave who still have the quality to play at that top level but they know they need new people to play those same roles but have a new refreshing approach to it, hopefully this is what VDV and Berisha will bring, along with Lam as well who is perfect for our high line as he has a decent amount of pace

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, belaguttman said:

    WU have a clear template when they play us:

    Sit deep and compact

    Slow our ball speed

    Force a turnover

    Score on the counter.

    It works every time; every team will try the same plan as we will always turnover in midfield, more the ball too slowly and predictably and our offside trap is easy to beat 

    i think thats why we have brought in 2 new midfielders, one thing i noticed we missed last season was Luna's ball playing ability, he would hit these really good forward thinking balls wheras we didnt really have someone like that in our team last season like that.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    The Pucci ghost is going to haunt the club for a few seasons yet.

    Berenguer didn't play in the recent 2-4 loss - hamstring.  More likely we're going to see Berisha and O'Neill, although again neither will be match fit.

    I think that what's most disappointing of all is that there's so little meaningful information from the club on our players. And by that I mean the men - FFS drop this "gender correctness" that APL and the club are obsessed with. It's not taking the A-League forward in any way whatsoever.

    And membership packages...?


    If VDV and Berenguer are injured for the first game maybe a O'Neill, Berisha, Tilio midfield?

  9. 2 hours ago, citypool said:

    Midfield looks quite weak. Specifically who will cover O’Neil if his injured again? 

    midfield is definitely not weak

    CDM : O'Neill, Lam, Gomulka

    CM: Berisha, Berenguer, Van Der Venne

    CAM : Van Der Venne, Berenguer, Tilio 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    Report went up on the club website barely two minutes ago.

    No sign of Van Der Venne. I find this very concerning - not even a mention as to why.



    VDV just returned from an injury I believe, also no wonder we are signing another midfielder, looks like we are very short rn, not a single senior midfielder in that starting XI, we played Jamieson as a CDM and also played Leckie and Caputo as advanced 8s, we seem to have some injury issues rn

  11. 27 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    We'd have to be with visas wouldn't we? Berenguer, Reis, Van Der Venne, Lam and Berisha?

    Correct no more visa players unless there is a shock departure, personally cannot see any Australian's joining us at this point, normally those kind of deals are done very early on in the window. Ideally we would have brought in a new GK but i have trust in the new GK coach.

    But if Berisha is the last deal then are window looks like

    Calum Talbot (Right Back)

    Richard Van Der Venne (Attacking Midfielder)

    Thomas Lam (Centre Back/Defensive Midfielder)\

    Valon Berisha (Central Midfielder)

    if I had to rank that window probably would be a 7.5/10 to get a 8+ we would need a new GK

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Le Hack said:

    He's rated 72 on FIFA 2022 compared to Lam at 67 and VDV at 65, makes him the second highest behind Maclaren in the squad. Highlights seem to suggest he's actually pretty much a box to box midfielder so replacement for Metcalf rather than an AM. Might actually be decent at our level. Technically good and a good long pass on him. I'm sort of warming up to him.

    FIFA the ultimate way to tell if a player is good or not 

  13. Even though we have this CFG link we do play in the A-league which has a salary cap, obviously we have 2 marquee slots (both taken by Maclaren and Leckie) and 2 designated player slots (I would assume would be taken by Lam and Berisha) realistically we would be looking at some players with a lot lower calibre if this designated player rule was never introduced, maybe one day we will be able to attract more big names but whilst all are cap exemptions are full these type of players are as good as we can get and imo he looks class

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