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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Nate


    Ofcause they would have preffered Gallas. But they missed out. Which makes me smile for the first time all weekend. Gallas is even older at 36, but he's got a far more impressive record than Contreras does so I'm sure you're right. Put it this way, Victory have missed out on Karagounis, Miccoli and Gallas and ended up with Contreras instead, that's the best part of it all
  2. Nate


    Pablo's got a decent CV but he's only played 19 games in the last 2 seasons and he's 35... I wonder whether they would have preferred Gallas but missed out.
  3. Hawks vs Freo in the grand final! Dockers to win it by 2 goals, Barlow for the Norm Smith and Franklin to pack his bags for Sydney.
  4. I wonder how much the Mifsud signing has to do with the large spike in incoming members over the past few days!
  5. Depends what you're into I guess
  6. Aside from that shitty looking v-neck collar on the home kit, it's probably one of the best kits in the league.
  7. Funniest shit ever, this bird at work is preggaz I was looking up on google how to say compliments to pregnant chicks...one popped up on the side I was like wtf is this? These adds are just Google being smarter and remembering your search patterns. I get heart adds on every page. You can turn this behavior off in the Google preferences. This is true.... Still, Victory fans have been getting them so it's 100% a worthwhile process
  8. Should be aiming for crowds of 10k+ on average for home games throughout the season but as it's already been stated, winning games is the best way it's going to get done.
  9. They were playing in a gale to be fair, the ball could have gone anywhere.
  10. Ahahaha, I didn't even notice that until now. Fuck that's bad haha.
  11. This is how I think Heart will line up as well. There's one question I have about our current squad, though. What do we do if Mifsud can't play (either because he's away on international duty, or injured or whatever)? Who's our backup striker? Macallister is apparently injured and out for a few months, so he isn't an option. We could play Williams or Golgol. We'll probably exclude at least 3 wingers from every starting 11 (probably Garuccio, Williams and Golgol), so it would be a positive if we could use one of those wingers by playing them as a striker. However, I'm not sure how Williams or Golgol would go playing up front. If I had to choose though, I'd probably go with Golgol, although he hasn't played much pre-season football lately, so he may not be the best option (injured possibly?...). Kewell? We could then play Kalmar or maybe Dugandzic or Mauk as the number 10/attacking midfielder behind Kewell. I think Kewell would do pretty well up front, although he won't be as quick as he used to be. Anyway, we'll find out round 1 against the Victory what backup striker Aloisi prefers. And we'll probably see this backup striker being deployed at least a couple of times this season (and maybe for the remaining 20 to 30 minutes of several games, If Mifsud gets subbed off). I really think this season is the one where David Williams needs to finally, fully live up to his potential as a central striker as he was in his younger days at Brisbane, Brondby and then North Queensland. On his day, he's as good as anyone but we've very rarely seen Willo reach that level that he's more than capable of, so I think it's definitely time for him to step up and fill the void left by Misfud when he doesn't play.
  12. I didn't really think about it tbh ahaha
  13. He's only 5 foot 5 but we'd let him have our wives, Michael Mifsuuuuuuuuuuuud, Michael Mifsuuuuuuuuuuud!
  14. Woohoo! Should be getting it today
  15. Whoa, sexy graphic! But yeah, this is how I see it being too providing we have a full squad to select from.
  16. Does everyone from One Direction suddenly think they can play football or some shit?
  17. Amazing how after being arguably our best player last season, Gerhardt's now a good chance to not be in our best XI. I guess it just goes to show just how far our squad has come from last season tbh. That said, I don't recall us ever having a full squad available for selection so everybody will get their chance whether it be through injury, suspension or international call-ups, depth can ONLY be a good thing!
  18. Hardwell played an amazing set this year and was a million times better than Avicii! That said, if he clashes with someone else I like but haven't seen before then I'm probably going to give Hardwell a miss
  19. Ahahahaha, I pissed off my diehard Liberal parents so much by voting for McGowan. So glad to see Mirabella gone though, what a nasty woman.
  20. Got be big contenders for the spoon this season.
  21. http://au.fourfourtwo.com/news/282549,heart-close-in-on-italian-midfielder.aspx Good stuff! Really happy with all of our dealings over the off-season, a big congratulations to Heart HQ for all of their outstanding work bringing all of these quality signings in. Now it's up to Aloisi and the players to deliver the goods!
  22. Im beyong excited boys. I have pained the office white with the announcement. gGot the cleaners working overtime on this one So excited you can't type. He's using one hand
  23. Hopefully this also brings an end to hoofball!
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