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Posts posted by HeartinHobart

  1. I just do not comprehend.

    Fan wise Geelong and Ballarat would have yielded fans that would come down and support the club once work went into those towns. Every week. Attendance and membership.

    Ballarat is a great football town with huge finances put into new facilities for the Ballarat Red Devils in the budget. I visited these facilities and it's top notch. Will be a fantastic community hub.

    Knowing this and Geelongs love of the game, two massive regional markets we could have capatilised on. To bring fans to AAMI Park. Every week. Have a special regional membership for these guys. Maybe team up with our sponsor Public Transport Victoria and give them free train trip on match days for members? Think for crying out loud.

    I will get accused of being negative, whatever. Our club make bonehead decisions most of the time. A lot of membership ideas told to them that have never been utilised. This just another one.

    Like their borderline useless community initiatives, this Albury one is another. Work smarter. Could of put all our resources into Geelong and Ballarat. Would have been more beneficial than anything the club are doing now.

    So coming to Albury is a "useless community initiative"?

    As I said before, there is a massive football following here but many have not been exposed to the A-League before so explain to me how trying to capture that market isn't a smart idea?

    I think people are suggesting that it is a fair way to travel for people in Albury/Wodonga to make it to a Heart game live, where as it is 1 hour roughly from Geelong and Ballarat,

    This is in terms of building a supporter base.

    To those supporters that are worried and don't like the idea of travelling the 3-4 hours, harden up. You've got it easy.

    I have to get on a plane every time I want to see the red and white and made it to 5 matches last season. Which was fair to say didn't make my bank manager or wife too happy.

    • Like 2
  2. Initially I was against Kewell but his last few games for victory he was starting to play well. Obviously wants to be apart of the world cup squad so has that added hunger to preform.

    Who would people rather? Garcia or Kewell? Id say if we get Kewell Garcia would be gone.

    Money obviously comes into depending on price. For arguments sake on the same $ I'd take Harry by a whisker. Bit of a risk but.

  3. I pay $250 for my Swans membership and there are only 4 games in Melbourne! But i don't really think twice about it cause I just want to be a member.

    I'd also buy a Heart pet membership if they bring it out. It's not like my cat can come to the games (obviously!) but I'd just see it as a donation to the club.

    They had the pet memberships 2011/12 but scrapped it last season. So my dog couldn't rejoin. Was a shame cos he needed new poo bags.

    • Like 2
  4. With the fixture out at 11am tomorrow I think it's fair to say its our most important yet. With the new tv rights and Friday nights now live on free to air our club has the opportunity to reach out to a wider audience.

    I somewhat think we might be getting the raw end of the draw though.

    • Like 1
  5. Rofl at ppl downplaying this signing. Quality defender all things considered and is a more than capable replacement for Marrone - not to mention is a Melb lad.

    Ideal signing.

    So you'd be happy to sign him and have him play RB come round 1 next season? If so we certainly have different opinions.

  6. I find Wellington to be the most boring team in the league to watch, so don't watch many of their games. Is Muscat any good?

    Would hope if we got muscat he wouldn't be in our starting XI come round one of the season. A handy back up player though.

  7. i would like to see him at RB, as i prefer Germano/Gerhardt as DM.

    he can do a good job out wide.

    One of the biggest positives this season was the breakout of Jeremy Walker. To me suggesting Massimo would do a better job than Jez is strange.

    • Like 3
  8. Absolute shame. Seemed a great idea and more importantly one that I thought would have fantastic results for the clubs attendance and membership. So from the outside not entirely sure what's gone on for Melburnian to pull the pin. But each of us can still play our part I still have confidence il be signing two mates up for the 2013/14 campaign and the reason is because of Melburnian's ideas and initiative. There's no reason why we all can't do our bit.

  9. Patrick Gerhardt a deserved second place in the 'Player of the Year', but I'm staggered to read in the Hun that Matt Thompson was third. The coaches clearly see something that the rest of the people in the stadium can't see.

    I can see why at first it's a little strange the Thommo finished 3rd. Digging a little deeper it does make some sense. Matt played pretty much every game giving him the Most chances to poll votes. That is the contrary to the majority of our squad. We changed our goalkeeper half way through the year. Sold both full backs in January. Then injuries were a major problem for Colosimo Germano Fred and Tadic. So really the one player Thompson was competing against was David Williams.

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