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Posts posted by Alexxandro

  1. So sick of JVS.

    And wondering what it will take for some of the people on here to stop defending him? Do we need to have Man City's playing roster and facilities and still perform poorly in the A-league? The way some of you deflect responsibility from the key man in charge boggles my mind. You should apply for a job as Heart's next coach.

    The team is doing more poorly than even I could have envisioned for this season. I thought we were going to simply get mediocre results but they are out doing themselves. And now that the bar is set so lowly just watch if we start getting mediocre results that will be seen as a great achievement by some on here. But my fear has always been and will continue to be is JVS the man to make this the best team in the comp and the answer to that is pretty clear. And if he's not then piss him off ASAP. Get someone good in charge so he has half a season to sort the players out before next season.

    What really gets my goat is that pretty much everyone admits there's something wrong with Heart's mental toughness yet that very culture was in a big part developed by JVS. He coached the team for 2.5 of its 4 seasons before this season started. I think JA set the bar so low some of you forget the first two seasons especially. But I guess there were lots of excuses to go around back then from wheelie bin ice baths to Colosimo... Now the excuses are running thin but there are still enough for many of you to hold onto. I'm impressed by some of your efforts though. Thank God for Williams missing sitters! He's always a good scapegoat (forget the fact that he started under JVS and re-signed under him).

    When Heart were shit in pre-season some of us were attacked for being pessimists and told to judge the team once the season started.

    Well the season has well and truly started and the team sucks.

    • Like 1

    Was certainly interesting to hear JVS say that he would play the first round.


    I was sure they would wait until the first home game for some reason, especially with the arrival coming so close to the season.



    Jvs confirms villa is scheduled to play first round

    Excellent! My first game since moving to Sydney. The build will be huge. Hope he starts.


    key word amoungst all that is scheduled.


    You moved to Sydney? I feel for you :lol:



    Yes but at least it's not ruled out at this stage...


    I think it would be a massive let down for him not to play. I know people want him to have his first game in Melbourne but really it would be fantastic for the A-League for him to start first round. It would get big press.


    Also for the fans travelling up it would be bloody fantastic. 


    Okay I might be biased....

  3. Was certainly interesting to hear JVS say that he would play the first round.


    I was sure they would wait until the first home game for some reason, especially with the arrival coming so close to the season.



    Jvs confirms villa is scheduled to play first round

    Excellent! My first game since moving to Sydney. The build will be huge. Hope he starts. 



    You moved to Sydney? I feel for you :lol:

    It will be strange to live in Sydney and support a Melbourne team but Heart is the first football team I ever supported. Be great to go to all the Heart away games in the Sydney/Newcastle region. 

  4. Out of interest I went through all the A-League teams and gathered the ages of the captains. Here they are:












    Average age: 32


    Captains need to convey authority amongst other things and age helps with that. 

    So no to Mooy.... and Hoffman. 

    • Like 1

    I dont want anyone as a member of this club who is blatantly attempting to rip off the honored name of goldust 

    who is this goldust?

    i have always liked the words silver and dust since i was a wee lad

    hence i joined them together.

    i cant be disrespecting anyone if i have no clue of who they are or if you dont know my history of silver and dust.


    I'm sorry but I don't buy that. It's clear you are here to start a war. It's clear you won't be happy until we are all dead. 


    I hope you're happy. 

    • Like 1
  6. God I can't wait for the season to start. I just hope that it becomes clear after half a season whether JVS really has suffered through no fault of his own or has benefited from the fact it's so easy to blame everything around him. 


    I really have no idea which way it will go. I just hope we don't have two more seasons of mediocrity (coming around 5th) before he is let go. 

    • Like 1
  7. With regards to the salary cap I agree with the comments that its there to keep all teams as equal as possible. But I also believe that its up to the club to find a point of difference weather that be with playing style, formation, Marquee player impact and position, and/or the coach finding a gem like a Thomas Broich.


    For a long time I have felt that the impact of a coach in a salary capped league cannot be under estimated. The reason why we have under achieved in the past and why we are in danger of under achieving this year is because our coach JVS is not the man to take us to the next level.. I just want to qualify that.


    I'm not saying that JVS is a bad coach nor am I implying that he does not know what he is doing. The qualities that JVS has as a coach are not what we as a club require at this time.

    JVS is a great development coach, he has an eye to spot a young talented player, he has the ability to develop young players, He can implement football structures for a young club, and he can nature and support young players. All of these qualities we have seen throughout his time at Heart / City and there are many examples of young players who have been spotted by JVS.


    His natural focus is on development as we have seen our team develop from a punch of players to a competitive team (sometimes) but the A-league is the business were development turns into finished product and it seems to me that we are still to see a finished product.

    Great post. It's not about whether JVS is a good coach or not but whether he is the right coach for this club and the A-League at this point in time. I think time will show he is not. 

    • Like 1


    Mooy for Captain.

    Curious as to why you say that?

    He's a prominent player, he's a fantastic player, he's a play maker, which means he'll get a lot of the ball and use it well (be a good example for Ramsay, Hoff, Wieleart, Paddy), he'll be consistently in the starting line-up and he'll be with us for more than one season.


    ...sure, he's a little young but not too young...just not sure about his 'captaining' ability though...


    A captain should have a certain amount of Gravitas. Mooy does not have this. He might in five years time but not yet. I wouldn't even consider him. You really think the experienced players like Duff and Koren would look up to him? 

  9. People are just sick of five years of abysmal pre-season form that generally foreshadows abysmal in-season form. JVS in three pre-seasons has not won a single game against A-League opposition. 


    And to say "it's just pre-season- it doesn't mean anything" is actually a big mistake. Sure if it was one bad pre-season... but the fact is these games are practice matches for every team and so to not win any in five years is kind of ridiculous. 

    • Like 3
  10. Yeah I have no problem with him arriving a week before his first game if that's what's organised. This is not Harry Kewell in 2013 this Villa in 2014 having just played the World Cup for Spain... The fact that he's even coming here for one game is showing more respect to the A-League than it probably deserves. Certainly more respect to Heart than it deserves at the moment. 



    70,000 watched our FFA Cup stream? jesus christ

    Well that would be 70 001 if what you say is correct.


    Seriously though my first thought was a typo!  Can't believe that either us or the sky blues would have that kind of pulling power.  No wonder the bloody thing kept going down.




    I was thinking a typo too, but Man City did post the stream link from their Facebook page so it isn't outside the realm of possibility.


    Man City have fifteen million likes on Facebook... 

  12. The handwringing?


    Possibly the utter boredom of the so-called "pre-season" more than anything else, and a series of matches against nothing opponents. If you don't play in the finals series, the "pre-season" is actually 25 weeks, only just shorter than the actual season itself, and it therefore receives far more attention and assumes far more importance than it should.

    A good reason to take the FFA cup seriously. Imagine how much better it would be for both the team and the fans if we now had an FFA game to prepare for. 

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