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Everything posted by NewConvert

  1. This does not make sense. If the club achieves success with the current colours then the fans will simply say why change the colours specially now that the club has achieved success. In this instance if CFG change the colours then it will annoy some of the existing season's ticket holders, if they change it later they will annoy everyone. I hope that they don't change the colours but if they do they should it do it now.
  2. Sheikh Mansour would be happy at least..He supported Real Madrid long before he bought City, the Real Madrid president is actually a friend of his that often visit him in Abu Dhabi 'Real Madrid wishes to inform: that Real Madrid president Mr Florentino Perez has had a great friendship for many years with His Highness, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan,' read a statement on the Real Madrid website. 'And that the so-called interest and the existence of any offer to acquire Real Madrid are false. His Highness has always shown tremendous respect for the club and understands that Real Madrid belongs to its members.' Sheikh Mansour, who is reportedly a Real Madrid supporter, is president of Abu Dhabi's Al Jazira Club, where he set up a twinning agreement with the Spanish giants in 2005. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1239222/Manchester-City-owner-Sheikh-Mansour-buy-1bn-euros-insist-Real-Madrid.html#ixzz2zAnPw5I7 Then its a win win situation - we annoy the managers without annoying the man with the cash!
  3. I did suggest elsewhere a Real Madrid or Kingdom of Castile tifo just to drive the message through to the Basque and Catalan management...
  4. Being a touch facetious here but given that Ferran Soriano and Txiki Begiristain are from the Catalan and Basque regions, perhaps if they do change our colours then as a tank you gift we should give them something from Real Madrid. Or perhaps a tifo that the basques and catalans will always be part of the Kingdom of Castile...
  5. Well I'll be attending and wearing my red&white stripes.
  6. Would Foxtel have an interest in this? After all when they broadcast the matches between Heart and Sydney then the spectators will all be wearing sky blue and would that make great viewing?
  7. Sounds civil enough. Perhaps even smooth. But like Bela said is there any more info? And the fact that they said out of respect for the A-League finals and the ACL and the world cup...no real time frame. Specially for the thing that matters a lot to the fans, that is, the colours?
  8. Well I hope that Sydney FC are able to persuade the FFA regarding the clash of colours. After all when Heart have a home game then the stadium will be filled with sky blue as the Sydney supporters will also be waving sky blue. That will not look good on TV. What looks good both at the ground and on TV is the colours of different teams.
  9. My brother is a member of both Victory and Heart because of his fanatical belief that the only way for the game to advance is to increase the membership rate. However he rarely attends the Victory games (loathes Muscat) ad tries to attend every Heart game.
  10. When I was in high school football was rarely mentioned (although it was played). And if people had a football team it was an European team. The Australian teams did not exist as far as we were concerned. Then there was a period of severe anti-football which culminated with a Ron Barassi headline "they are trying to kill our game". Interestingly enough years later I saw him at the MCG for one of the internationals. These days no one I know has any scorn for the local teams. Of course, knowing that so many AFL coaches have borrowed tactics from football, make trips to Juventus, Man U, etc. makes it difficult for people to pour scorn. I also know a few euro snobs but I am not fussed as I know that there are enough people behind the game that the standards will lift and they won't be able to deny that. A Brazilian mate of mine is also a snob but what is hilarious is that he has no idea about the game.
  11. Germano and Kisnorbo are the only players that have any mongrel in them. Love the way Germano gets under the opposition's skin. has been handy when he is on the pitch which unfortunately does not happen often enough due to injury.
  12. I understand what you are saying but the problem is defining 'culture' (and I know you given your thoughts clearly) and translating that into concrete results. For me I want to see concrete steps taken with relation to facilities (location, time frame, infrastructure), having a team list completed as early as possible, and whether the team gets to train with MC players/trainers/facilities. I think that if the preceding is delivered on then the competition for spots will change the players' mindset. Otherwise when their contract is up then it should not be renewed.
  13. A few points: 1. I was at the northern end and we had the placards and waved them at regular intervals. As an aside this has been a great effort. 2. Murfy1 love your post but I disagree regarding the statistics. The poll conducted on this site is a self selecting group therefore it cannot be random. Why is it self selecting? Because people have to be committed enough to log on a regular basis (do all 7k+ member read this forum?) and this does not include people who have a pre-disposition to the club but are not season's ticket holders. 3. I agree with your observation in that most people would prefer to keep the red and white and not many are for changing colours. This is anecdotal but it does fit with the conservatism of people as well as those who have suffered the last four seasons. Also when the AFL teams have changed colours there has been a savage reaction. 4. The volunteers who have committed themselves to the club also have a voice, not a big one but it still needs to be heard. If they change the colours then how long will it take for those volunteers that walk to be replaced?
  14. I think you just about nailed it but I don't think that we are 3 quality players away from being in the top half. There are far too many basic skill errors, for example, when ever a Heart player headed the ball (and there was a lot of that yesterday) it almost invariably went to a contest or a WSW player whereas whenever a WSW player headed the ball it almost invariably went to a team mate. If the contracted players don't improve then the whole burden will fall on the new squad members to win the game - and team sports are very unforgiving when that happens.
  15. it says something that Hoffman is a contender for MVP and that he actually scored.
  16. Just glad that I am not a Carlton supporter cause it would really hurt twice as much.
  17. Well JVS will have better resources for the pre-season as well as a team that will be shaped by his selections. As far as his demeanour I am not bothered as I see it as a personal attribute and the way he relates to his players. I have worked with bosses that shouted and raged but the most deadly one was the one who never raised his voice and always seem to start from "I don't understand..." - when ever I heard that I would turn pale and feel all wobbly as I knew what was coming up next. Never met a man that could make you feel utterly useless and worthless with so few words and such restraint.
  18. That would lose all of the Latin American fans except for the Argentineans (and even then I am not sure).
  19. Errr... I doubt it. He may not be on the board but the big decisions will be okeyed by him. Has his hands in everything but his fingerprints on nothing.
  20. Now that MCFG own the Heart then the young players can see at what stage other players of the same age are at. In effect right now quite a few players are big fish in a small pond. Going to MCFG Academy even for a few weeks will let them know whether they have the dedication and talent to be bigger fish in a bigger pond.
  21. I am sure that there is a humanities PhD in all of this. Ok a little cynical but I am astounded as to how much the colours mean to people. As for me my pref is for red and white but I won't slash my wrists over a colour change.
  22. Just realised that not only is this Kewell's last game for the Heart it is also Shinji Ono's last game in the A-League. Say what you like about the RBB and some of the WSW players but Ono has been pure class and been great for the A-League itself.
  23. I did not like when Garruccio took the corner kicks I think that Ramsay has better delivery for the set piece. I felt that Ramsay lifted when JVS took over but in the last four weeks he has deflated a lot. As I said in another thread, in the off season the players better get back to basics and learn to control the ball with a softer touch.
  24. What I don't get is why people who support an English club would dump Heart if they switched over to a shade of blue. Perhaps because I have no tie to the UK or European continent. As an Essendon supporter I actually drink at a pub that is owned by the Carlton football club. So whats the problem???
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