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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Saw that, made me feel a little bit after being disgusted by Ashley Young's putrid diving antics.
  2. Good to see a bit of mongrel, means the players care. Also nice to read those comments from Harry, he's already proving his captaincy credentials and I think he'll do extremely well for us this season.
  3. Well, that was a shit game! Never looked likely. Ahhh well, kind of glad the AFL season's over for me now as I am way too keen for the A-League to start!
  4. Wouldn't mind Wollongong getting in at all, 6,500 is a great number for a pre-season game and their stadium looks nice. Canberra has to be the other leading option too you'd think.
  5. I've always hated Perth, they're just a scummy side with scummy players.
  6. I'm super excited about this signing but I hope he's here for the right reasons. This quote along with the alleged dealings and shopping around with that Chris Tanner flog have me a little worried about whether he'll create off-field unrest but as long as he is 100% committed, I'm happy.
  7. Pantelidis is so shit ahaha, how many times has this bloke been carded in his career!
  8. McGrath's a far better option than D-Mac, I doubt he wants to come here now after we turned him away though. Seriously though, what the hell is going on with all of these injuries already? Can't be good.
  9. Me too, both are fantastic x-factor players but both are also liabilities and mistake-prone when they play for longer periods of time.
  10. Approve of this! But yeah, there is a pretty high participation rate in Albury/Wodonga so I'm sure we'll get a decent crowd. I was reading the local paper here today and it mentioned that they expect 10-15k which almost certainly won't happen, but it should be a good turnout nonetheless.
  11. The players can do what they want, it's up to Holger or whoever the national team manager is not to select them.
  12. no its not lol he could have been one of the greatest players in this league and a cult hero for da hearts He's still going to play on though by the sound of things (whether it be finals or next season), plus we get a good defender and a good striker out of it. Just trying to be optimistic about it aha, I would've loved to have seen Orlando roflstomp the league too
  13. As horrible as it sounds, Engelaar's injury may just turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
  14. Don't really care what Brosque thinks tbh but Middle Eastern football definitely isn't as bad as everyone proclaims it to be, you only have to look at the national team's performances throughout the qualifiers to see that they do possess some decent local talent along with all of the money-hungry international stars they're able to attract (Gyan and Michel Bastos play for Al Ain with Alex for example even though they're easily good enough to play in a top tier Euro league). Doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
  15. Pretty stupid imo. How much are tickets in the active area? (adult and concession) Concession for me is $25
  16. Head over to the marquee player thread, Mifsud and Marica are the two most touted possibilities at the moment!
  17. Could it be they were re-signed because there less likely to complain about there amount of playing time? A young and up-comming striker in Mcgrath would be demanding to start most games, but now with this new international signing that would appear to be less likely. A d-mac will be happy to play in the youth league and play his 1,2 games a season compared to a mcgrath who might cause team disharmony? Maybe. From memory, I'm pretty sure D-mac was given a two year contract because both Aloisi and WSW were into him and it took a longer contract to get him down here. So for better or worse, he's on our books for this season. He was signed as a back up, and because he's apparently a good bloke to have around the club, and I'd say he understands that's his role. McGrath might be better, but like you say, coming off the bench for short spells might not be what he's after. Macllister isn't great, but he can play a role and his size potentially gives us something different up front. And like WSW showed, even Mariners with McBreen last year, you don't need a squad of superstars to win. Completely agree with this.
  18. LIKE! Although you'd all better fine-tune your self defense while you're here... Explain?? Lavington is the Frankston equivalent of Albury.
  19. On second thoughts, I just did a wiki on Marica and I didn't realise how good his CV was. And he's only 27, fuaaark
  20. It is literally 5 minutes over the border
  21. LIKE! Although you'd all better fine-tune your self defense while you're here...
  22. This is how I'd do it too, if our Visa striker turns out to be amazing then I'd nearly almost have Gol Gol ahead of Mate on the right wing but either way, soooo much depth! If we can sign a really good visa striker I too would go with Golgol on the RW. But I would definitely have Mate in the match-day squad ahead of, say, Williams, because Mate is more than competent in midfield as well. True, Mate is technically a better player and if he can get back to his 2011/12 form he has the potential to be one of the most important players at the club. Gol Gol's got that explosive x-factor though so I guess it'll come down to what we need on the day in terms of opposition, form etc.
  23. Please let it be Mifsud, my girlfriend with Maltese ancestry might actually finally go to games with me Seriously though, the bloke is an out-and-out striker with a strong goal scoring record, is yet another leader, has plenty of international experience and is 32, we've been crying out for a guy of this calibre! SIGN HIM UP!
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