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Dearg is bán

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Posts posted by Dearg is bán

  1. Article in Dutch about Engelaar.

    Going by a Google translation, it seems to say that there's a chance he'll be here next season although he's not sure that he wants to be 'so far from home' for another year and that he has agreed to discuss it with Melbourne City (still getting used to saying that) again soon. 

    He also seems to be saying that being paid under the salary cap wouldn't be an issue, since the financial aspect of playing here was never the key. It was mainly about his 'adventure in Australia'.


    Let's hope his adventure isn't over just yet!




  2. Still much better than what Bray Wanderers would offer him.. :huh:

    Was just about to say that! At first I thought he must have been the marquee, but the more I consider the circumstances (linked to Bray, low wages in the League of Ireland) the more convinced I am that he'll be under the cap. 


    Hopefully he is. I agree with others that have said he'd be a brilliant signing as long as he's not on marquee wages.

  3. My  suggestion is you tweak as you see fit (I would mention that sky blue has been the colours of NSW since 1857) and then attach this in a letter or email to Scott Munn or David Lyon at Melbourne Heart FC.  On here, whilst we appreciate it, you are just preaching to the converted and its too good to waste.


    Thanks. I'll send it to them as well. I only really put it on here to see if anyone had anything to add and to see what people thought. The main aim is to spread it on social media. It's also written in a way that I hope would be easy for those not too familiar with it all to understand what's going on.


    From some things I've seen on Twitter from people who aren't Heart fans a lot of people seem to be under the impression that it doesn't matter because the club's only been around for a short time (and hasn't been particularly successful). I think that the way it's been reported in the media for the most part backs up that view too.


    It's understandable that a lot of people outside of Melbourne and outside of the world of football would not be aware that, for example, the traditional colours of Melbourne are red and white. Maybe it's futile, but I feel like raising awareness of our objections to changing from red and white and the reasons for those objections is pretty much all we can do at the moment.


    EDIT: I emailed it to David Lyon asking him to pass it on to anyone at the club it may be relevant to. I got a response within half an hour. He said "I understand and appreciate your passion and I'll make sure your email is given to the people who need to digest it." 

  4. Pretty solid mate, only thing is i would get rid of the point about the poll on here, but the rest is good :up:


    Is that because you think not enough people (248 so far) have voted on it? 

    It's a fair point if so, but what i wanted to do was let people who might not be aware know what we already know: that the vast majority of Heart fans are against this.


    Anyone got any other points that could replace it, and possibly convey a similar message?


    Hey guys, I put this together to try and sum up the arguments for keeping the red and white. 

    I haven't shared it anywhere else yet. This is kind of the first draft.


    Feedback, additions, suggested changes etc would be much appreciated.



    10. Red and white stripes are a unique combination amongst Australian sporting teams at an elite level in any code. Sky blue is generic


    Great point. I'll change that. 

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