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Melbourne Football


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Everything posted by Jestr

  1. I've heard some soft, piss weak excuses but you sir take it to another level. Miss out for that???
  2. Here is the moment it happened. Fuk me I did ask him if he wanted to join victory.... He said no! Off with it!
  3. Im not an extrovert and I was dying under that cape, thank god for that helmet at the end it was all worth it. Kids loved it
  4. Don't forget the shit you do to make them happy like dressing up to surprise them at school during book week parade. wife tells you go! Every one including parents dress up on the day....it will be fun! you think why not so your march into the school ground all kitted out to find NOBODY but few kids dressed up. school security approach you and ask your name as I'm wearing helmet, while kids yell to them " are you stupid?? he is dearth Vader!" you bloody sweat under the mask cursing under you breath, but hey, day turns out great with photos and memories to last. cant buy stuff like this so enjoy it, while it lasts.
  5. Throw the chair at them all, let God sort them out
  6. I think you're simplifying the issue here Dylan. To distance the league from nsl days we had to start almost from scratch. Most team where created in similar way. ffa messed up future development of the game in Melbourne by creating mv. Who do they represent? All Melbourne football fans? I don't think so. Where do you put next team in Melbourne? No clear geographical division means there was very little forward thinking making any future team creation and success an uphill battle. heart needed better football people in administration to nurture the club and take it in the right direction. Unfortunately we don't have enough of these people in Australia at the moment. If you love sport and love to be heavily involved in running of it at a higher level until now you had to choose other codes, not soccer. look how many clubs are run by ex afl and rugby administration. Even ffa is lead by them. If you think heart was plastic and being own by overseas company and run for benefit of its business model is somehow better.........it's you're opinion. This is how someone else could see your last paragraph of your post "A group of people in North Africa get offered crazy $$$$$ for oil in the desert. they don't know what to do with it as they have thousands of camels already. They pay western consultants to find a way to create more $$$$$ They create company which buys sporting clubs to buy best players to buy success to buy investors to make more $$$$$ They diversify and go global, buy club in Melbourne because of the potential market share, change colour to NSW blue and loose all but 1 derby. you still think heart was more plastic than this?
  7. Jestr

    Aaron Mooy

    He only watches NASA's moon landing over and over......
  8. Heart/city may be very "moldable" as there are no generations of support behind it. However Cfg doesn't seem to understand the sporting landscape in this country In Europe all you need is lots of money to make it a success as people already love football here you not only have 2 embedded codes that seem to happily coexist with each other (afl, rugby) you also have serious hatred for lack of better word towards the round ball If you ignore those few supporters who bleed for the game, you may as well take you money and try another market
  9. totally opposite approach by MLS with excellent results http://www.fourfourtwo.com/au/features/ffa-five-ways-mls-embraced-fanatics-and-won#:YAQCNwvexmMIjA
  10. Looking forward to turkey vs putin.......pls make it happen!
  11. I'm happy they winning. But I can't wait to see them line up against the tards and terrorists where they will get tested
  12. So you haven't been to derby at etihad yet..... Surprising.
  13. out with modern football! back to tribal, passionate, local suburban roots of the game!!
  14. well done FFA for selecting this idiot......enjoy the ride!
  15. FFA can't afford to refuel the death star. last seen somewhere near new Zealand, hovering over wellington
  16. it was a pretty fair effort by non active areas to help with chanting, you wonder why they fail to this every other week
  17. I was standing by my mates who sang for the team tonight.
  18. Jestr

    Aaron Mooy

    Will follow his career all the way no matter where he plays even until he stars doing viagra commercials like that other gifted player who was nearly as good as Mooy.
  19. I can already see all the fat lazy atmosphere sponges outside active sitting on their asses, sooking and even yelling out to active " why aren't you singing! Support your club! It's disgusting!! Blah blah! hope active can ignore these clowns and not get into verbal confrontation.
  20. If Sydney fc was bling fc we must be bland fc
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