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Posts posted by coys

  1. 28 minutes ago, bt50 said:

    I couldnt care less what they do in terms of stadium music, as long as SHT stays.
    The minute we change that song then we'll deserve the plastic label so many mongs like to give us. Culture and identity isnt created instantly, it's built over a long time and whether you love it or hate it, thats one of the most important pieces in our identity that there is.

    Couldn’t of said it better, the songs been with us for years and one of the last things that have carried with us from the heart day and if played for years to come will carry a link from the past with the foundations of the club to the present. I think it was great to see so many supporters singing it across the stadium at the final although I will agree that it’s a hard song to belt out until the very end when the terrace takes over. 

  2. 2 hours ago, playmaker said:

    Ultimately it's up to you, I post what I do because I hope that people are realizing that a lot of things aren't right. My posts give people the opportunity to consider what many already know is true and which is hidden from the general population. 

    People can choose to either be a victim to the illusion being cast by the warlocks in power or choose to entertain the idea that what they believe to be true on face value is not truth and that perhaps they should truly seek and investigate new information with unbiased preconceptions and use their inherent logic to analyze, test, measure and let the new possibilities lead them where ever it does and to understand that the destination is irrelevant so long as the Truth is found.

    I am not important, you are not important,


    The unshackling of the mind IS important and people should do whatever they need to do to achieve this.

    We all have free will to choose either way.

    The only key issues I have fundamentally with the points you raise and I’m not doubting your credibility or profession is that I also know someone who is involved in researching the Covid-19 strand in a lab and although they share similar thoughts in the deadliness of the virus and that to them it has been blown out of proportion how much of a threat it is. What they disagree on with your points is that this is very much a thing, it’s not made it up, it exists and it is doing damage and resulting in thousands of people dying. Your asking people to do there research, not only do I do my research but I also Know someone working directly with it and they disagree with a lot of what your saying, how do you explain that?

  3. 5 hours ago, Mr MO said:

    I’ve accepted the colour change, just want to see a red and white away kit every season - I don’t understand why this is so difficult. It embraces our heritage, keeps fans happy and they can identify themselves with old and new. Traditions like that are missing at our club.

    And that I think to me is the biggest issue, it’s failure to fully embrace the heritage.

    im not asking for red and white to be the home kit as much as I would like it to, but for it to be fully embraced and not pushed away

    9 hours ago, Embee said:

    I personally struggled with the change at first, especially as it was enforced. I was pretty insistent there was as much red present in Melburnians branding as possible (I wasn't the only one tbf), but over time I've come to accept the change and have more or less moved on. Making new and special memories in the City Blue definitely assisted with that.

    Game of opinions obviously, but I quite like sky blue as a colour. I was always quite fond of Coventry's kits when I was younger, and then Man City's when they got into the EPL in the early 2000s. Personally, I'd prefer if we had a predominantly white kit with elements of the blue though, whether it be stripes or a sash. 

    I think they're doing a much better job of embracing the past in the last 12 months tbh. A lot of the social media activity on both Twitter and Facebook has featured Heart goals/moments, and they even tried some cute regular posts like Mifsud Mondays or Terra Tuesdays (I think it was Terra). The Heart celebration game this season was a home run too, IMO. I can't speak for the FIFA stuff, I don't play it and I'm not sure who makes those final decisions. But it feels like the people involved locally are doing their best to bridge that gap recently.

    i get that the club has done a lot in the last year and more so in the direction of embracing our past but it seems they do so in any way but accepting the red and white, to me this is but a step and I think they’re missing a home run but not going all the way, why stop at one home game acknowledging our home colours which I think is a good show of faith and should be done every year but wear the red and white as the away kit, don’t put it as a third kit


    or in prior seasons labelling it as the away kit but  You end up wearing the third kit at every away game with the exception of one game, things like that cause more harm then good

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  4. I think it’s okay for people to discuss it and it is perfectly believable that people still chose to, if anything it shows in my eyes that some supporters and looking at the voting of the kits a considerable amount think it’s worth a discussion. Others may decide that city blue is the colour which they resonate with most to the team but others may choose red and white. I think that the fact that a sizeable portion still have some form of attachment to the red and white should be something that at the very least is acknowledged. The one thing this club to me has seemed to fail to capitalise on is a link between both the new and old, the constant attempts to push the red and white away example selling and labeling a red and white kit as the away kit on the website but not including it on fifa and also using the official third kit being the black one on most away games and also the designated fifa away kit. It’s in my experience a fundamental reason why the group of 6 friends that used to go to games religiously no longer turn up.

    my question is instead of pushing away the past why not embrace it fully? 

