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Everything posted by Alexxandro

  1. A youtube compilation of his reactions after every time he gets beaten would be pretty funny.
  2. I thought I give you your seventh 'Like' so you can get a star on your post You're like a star fairy.
  3. He asked his question and right at the end he got a startled look as though he'd realised he was on camera and that was a crazy thing to be happening in a tv studio.
  4. Did anyone catch his expression at the end of his question to ange. Oh dear JA.
  5. If this night couldn't get any worse I just had to see Tony Abbott blather something with a socceroos scarf around his neck.
  6. True but what is scary is how little depth there is. But we will improve you are right. The Croatia game will be telling.
  7. So when I was three I was given an Argentinian World Cup t-shirt from my Argentinian uncle... So I might just transfer all my hopes and dreams onto the Argentinian team...
  8. Wow. The nightmare at the World Cup started with the first game in 2010 and looks set to continue.
  9. Please someone give him a head coaching role ASAP. Just want him to be quiet and failing again may just do the trick.
  10. Well it wasn't a completely serious comment. I just like to make fun of drinkers sometimes just like non drinkers get made fun of. Anyway back to football.
  11. Drinking is over rated. One day in the future it will seem as absurd as the Romans eating and then vomiting so they can eat again.
  12. I'm surprised at some of the impatience being shown. It's been said a dozen times but I'll say it again: the A-League finished a week ago and the EPL finishes this week. Announcements are likely to begin next week. For all anyone knows they are trying to work out who the marque is or when they can start using the Melbourne City FC name or whatever. The off season is literally a week old in Australia...
  13. Nope. Has to be the Polish maid! I'd go for the Polish maids This led to a Google search for "polish maids eurovision". Was not disappointed.
  14. Luckily for them they have such a low base to start from...
  15. Not being in a World Cup hardly means a player is not much better than a league standard. For starters plenty of teams didn't even make the world cup. Sweden for example...
  16. It's weird how the vote was pretty much neck and neck till about 45 votes each and then suddenly the INs exploded ahead.
  17. I hope he does well. Two strong Sydney teams would be great for the a league just like two strong Melbourne teams would be.
  18. Three years running we start the season with an away derby at probably the worst stadium for football used in the A-League. Up yours FFA.
  19. Haven't you heard? He's been given the assistant coaching role and apparently he will have a big say on recruitment.
  20. Okay so Bresc is an Australian... Not that the original post should be taken seriously but surely International marquee can be an Australian?
  21. We were nowhere near folding. The board had multiple offers before CFG came along Yep we could have easily been bought by owners that wanted to keep the name and the colours. Financially Heart were doing okay which is partly why we did so shit on the field.
  22. Also it's about the principle of the matter. If city come in here and make us mini man city then it don't show much respect for current fans or even the league or Melbourne. There's already a sky blue in the a-league and with only ten teams having two just won't work very well. Also it will make Heart seem like an outpost of Man City rather than a Melbourne team.
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