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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by fastfly100

  1. i want a captain who stays with the team for at least 3 years
  2. would love to play south Springvale in the next round!
  3. So new York get VIlla and possibly Frankie and Xavi and we get koren for our 1 marquee spot Don't get me wrong he is a good player but I just feel like we are the middle child missing out on all the good stuff or only getting it for a short time, until the younger one comes along.
  4. Does anyone know if we will be wearing a kit with a ffa cup badge. South Hobart showed off there kits for the FFA cup with the logo in the middle looks average imo
  5. Didn't even pick this up ahaha, good pick-up. Typical Queenslander
  6. Saw on twitter not sure if legit that Jeremy walker is playing for Millwall under 21's this week
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q0NacePdyY highlights and interview's with hoff and King kal
  8. You wouldn't think the official fifa site would publish confirmations of signings before the actual club does
  9. FFA Cup web-site says Wednesday. Thanks new it was ether Monday or Wednesday
  10. How do I get the online news letter I have signed up for it but still haven't received one email
  11. Captain and deputy. Hopefully about time we have a strong leader!
  12. As a Spurs fan Adebeyor can go fuck himself........................... Most of the time. As a city fan Adebeyor can go fuck him self, except for when he celebrated in front of the arsenal fans
  13. For those interested masters are giving away a free 1 litre sample pots. You are also aloud 1 a day so I've starting collecting and will contribute them to the terrace both visually and also by donating the paint cans
  14. live audio from south knights gamehttp://www.livecast.com.au/listen-live/
  15. Would love to play against south Melbourne or Melbourne knights in the second round! depending on who wins that game. Also when can aleague teams play each other again after the first round is done?
  16. What ever teams they decided chose the ffa needs to create the team with the same system used to create WSW with fan involvement.
  17. Can not make it would be awesome if a full recap can be post about the meeting
  18. I am in pending there will still be train's running so I can get home. Always been a heart fan stood with the Yarraside for two seasons. But I am willing to volunteer in anyway possible and really put time and effort in! looking forward to the meeting and hopefully it can be a positive and constructive start!
  19. Would people take offense if the new group kept the name of yarraise as the active bay is still on the yarra side
  20. just signed up but I couldn't renew cause I am no longer teen I am adult hope the club realises this and keeps counting my years of faith
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