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Posts posted by Baka1

  1. 8 hours ago, Jovan said:

    Time to take off the gloves mate. 

    Few years back we had a gun keeper but was actually a better striker(imo). And in some games he would swap at half time. 

    Freak the opposition out especially when he'd score a second half hat trick.

    I spun the resis coach out a couple weeks back after we played a game against them and I wanted a run on pitch. We had an easy game (7-0) on the weekend prior. Got 2 assists in a 5-2 win. No pace all strength @strider style hahaha 

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  2. 21 hours ago, strider said:

    I'm a CB, I just collect people mostly. 2 red cards last season, bit better this season

    Im keeper and im due for one. On a number of yellows already this year lmao. 

    EDIT: should've got sent off last week after I decked some kid when he knocked the ball out of my hands. Get rekt n00b fgt. We won 6-3 away, started singing "how shit much u be we're winning away" to

    their striker who subbed himself off after the 6th went in lmao

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  3. 19 hours ago, Hellenic Hero said:

    You know, I actually think this forum is one of the better sport forums going around. We do have some crap (and I probably contribute to that lol) but I think that on the whole, the good posters far outweigh the bad posters.

    Another thing that this forum has going for it, is that it almost has a brotherhood about it. A lot of people on here know each other in real life, and yet there's still no real divide between people that know each other (mainly through the terrace I think) and people who don't. It's not the best source for rumours or news, but I feel that sport forums that place too much of an emphasis on that lose a bit of fun (ie: 442, reddit A League, West Sydney forum). We have a great mix of informative posters (@GreenSeater, @Murfy1), @Embee and humorous posters like @strider and @Baka1which means we have a great variety of things to read.

    We also have posts fairly frequently compared to a lot of other Internet forums, the Tard forum before it was closed and the WSW forum both have far less posts per day than ours, and I'd say our is about level with the Sydney forum. The mods on our forum do a great job as well compared to these other ones (particularly @jw1739and @thisphantomfortress, cheers fellas)

    I dont know why I posted all of this, just felt like it.

    Apparently I do steroids according to @strider

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