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Everything posted by pbreathing

  1. Point taken, but there were plenty more with the same attitude as that guy. There were loads of scuffles in the opposite stand, and lots of aggro in bays 15 and 16 in Yarra.
  2. Sorry. I'll change my mind. The twats starting fights are fucking heroes.
  3. You obviously didnt see what happened Nope. But it looked shit, based on everyone's reaction. What did happen? (Edit: Nevermind, two guys have already posted it.) That part of it (moving ends) was actually pretty funny, and made for a good atmosphere. You fucking idiot if u dont want chanting that may insult you maybe watching at the south end is not your best option And it wasn't the chanting I had a problem with either. It was the guys starting fights in the North End (as billyheart alluded to) and the idiots pulling their hoods up and charging the police when Ando got hauled out.
  4. Well, didn't see what happened when the guy got thrown out, but Yarraside certainly acted like mindless thugs in the ensuing 20 minutes. Community, family club, anyone?
  5. Attended my first game on Saturday! Obviously pleased with the result, even more impressed with being able to drink proper-strength booze during the game (not the case in all sports grounds, I've discovered to my cost) and the constant, awesome chanting from Yarraside. Was a pleasure.
  6. Aaaargh! Tomorrow was going to be my first trip to AAMI park, but I've just been put down to work it. Have to wait for the next home game...
  7. You realize that doesn't make it the slightest bit better mate? We're weak. We have a mentality of mediocrity that has found it's way into every aspect of the club. The players lack balls, the coaches lack balls, management lack balls and the board lack balls. That's a very fair argument. It was my first 90 minutes watching Heart, and I guess what I'm trying to say is that things aren't as bleak as you'd think reading the Aloisi thread, or hearing fans complain about this or that player. It was only Redmayne who really played poorly, the rest was okay from a technical standpoint. But you're absolutely right, the players either need a kick up the backside or the belief and confidence that only comes with consistent wins. Or both.
  8. Really agree with this. The midfield was good and the defence was organised enough. Thought all that let us down was a poor performance in goal and the front three not getting on the ball enough. It was a kick in the teeth to concede the late goals, but I'd put it down to fitness and nerves rather than a bad system or players having poor games.
  9. Exhibit A: Why fans are not always the best people to be calling the shots in the boardroom.
  10. Not making as many mistakes as Sydney at least. Thompson, Walker and Germano have started well.
  11. How do. I'm Paul. Just moved to Melbourne from the land of Poms and needed to adopt a team. Caught the last half hour of the last Melbourne derby on TV. Decided to pick a local team to follow, right there and then. A quick look online helped me find out the Heart have the better fans, and I love an underdog anyway (I'm a Nottingham Forest fan in England), so I plumped for the red-and-whites. About thirty seconds later, Victory scored their winner. So you can blame me for that one. Not been to a game yet but will definitely do at least one this year, hopefully more if work allows. I love what you're doing on here with the 'Bring a Mate' thing, and I appreciate the club making tickets cheaper if you buy a few. Many UK fans are getting disillusioned with high prices and being treated badly by their clubs - this culture is a refreshing change. Can't wait to get stuck in. See you at AAMI Park (and the Imperial!).
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