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Everything posted by SF33

  1. No, I'm with you. But, I think that can be justified by saying that it's up to the league to close such loopholes, rather than our club not to exploit them. The league should have envisioned such scenarios when the discussions of a sale and alignment between Manchester, New York and Melbourne first came up. If they didn't, or they did and ignored it, stiff shit, I say.
  2. Nah man, he was clearly nervous as all get out. His voice was trembling. Being a CEO doesn't mean you're naturally a confident public speaker. Yeah, he doesn't really seem like a natural in front of the camera, or on the radio. Which is why I'd probably rather he avoided Twitter wars with celebrity chefs, if possible.
  3. Can't say I've ever noticed such a problem with UNC basketball or football (which is the best equivalent I can think of, off the top of my head). The dark outline should help.
  4. Do you think that will make a differnce though In a way. If they shift more of the away than the home, it would probably be a bit tougher for them to justify a change in the colour scheme/design to it a couple of years down the track.
  5. Yeah I think that's a realistic target. I mean over the 4 years that Heart's been around, I'm sure we've had close to 10,000 members, it's just as new people sign up others drop off because of the lack of results and lack of attractive football to watch. I remember reading somewhere that the number of unique sign-ups from the inaugural year (to about midway through last season) was something like 15,000. And there is a significant number of Victory members making the jump. There'd be a bit of schadenfreude involved, but it would be quite sweet if we went close to doubling our membership and Victory had a noticeable drop this season.
  6. On SEN, Munn was saying that the home shirt was taken from a Manchester City design (obviously), but that it had added some elements to make it 'more Melbourne' (or words to that effect). He wasn't just talking about the badge, was he? Or the Westpac logo?
  7. Even that smile looks weird on Kisnorbo. Usually, a sort of sneer is the best he can manage on game day.
  8. Turf is a smart bloke. I'm sure if he'd put some thought into it, he could have come up with a few more useful questions. I agree 100% that Mark Allen is an absolute featherweight and his knowledge on any sport besides golf (yes, even AFL) for a drive-time sports show host is laughable.
  9. I'm not surprised one bit ... I would be more surprised if there were no mentions of AFL during the interview on SEN. Examples of what I would expect from them: 1/ Whats your AFL side you support? 2/ In AFL, we would expect .... 3/ Whos Lampard? Have you heard of Gary Ablett in the AFL? Mark Allen might throw in a question about who has the longest drive at the club.
  10. Well, in fairness, when it's being widely reported in the media that we were going to get player announcements today, to get some news that we pretty much took as a given anyway, it's a little bit deflating. I mean, compare that with Soriano's email a while back. That was like getting hit with a ton of bricks. I'm not unhappy with any of the announcements today (red shorts on the away kit would have been nice though), but the announcements were nothing to really get me excited, anyway.
  11. Scott Munn was on SEN before. Needless to say, instead of actually asking questions that Munn might actually answer (e.g. 'What do you envision David Villa's role with the team being between the start of the season and the time he leaves?'), Mark Allen and Dr. Turf wasted time asking about eight different variations of the 'Is Lampard coming?' question, asking him what he thought of the new kits (perhaps look at them yourselves?), then thanking him for his time. Mark Allen is a waste of space, but I actually expected a bit better from Turfy.
  12. Since the principles in the deal are brothers, it's not especially relevant. Who cares? you have an aversion to a LOT more dosh flowing into the club? The Sheikh is essentially paying himself. The Sheikh doesn't own Etihad, anyway that's irrelevant, the end result is A LOT of money flowing into Melbourne City, which can be used to upgrade facilities etc, I think that's the relevant bit here. He's the Chairman. The family runs it. I guess the way I see it is they'd be putting the money in to make our set-up the best in the A-League by far, one way or another, anyway. Having said that, the tangible stuff like the relative luxury our players were afforded on the flight to England may be very useful for AFC games and the like, down the track.
  13. Captain and deputy. Should be Deputy and captain Yeah, should be.. I'd suggest, if that's what the picture is depicting, it WILL be. Otherwise they'd be in the opposite spots. I'd be all for Kisnorbo getting the gig.
  14. I think Westpac was pretty good, overall. Being red helped for a start and I thought using the big 'W' logo (over the logo in the 'Westpac' wording) in the last year was a solid improvement. Agree that the Etihad typeface just looks classy on a kit, but compared to some of the other garbage logos that have graced A-League club kits (that plane/computer mouse Webjet logo is truly awful, and didn't someone have Jim's Mowing a while back?), I reckon Westpac was clearly one of the better ones, anyway.
  15. What's the general precedent around the league, in this regard? Seemed like we always wore the sash away previously, whether or not the red and white created an issue with the opposition's colours. I thought that the rule was we had to. It will be interesting this season when we go to Adelaide, just as an example! Possibly earmarked as the fan-designed kit game? Play them away twice, but first time isn't until late-February. That possibility aside, it would probably come down to common sense. West Sydney was never going to wear its away kit at AAMI against Heart, for example (even though its home kit wasn't great) Pretty sure we play Adelaide twice at home. We played them twice away last season Ah, right you are.
  16. What's the general precedent around the league, in this regard? Seemed like we always wore the sash away previously, whether or not the red and white created an issue with the opposition's colours. I thought that the rule was we had to. It will be interesting this season when we go to Adelaide, just as an example! Possibly earmarked as the fan-designed kit game? Play them away twice, but first time isn't until late-February. That possibility aside, it would probably come down to common sense. West Sydney was never going to wear its away kit at AAMI against Heart, for example (even though its home kit wasn't great)
  17. My plan is to never wear anything other than 'Heart' gear at home games. Will still buy the kits and stuff, but I think it's incredibly important to get as much red in the crowd as possible, which would hopefully make the club think twice about just gently phasing the red/white out a year or two down the track. Plus I'm really looking forward to being an A-League hipster.
  18. What's the general precedent around the league, in this regard? Seemed like we always wore the sash away previously, whether or not the red and white created an issue with the opposition's colours.
  19. inb4 sky blue shorts for the home kit Please, God, no...
  20. Worse places to live than Perth. They shouldn't have any problem luring marquees, really.
  21. I think it's pretty clear from the way Lampard was being reported that it wasn't just grabbed out of thin air. I still assume he'll be coming, in some capacity.
  22. How can we have the same shorts for both kits? Surely the away shorts had/have to be red?
  23. Since the principles in the deal are brothers, it's not especially relevant. Who cares? you have an aversion to a LOT more dosh flowing into the club? The Sheikh is essentially paying himself.
  24. Since the principles in the deal are brothers, it's not especially relevant.
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