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Dearg is bán

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Posts posted by Dearg is bán

  1. Using one overused chant is, if anything, even more of a reason not to adopt another. 

    Especially this one. When you hear fans of teams like Crystal Palace singing about being "by far the greatest team the world has ever seen" you realise how ridiculous the chant is. 

  2. Just reading back through this thread and I still think something with 1847 would work well and stand out compared to the other active groups in the league. Not sure if it works by itself though or needs something else (like another word).

    Something along the lines of:


    1847 Ultras

    Ultras 1847

    1847 Brigade 

    1847 Fanatics

    Terrace 1847

    1847 Stockade


    Anyone got any ideas for other words 1847 could go with?


    Personally I think 1847 is a lot stronger than just 47.

    I also don't think we need Melbourne in the name but obviously open to suggestions. 

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    The second is anything too Green Street/Ross Kemp (e.g. Yarra City Service or Swan Street Elite). This should be a terrace for all of our active support to get behind the team, not a hooligan firm. Names like that will put people off joining us and will just be asking for negative treatment from the media. 

    I agree with you on the first part but the second part imo you have it wrong. 


    Your so called Hooligan Firm names are what attract the younger generation that will stand and sing the terrace in the next 20 years.

    Having a Macedonian background I've grown up with this 'hooligan firm' support style, I mean look at RBB & NT. Why do they have numbers? Because the active support style which reflects to your idea of 'hooligan firm/s' attracts people to attend, sing and do whatever a terrace does on game day. 

    I'm not saying we need to be 'ultras' or 'hooligans' but adapt to that style of active support (for example over-head clapping, western european & balkan style chants etc)....why? Because i cannot emphasise how much it works. The 'RBB' adapted to this style and it's proven that it works, in their first season they tripled in numbers compared to what Yarraside (no offence) were getting in games.


    Which leads to my point... why not have a name like 'Yarra City Service'? The first step to developing into a proper terrace is to pick the right name. 'Yarraside' was perfect for this but we didn't adapt your so called 'Hooligan Firm' style of terrace and even 'Melbourne47' this shits all over 'HeartLand' and prevents us from ending up like the 'Marinators'.



    I was talking about the name. I never said we shouldn't have overhead clapping or western european & balkan style chants. We should definitely have these. 

    When I say I don't think we should have a name that sounds like a hooligan firm, I don't mean that we shouldn't have Ultra style support. 



    I think it has to be said that the words "Service Crew" for most ppl are associated with the Casual Firms from the UK like the Leeds Service Crew (Where the name originated) and not Continental Ultra Supporter Groups.


    This is exactly what I was getting at, and what I think we should avoid.

  4. It's going to take a lot of work to grow the new terrace and, as well as winning over existing active members, we will need to be attracting new members to the active support.

    To that end there are two things that I really think the name should avoid.


    The first is anything that has too strong a connection to Man City (e.g. the Citizens) as the vast majority of football fans in Melbourne don't seem to support them. 


    The second is anything too Green Street/Ross Kemp (e.g. Yarra City Service or Swan Street Elite). This should be a terrace for all of our active support to get behind the team, not a hooligan firm. Names like that will put people off joining us and will just be asking for negative treatment from the media. 

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  5. I would imagine that if Sydney are looking at Cahill then we probably are too.


    Wonder if him being from Sydney will have much of an effect on the situation.

    If he is considering the A-League, he may want to move 'home' rather than to Melbourne. 

  6. I quite like The Heartland.


    Simply using 'The Heart' was one that occurred to me too (as well as a few others it seems), and I think it would be good to include a reference to Heart, but this does come down to what someone mentioned about whether we want the new group to be more of a Melbourne City group or a continuation of sorts of the last few years.


    Personally I'd rather it be more of a continuation, using red & white (either predominantly or with the new home colours), keeping some chants (e.g. 'We are Melbourne...', 'You are in my heart...'), and, ideally, keeping some banners as well. As we all know, a lot of people have built up a strong connection with these and I think we have the opportunity to take up where Yarraside left off, continue their great work, and support our club in the most positive way possible.


    FWIW, here was the list I had after a little bit of brainstorming:

    • Heart of Melbourne
    • The Heart
    • 1847 (year Melbourne was given city status)
    • The Stockade
    • Melburnians
    • The 1847 Brigade
    • The Red Cross (a fairly obvious issue with this one)
    • 1847 Crew


    Some better than others obviously, but thought I might as well share them anyway.

  7. I definitely like it, but it does seem strange to have 'MCFC' as well as 'Melbourne City Football Club' on it. 


    The hearts are a great touch, and I love the font used (Gotham). I also think it's great that the Melbourne flag was incorporated into it, and I'd like to think this is a nod to the fans using the flag for the last few years. The 4 redrawn icons work well, and it's clever and quite subtle to use the ship from the Man City crest (even though I'm not a Man City fan. The opposite in fact). 


    I wouldn't have put the crown on it, even though I know it's on the Melbourne flag, but that's more to do with my personal opinion of the monarchy than anything else.


    Overall it does have a great 'traditional' football crest feel to it. 

  8. As an outsider also, what is the figure to beat to become the club with the highest membership figures in the league?


    Victory had 22,591 in 07/08. AFAIK that's the highest in any season. 

    Last season they had 22,021, which I think was the highest that season too. Ours was 7,315 last season, so a long way off having the highest figures in the league.


    As some others have suggested, 10,000 would be brilliant for the upcoming season. 

  9. Pet memberships: that's another bone of contention with AFL people. You pay bugger all for your pet to get a collar in club colours or something and they add one to the membership tally. If the HAL is allowing that sort of stuff, fine (it all helps the club, after all), but you have to take the membership numbers as strictly a marketing tool (something to spruik to potential sponsors etc.), hardly a genuine indicator of revenue generated through memberships, since a member could be paying $30 or $700+ and they'd still only count as '1' on the tally.


    Surely they don't count pet 'memberships' in their tally, do they?! 

  10. I wanted to have a look at how many memberships other A-League clubs had sold so far but we're the only one with a counter (so far anyway). Interestingly, half of the teams, including the visitors, haven't even started selling theirs yet. Just seems to be us, Brisbane, Sydney FC, Wellington and Perth. 


    Great to see how organised we are this year.


    Also wtf is this about:


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  11. Going off the video and other known information, this to me looks like the squad numbers:


    1  Andrew Redmayne
    3  Rob Wielaert
    4  Connor Chapman
    6  Aaron Mooy
    7  Iain Ramsay
    8  Massimo Murdocca
    9  David Villa
    13 Jonatan Germano
    14 James Brown
    15 David Williams
    17 Jason Hoffman
    19 Ben Garuccio
    20 Tando Velaphi
    21 Stefan Mauk
    22 Nick Kalmar
    23 Mate Dugandzic
    25 Jacob Melling


    Also Paulo Retre seemed to have the number 18. Could he have been promoted to the senior team (I think he's too old to play in the upcoming NYL season)?


    Patrick Kisnorbo seemed to be absent (at least I'm pretty sure I haven't seen him in the video or any photos). I wonder if there's anything to that...


    Duff should be number 11 I'd imagine. He wore 16 at Fulham, but 11 at Blackburn, Chelsea, Newcastle and usually for Ireland. 

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