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Everything posted by MrAiDaN66

  1. I actually like it a lot ^ but is it belittling the other 10 players in a way? Don't have a go at me just asking haha
  2. Sorry gol gol chant has been done and set Even though this isn't too bad
  3. People actually sit in Yarraside? While i am standing at the back i see people sitting, they dont chant or sing. They sit. That is why we need flags to make them stand, because they do not listen.
  4. This is what we need everyone to do, get behind him and support him!
  5. MrAiDaN66

    Song for GolGol

    if he gets to play this season this could be really good
  6. i actually think we need flags throughout the whole yarraside. It will and should get the people that sit to stand as well!
  7. If we ever moved or played at lakeside (south Melbourne ground) we are either going to gain the south Melbourne fans support and/or Something that will probably never happen but, being replaced by south Melbourne itself?
  8. We need people to respect the flags and not destroy them
  9. This was such a great idea which I think got butchered by turning it into a chant. What happened to "this is a song not a chant"
  10. MrAiDaN66

    Tainted Love

    This sounds really good! Good work
  11. "I see red" sounds alright for goals that's about it
  12. I like paradise city playing when the teams walk out , it has an awesome beat and gets you in the mood
  13. There is a difference to a theme song and a chant mate
  14. One "theme song" a song that defines us. Not a chant
  15. So are we left with no song?
  16. It would separate us from the others clubs. In a good way. We need to create something the others don't do. This song could do that. Even the chorus.
  17. There's something I'm missing. I reckon it has good potential
  18. Always wondered what happened to our "theme song" back in 2010 ? Honestly it would have created an amazing atmosphere when sung. Sung at the beginning of each game like liverpools ynwa http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=gl26nA58zTQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dgl26nA58zTQ What was the reason no one wanted it?
  19. Why the hell did they have basketball next door? They had a 2 for 1 entry fee. I saw a couple people ditch football for that crap
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