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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Pretty handy tbh, it'd be a shame if we didn't capitalise
  2. Here's my team for anyone who cares Goalkeepers: Pasfield (CCM), Reddy (CCM) Defenders: Wielaert (MHT), Leijer (MVC), Zullo (ADL), Roux (CCM), Vrankovic (MHT) Midfielders: Broich (BRI), Troisi (MVC), McGarry (PER), Brillante (NEW), R.Edwards (PER) Forwards: Juric (WSW), Cirio (ADL), Maclaren (PER)
  3. Never been in active support before (until this weekend) but I was just wondering, do Yarraside usually have much of an issue with the police and security? Really hoping I'm not made to feel like a criminal all season just for supporting my team, that's not too fair.
  4. Okay, this officially takes the cake for the worst kit of all time
  5. winner winner chicken dinner. Agreed, I love this!
  6. I'd like to see Willo start as our striker with Gol Gol coming on around the 1 hour mark personally.
  7. Who did you support before Heart? Growing up in an AFL dominant family, at 12 my first exposure to the world game rather amusingly stemmed from buying FIFA 2005 for the PS2 because all of the AFL games were absolute shite so from there, our family got Austar so I started watching the EPL and ended up watching (and supporting to a lesser extent) Manchester City a couple of years before they became uber wealthy. That aside though, I hardly knew anything of the A-League until I stumbled across the original Melbourne Heart forum and loosely followed from there. Why did you start supporting Heart? I watched about half of Heart's games on Fox Sports in their first season but it wasn't until I went to the Christmas derby in 2011, where I became hooked and immediately became a fan. Have watched every game on TV since (attending a few along the way) but this year is my first as a fully paid member If you didn't support Victory, why? Heart's formation coincided with my increasing love for football and I wanted to be a part of a brand new club which I could follow from the beginning. Although I hardly followed it properly in its first couple of years, I am now proud to say that I am a true supporter of Melbourne Heart and I couldn't be happier! Sidenote: I knew little of Victory's culture when I first decided I would support Heart but looking back now, boy am I glad I picked the red half of town
  8. This is the truth if I've ever seen it.
  9. I'll be in bay 16 this season and I'll be singing and chanting my heart out! (lame pun 100% intended)
  10. How's this for tough luck ahaha! http://www.smh.com.au/sport/soccer/gameiro-injured-in-freak-accident-20131005-2v0xw.html
  11. Nate

    Gerard Nus

    Well he's got his own website, I'm sold
  12. Regardless of the fact that it's Victory, the way that the club's board has treated its fans over active support is pretty terrible and I'd be appalled if Heart's board ever tried to pull anything similar. The atmosphere is what truly sets the A-League apart from other codes in this country.
  13. Is the North Terrace going to be silent for this game over the recent shit going on at the club as of late?
  14. If we win the derby, I reckon we'll get to 6,000 before the Mariners game.
  15. Nate

    Little Talks

    Like the song, not sure whether it'd be a good chant or not though.
  16. Brayshaw and North Melbourne would surely have to be up there in Caro's most hated
  17. Probably in the minority here, but I'm pretty keen for the new Pokemon.
  18. Seeing this topic pop up instantly made me believe we had signed him again, oops ahahaha.
  19. And so he should! It'd be nice if we actually tried to hang on to our youngsters for once.
  20. I read all of that, word for word in that stupid, nasally god damn irritating voice of his.
  21. Will Etihad pay us to do security's job for them?
  22. Nate


    "...but here's the captaincy armband, that's a stupendous deal is it not Mark?"
  23. They have Pantelidis the filthy grub but still, it does look a bit shaky for sure.
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