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Posts posted by HeartinHobart

  1. 1 hour ago, Thrillhouse said:

    good day yesterday, WH had boxing day premium price offers each hour, $3 for a fav horse to finish 1/2, put max $50 on it and won
    had 2 soccer multies and both had games postponed cause of weather, rest of the legs got up so they paid out minus the postponed games, 5 on each got back 27 and 34

    It was the only promotion of 10 that got up. So either your extremely lucky that that was the only one u took or your ignoring your losing bets.

  2. 2 hours ago, cadete said:

    Going to Italy for my GF's mother's Birthday Party on the Amalfi Coast next July, we are spending that first week in Italy and already have routine set for us there and then we are going to head to Berlin and Amsterdam.

    My knowledge of Berlin is half decent from a week there this year but can anyone recommend an area to stay in Amsterdam, somewhere near the action preferably (But not right in the midst of it) where you can find a Backpackers that will have double rooms in their setup is what I am really looking for...

    Only spent a few nights in Amsterdam but found the Grachtengordel area pretty nice, a little busy during the day! Quiet enough during the night. Still walking distance to most areas!!!

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  3. On 01/12/2015 07:26:15, hedaik said:

    Spending 4 days in Wynyard, and 4 in Bicheno from March 3. Already been to Hobart a few years ago. 

    Wouldnt mind catching up if theres any meets on? Or just catch up for a luncheon.


    Sounds good mate! Racing is pretty shit by March but yeah a lunch or something sounds good! 

    Quite like the North West coast its often underrated. Boat Harbour beach on a nice day is pretty cool and Stanley is probably my favourite little town in Tassie! 

  4. Of course I dont rate Brazen Beau ahead of Hay List or Takeover Target, but importantly those names had other good Mares and Geldings running around at their time with Hay List's main opponent being obvious and Takeover Target came up against some very horses in Miss Andretti (Def better that Chautauqua FWIW), Apache Cat and even Glamourpuss.

    Basically to assess these WFA horses careers you are more less assessing them against how good the Geldings/Mares they are coming up against because all the good Sprinter Horses get sent to stud as soon as they win a G1 as late 3YO's or early 4YO's so PPL can try breed Slipper Winners.

    And IMO ATM these sprinting ranks of Geldings and Mares are nowhere as good as they were in Takeover Target's day or Black Caviar's (Despite owners avoiding her) which is the main reason why I dont rate Chautauqua that highly and if Brazen Beau had been a Gelding then I am sure he would being winning his own share of these races.


    I think we'll certainly get an indication of just where Chautaqua is at in The Darley Classic when his forced to give exosphere 5 kgs. 

  5. Sorry but I think your memory is a bit rusty... Brazen Beau was a year younger than Chat? (That's what I thought anyway).

    Brazen Beau won the Coolmore showing he was the best 3YO Sprinter in Australia, he then still as a 3YO finished second to the world's highest ranked Sprinter at the time in Lankee Rupee in the Lightning and then won Australia's most prestigious Sprint in that of Newmarket beating Chat in process of doing so.

    A lot of PPL would have retired him then as he had just won Australia's most important Sprinting Stud Race as a 3YO, however they took him to the UK where he just got beat after having to chug the last 200m down the straight of Royal Ascot by himself.

    Only a idiot would keep running a Horse after that kind of resume has been established as a 3YO but if by chance he had been owned by complete idiots (Of Brad Bootsma levels) I think the fact that Chat has lost 5/10 times over 1200 means a maturing Brazen Beau would have had his measure. 


    I'm not sure why my memory is a bit rusty? I never said they were the same age.

    As I said initially these things are very subjective and we could argue it for days. 

    You are simply basing Brazen Beau on 4 runs of which he was beaten in two of them. I personally think you can't put a horse as the second best of this era simply on 4 runs.

    Team Hawkes had a lot of problems early on with Chautauqua and that has all been fixed since being gelded which thereafter he has won 5 out 7 at 1200m all at group level. Even with his early problems Chat still has a better winning strike rate than Beau.

    Personally, as I said perhaps Chautauqua isn't the one behind Black Caviar right at the moment but I think he will be by the time his career is over. I don't see how anyone could rate Brazen Beau ahead of either Hay List or Takeover Target.


    I have to agree with Tomby that I dont think Chat is as good a Sprinter as you say Hobart, the reality is that he has only a 50% strike rate over six furlongs and he is not coming up against really crack fields like others in past did. 



    Each to their own opinion. I'm not saying right now he is but I'm very confident he will be by the time he retires. The day Brazen Beau beat him it was run at a farcically slow speed and Chat was held up at a vital stage. Personally, I don't think Brazen Beau is though. Retires only winning 2 group 1s (I realise chat has aswell at this stage) and both at Flemington. Also, couldn't win in the UK. 

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