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Posts posted by rass



    Call me cynical but am still burnt by the whole Storm saga. In my opinion, if he has his way, Man City will stay so the league can enjoy whatever benefits come from their involvement - whilst ensuring there is no success for us.


    The guy is a proven dud.


    Are you insinuating that Gallop was responsible for the salary cap saga from 2010? No one had any idea except for a very small select group of people.



    Not for the crime. He was responsible for the penalty though (which I believe was crap) and for his comments towards their supporters.

  2. Whilst this decision by the FFA on the whole conveniently aligns with the want of most of us to keep the colours, I fear there is a bigger issue here...


    What concerns me most of all is the fact the final say on what happens to us now and future, lies largely in the hands of David Gallop.


    The colours/owners/whatever can come and go, but I believe that whilst we are in Melbourne (Victoria), anything we do that will impact adversely on Sydney/NSW or their wants, will be knocked down or dealt with severely.


    I'm tipping if the change of colour request was to something purple related (like Glory), it would have gone through no problems.

    I'm also waiting for when we finally start enjoying prolonged success on the field by winning silverware, something will happen (like a salary cap scandal) that will take away our achievements - whilst he is in control.


    I have no idea what was agreed/promised when CFG and the FFA had their discussions earlier, but I get my back up when I start seeing decisions made by anything Gallop controlled regarding Melbourne.


    Call me cynical but am still burnt by the whole Storm saga. In my opinion, if he has his way, Man City will stay so the league can enjoy whatever benefits come from their involvement - whilst ensuring there is no success for us.


    The guy is a proven dud.

    • Like 1
  3. Report are surfacing that we have offered Xavi a 3 year contract to join NYCFC


    If so, then he could be a guest player for you at the beginning of the season.

    Yep - can defo see this happening.

    He would cringe knowing that our average pass length last season was probably around 60 metres....

  4. Hey junnnne just let her into you heart. Remember, when mustard was great in 1972. Think about it....


    There's an album released in 72 called 'Too Old to Cut the Mustard'.

    The two blokes on the album cover look remarkably similar to B1 and B2 in that earlier post (nanana - Hey Jude...) and the jackets they are wearing are not blue and white stripes like our bananas, but red and white stripes.



    Don't know if it has anything to do at all with what you are saying, but it's a funny coincidence...

    • Like 6
  5. Huh? JA has no knowledge of the local league system and its pretty clear that JVS has JA covered on an A-League basis.


    I said 'someone' who has that experience... and agree, JA is not the bloke.


    With the City resources behind us now, I think we can have a full time recruiter on board with JVS having the final signoff on the decision. Leaves him able to focus on what he does best.


    Anyway, on the thread topic, so many names thrown up and many more will be too until the signing is made. Though it's been raised early and often, can easily see Xavi as the one. I think he fits the bill for what we need. With $$$ offers likely to come from abroad though, coming to Aus might not be the fit for him.


    i cannot fathom the thought that a manager who failed to win in 20 odd games could be trusted as a recruiter. especially when there's 30+ CFG scouts worldwide


    I agree with this, but can also see the need for someone who has the local player and leagues experience. Is JA the bloke for it though? I guess coaching is different than recruiting, but still I can't see it happening.

    Hmmm, with their resources though, I would imagine CFG would have this covered.

  7. Fark off Rass. Full stop

    Sorry Heart of 'Olympiakos'... Oops, I meant Melbourne....

    As I said, I'll be wearing my red and white Heart top to games next year even if our colours do change. Still wearing an Olympiakos top though, will show wear your heart really is hey....

    Thing is I want every supporter to stay and my point is don't use the colours as a reason to leave. Of course people are passionate and that's great, but I don't think my post warranted such a response.. I apologise if I offended people who have invested so emotionally in our club, that was not my aim.you are a dickhead... I apologise if I have offended you, that was not my aim. Not necessary I don't reckon, remember this is the heart forum not victory forum.

    Rass people connect with the club for many different reasons, each personal. A lot of people feel that with the colour change that is the last peice of any connection we supporters would have with melbourne heart. This has been spoken about a million times already but I never joined because of success, clearly none of us did as we have never been successful. I have to assume that because you are so easily willing to switch you are not so emotionally attached to the club. That there is the reason why people are upset and your not. I understand you want people to stay but there is no obligation to stay once everything has changed and the new club has zero relation to the previous club.

    Niko, thank you for your clarification and your thoughts on this. It's nice to be disagreed with without being called a dickhead or spastic or whatever. That I won't take just because I have viewed a differing opinion.

    As I said in my original post, I want the red and white to stay. But if it happens, i will accept it.

    Thing is, I take young children with me to the games. So I can't sit in the middle of Yarraside or wherever and experience (or understand) the emotion some of you guys have and where it lies. I have my own emotional attachment to Melbourne Heart though and that will stay.

  8. Fark off Rass. Full stop

    Sorry Heart of 'Olympiakos'... Oops, I meant Melbourne....

    As I said, I'll be wearing my red and white Heart top to games next year even if our colours do change. Still wearing an Olympiakos top though, will show wear your heart really is hey....


    Thing is I want every supporter to stay and my point is don't use the colours as a reason to leave. Of course people are passionate and that's great, but I don't think my post warranted such a response..  I apologise if I offended people who have invested so emotionally in our club, that was not my aim.

  9. Ok, first post here so a welcome to everyone.


    I've been reading through this forum for a while now with great interest and feel now it's my turn to add my 2c worth as a fan and member.


    As a fan of the blue and white colours, Victory would have seemed a good fit for me based on that alone. However as much as I tried, I just could not buy into them emotionally - they were and are still not for me.

    So when Melbourne Heart came along, I embraced them as my team. So along with my wife and children, who are all Heart members too, we get along to every home game at AAMI decked out in our red and white supporting our team.


    Personally, I quite like wearing the red and white and my own opinion is I would rather keep it than change it to sky blue (f**k NSW) or purple or whatever.

    However, it is not the end all for me. I support this team and cheer them on because they are my team and if their colours and name changes, I will still support them and come to every game (probably still in my red and white kit!).


    What really does sh1t me though is seeing some of the responses of people here and their real bias towards keeping the red and white.

    If you really love the colours for what they are (just colours) and seeing them go is enough to make you leave, well then good bye and good luck with whoever you follow next.

    However when you come on here and cry 'red and white forever', etc, etc, etc... proudly showing off your Olympiakos emblems, or Sunderland tops, or Polish or Cro flags or whatever, then seriously in my opinion, I have no time for you or your whinging about the possible change. Go back and think of the real reason you follow Melbourne Heart and don't try and hide behind the 'it's our city's colours' and 'it's our coat of arms' excuses that are so convenient here.


    ...and whilst on the city of Melbourne's coat of arms and flag subject, the thing I see when I first look at it is a great big Cross of St. George slap in the middle of it plus a couple of lions there too. Please correct my history if I am wrong, but I can't recall anywhere St. George slaying a dragon on the banks of the Yarra one day...

    Just like our national flag, it's a reference right back to England, yet I bet no one here minds wearing green and gold for Australia, nor do they complain about it.... so really, what does the red and white mean for you?


    So as I said before, I would love to keep the red and white, but regardless if we do or don't, I am still in and will be in - along with my family too, because they're the club we chose.


    Bring on next season!!!

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