    • Thanks 1
  5. I think it’s also interesting to note on what social media platforms people are voting on because on Instagram the red and white kits seem to have won the majority of votes in fact I think it’s only been one round a red and white kit hasn’t won. Also interesting to note every round the red and white stripes has been involved in has got the most votes

  6. 1 hour ago, Dylan said:

    I know it’s blasphemy for any criticism towards heart or a red and white kit but if it’s the same we have had the last 5 years then it’s as bad as the new home kit imo 

    I think it differs to the last ones we’ve had even though it’s  red and white stripes. it’s supposed to be as close to a carbon copy of our first ever kit as in same number of stripes same order and looking st leaked photos even including red and white stripes on the shoulders that was included in the season one heart strip

  7. 2 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    By suppressing red our owners just demonstrate how insecure they are. Pathetic really.

    It’s also probably why the third kit is being released so much later then the other kits, they’ll be hoping that most of the supporters will have already purchased a home or away kit without giving them the option of the third.  It’s a good way to ensure that the red and white kit remains the least prominent on match day

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, jw1739 said:

    @coys Of course active can be left where they are. It's just the concept of the "City End" that I think makes it more suitable at the northern end.  I'm simply putting a possible plan on the table, because I think what we've got now is a dog's breakfast and the stadium is like a bloody morgue at our home games. I'm not wedded to it, and IMO the club should look at the situation and try to improve on what we've got. I'd hope that they would involve members including active (do we still have an active group?) in any discussions.

    Just in passing, it interests me that you bring up the "Victory end" of the ground. IMO this shows how weak our support is. These are our home matches, so who cares about Victory? They only occupy that end in Derbies, so far, because we can't fill the ground with our own fans, and that shows how poor the club is in growing its support base.

    Because for as long as aami has existed the main active sections of either club have been south end for us and the north end for victory, think Roma and Lazio supporters they play same ground but are at opposite ends like our clubs. 

    To me I understand what your saying and I agree that regards to seating it just isnt working but I would be against the idea of moving the active sections

  9. 44 minutes ago, jw1739 said:

    I think that it's time for a complete overhaul of the membership/seat allocation/reservation system. I think we're struggling to be able to offer flexibility because of commitments made right from Day 1 - such as "a reserved seat for life." My idea would be to move "active" to the northern end (which would then really be the "City End"), reduce the number of reserved seats to some sections on the Western wing (avoids the sun) and some sections at the southern end, and then make all the rest GA. 

    This would mean some relocation, and the breaking of certain promises, but we have to face the facts - the demand for memberships has not taken off, many original members have left, and we are left with "orphan" groups of people in their original seats and gaps everywhere.

    For derbies and any other (if ever) matches where the ground is likely to be full,, "GA" would still apply, but you would have to use the seat allocated to you, whereas for all other matches "GA" would entitle you to sit anywhere other than a reserved seat. 

    I would also streamline the packages, and have an across-the-board reduction of 10-20% in prices. What we're doing now is building more and more complexity on top of an over-ambitious original. We need a circuit-breaker.

    Why the move for active to the other side of the ground? Can’t your suggestions be achieved without changing the position of active?

    just thinking that those in active can’t see themselves located in the same section or area as what some would call a victory end of the ground?

  10. 1 hour ago, Jovan said:

    The FFA can't remove the VAR it's being sanctioned by FIFA and along with a few other Leagues  (from memory MLS Serie A and Bundesliga) it's here to stay and will be throughout world football.

    So we just have to suck it up and get it to a level that is palatable. It might take a few seasons though. 

    Now I disagree with this assumption. VAR is a trial, and that's what the league's are doing trialling it. By the end of 2018 they will report back to IFAB (I believe) with the results and go from then on. The VAR is sound in concept but as the experimental results are showing it is fundamentally flawed in its current form. If the report shows what we are experiencing currently is the same as those other leagues then it will not be enforced

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, CaNNaVo93 said:

    Bart, Bart 
    Wherever you may be
    You wear clogs in your home country
    Could be worse, you could be a tard
    Ripping flares and acting hard


    Third line doesn't work. Sounds better if you just said "you were clogs in your country" just remove the word home.

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