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Everything posted by HeartinHobart

  1. Must say I sorta agree with Deluka
  2. Btw Ben Williams when you send a manager to the stands they go their and then! You don't allow them to stay on the sideline for another 5 minutes organising their team for an upcoming penalty shootout. You wanker.
  3. Looking ahead, if City are drawn away @ South Hobart when I'm in Europe. I will be fucking spewin! Both have good draws.
  4. Think USA is a over the odds @ $10.50
  5. The odds Malimate has quoted are to qualify. Yours are the result after 90 mins with there being the 3rd option of a draw.
  6. The thing I don't understand is why everyone is set on Collingwood being this big successful club. They've won just 2 premierships in 55 years. They inflate membership figures by selling ridiculously cheap ones. Also, there last home gate proved that quite often they struggle to gain the attendances that you would associate with a big club. Just 28000 against the bulldogs.
  7. She's 15! Isnt 14 the legal age of consent in Tassie anyway??? Lol presume your taking the piss. Also, no its actually 17 here. 1 year older then u guys.
  8. In France for the final. Would love them to be in it.
  9. And we can call our youth crew the Braveheart Cadetes Lol
  10. Would not want anyone that has played for Fenerbahçe...How do you feel about Aziz and Mate?Well, Victory, unlike Fener, aren't a club that fixed and manipulate matches to win the league title (and go unpunished by the Turkish Football Federation despite being found guilty by UEFA and CAS). Not to mention that although Kuyt isn't, some of their players are just so classless... Especially their captain. Perhaps following a different league may be a solution.
  11. Have felt absolutely wrecked all day. But geez was it worth it. For years now our national team has all been about the moment and providing the best immediate result for whichever foreign wanker was in charge. No thought of the future no thought of what's best in the long term not just for our national side but also the individual's involved. How things have changed. We are now playing fantastic fast paced high pressure football and it's great to watch. We've cleaned out dead wood and brought in fresh faced guys that have absolutely risen to the occasion. Leckie, Bozanic, Davidson and Spiranovic just a few that can be the core to this side for years to come. Suddenly I'm excited again that our national side can compete with the worlds best. Bring on the Asian Cup!
  12. I've spent several thousands watching the Heart play especially the last 2 seasons. Really it's not because watching soccer live is better. It's the atmosphere that you great people create. Had an absolute blast and met some awesome people... Every time i walked into the Imp I felt like a kid in a candy store. Pumped thinking what the next several hours might hold. Those especially in Core a massive thankyou. The time money and effort that you guys put into a fantastic terrace is unbelievable. You really deserved more credit. Melbourne is red and white!
  13. Has there ever been a better advertisement for every other sporting code then this tonight?
  14. Never seen a more impressive upset victory. No Boyd Cooney subbed in the first quarter and Griffen on one leg, against what some say is the best midfield in the comp. Young kids stand up got challenged and then respond.
  15. Proud performance. The first 30 minutes of that second half was the best football Australia has played since 2006
  16. The amount of Victory hate in this state at the moment Loving it.
  17. Terrible fixture for me as mentioned 7 home games on Sunday. Really frustrates me that our first match is @ Sydney. When Del Piero first stepped out for Sydney they had a home match and were able to promote it as Del Piero vs Heskey. A massive boost financially. So 2 seasons later they'll be able to do the same. Potentially there marquee vs villa, our aus marquee and int marquee. Possibly this match could be sold out and set there whole season up money wise. I have to problem with our first match being away I just think the FFA needs to concentrate on equalisation a lot more. We've seen CCM even struggle to pay there own players in previous seasons. This would have been a perfect oppurtunity to provide a massive boost to that club with a headline Round 1 match, with some of the worlds best players. I just fear if the FFA keep going down this path we'll see a divide in clubs like we do between Collingwood and the Western Bulldogs.
  18. Report on the news tonight down here that Victory has opted not to play an A-League match down here and will play 1 match in Geelong for the next 3 years.
  19. So true. I bet there is no away trip to Gosford. I'll predict away trips to Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, WSW all in the first 10 matches.
  20. Not at the expense of Heart. Sure if they're playing anyone else I hope they do well. But I have no allegiance to South.
  21. Not as much as I'd love it . We're guaranteed an a-league opponent first up but possible after that. Even though Victory sponsor our state league and play a match here most years there is no great love for them. The A-League got next to no coverage if the first few years. By the time a second Melbourne side came along in 2010 this was the time a lot more Tasmanian's starting taking serious interest. Heart's (City's) support down here would be close to Victory's. I grew up on the north coast of Tas and would definitely consider a trip down from Melb if South drew City. The only downside would be that I don't know who i would want to win haha. South Hobart can get fucked.
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